Yes, huge thanks to Beamish for keeping the Marvel forum exciting everyday! And another big thanks for running the Top Ten back in the original way it used to work!
Adding a shout-out to Beamish. I don't know where you find the time, but every time I come back to this board, it's full of Beamish-created content. The "one a day" posts are great and time-consuming, but tabulating a top-ten vote is a lot of work. Thanks, Beamish!
Maybe possible to do copy and pasting each list into a excel page in one column. Then sorta and go thru it cleaning up some of the descriptors. Oooff. Still a lot of work.
The results are in!
Many thanks to everybody that voted!
First off, here are some tabulation clarifications:
-As stated in the first post on this thread, I added lesser totals to higher totals if a character got votes in both the standard Top 10 and the BAF/Deluxe categories. Although I combined them, the final totals did not affect the top tallies at all, meaning an added Deluxe vote for Skurge added into the standard figure total did not push him over the edge to get into the Top 10. He was already solidly there.
-I did not add or subtract any of the HasLab votes to either the Top 10 or BAF/Deluxe categories because a HasLab scale is vastly different than a character that could be packaged as either a single figure or a BAF/Deluxe.
-I did not break apart votes for 2-packs or box sets.
-I combined almost all character costumes/appearances into one tally. Such as all Iceman and Bobby Drake human form votes were combined. Same with multiple costumes for characters like Rogue. The vote breakdown is included. Votes that didn't have a specific description or were listed as 'classic' are in the final total but not the vote breakdown description.
-Iron Man in the Top 10/11: Back in the day of the old Fwoosh Forums there were a few Top 10 votes similar to this. I remember a vote where all of Tony’s armors were counted separately and how much drama that caused, either for or against. I combined all of the armors into one listing but get this: because I included all his armors he is in the Top 11, but if I were to remove him and separate his armors, the other characters in the Top 10 would remain. So really no harm, no foul.
-MCU and comic versions were counted separately.
Please keep in mind that this is how I decided to tally everything. It may not be the best way and I’m sure there may have been a more efficient way to tally and keep all votes completely separate, but this is the best I got.
And now - here's the Top 10, plus a few more!
BAF/Deluxe and HasLab results will follow soon…
21 Votes
Crystal (most votes classic/yellow, 1 vote 90s)
16 Votes
Skurge the Executioner (including one Deluxe vote)
13 Votes (TIE)
Banshee (12 votes GSXM, 1 vote Generation X)
11 Votes (TIE)
Rachel Summers (7 votes Excalibur, 1 vote Phoenix Excalibur first look, 1 vote Phoenix (Excalibur), 1 vote Phoenix, 1 vote 1980s)
She-Hulk (2 votes classic purple/white, 1 vote 80s purple one piece, 1 vote Avengers purple costume, 1 vote 90s, 1 vote 1st appearance ripped white dress, 1 vote FF, 1 vote 2000s)
10 Votes
Mantis (7 votes specifically classic)
9 Votes (TIE)
Titania (2 vote classic 80s, 1 vote Secret Wars)
And several characters that usually are in the Top 10 fill out spots 11-15:
8 Votes (TIE)
Mandarin (2 votes green robes, 1 vote 90s, 1 vote 90s Iron Man cartoon)
Psylocke (3 votes armored 80s Outback, 2 votes armored, 1 vote 1980s, 2 votes Disassembled)
7 Votes (TIE)
Feral (90s X-Force)
Iron Fist (70s/classic)
Technically if all Iron Man armors were combined, Tony would be in the mix, which wouldn't affect the Top 10-15 due to ties.
12 Votes
Iron Man (5 votes Neo Classic, 1 vote Bleeding Edge, all new, 1 vote Model 12, Telepresence armor, 1 vote Model 70 Stealth, 1 vote Model Nil, 1 vote Pentagon Armor, 1 vote Battle Damaged – any armor, 1 vote Tony Stark)
6 Votes
M’Baku (2 votes are BAF/Deluxe)
Falcon (70s/classic red/white/classic Toybiz costume)
Jack of Hearts (1 vote specifically classic)
5 Votes
Dracula (4 votes Colan, 1 vote red armor)
Firebird (1 vote specifically WCA)
Marrow (1 vote post Zero Tolerance)
Rogue (1 vote classic 1st X-Men green/green or white trim, short hair, 1 vote Messiah Complex era, 1 vote Savage Land X-Men 274 cover, 1 vote Shi’ar, 1 vote Uncanny Avengers)
4 Votes
Adam Warlock (1 vote bronze age Jim Starlin, 1 vote Infinity Gauntlet costume)
Air-Walker (1 vote Deluxe figure with full fire wings)
Balder the Brave (1 vote Simonson)
Beast (2 votes Astonishing (1 vote all new sculpt), 1 vote Perez, 1 vote human red and blue costume)
Blacklash/Whiplash (2 votes 80s costume, cape and topknot)
Colossus (1 vote 90s Gold Team, 1 vote Astonishing, 1 vote Outback, 1 vote Outback/shirtless)
Count Nefaria
Cypher (1 vote Krakoa)
Mastermind (1 vote brown overcoat)
Thor (2 votes Heroic Age, 1 vote classic silver age, 1 vote modern w/Destroyer arm, swap out)
3 Votes
Absorbing Man (1 vote classic purple pants, 1 vote classic Deluxe figure)
Baron Blood (1 vote Falsworth/original)
Baron Mordo
Cardiac (1 vote 90s look)
Colleen Wing (1 vote classic 70s/80s look)
Crimson Dynamo (2 votes classic, Valentin Shatalov)
Death Adder
Death’s Head I (Freelance Peacekeeping Agent)
Dr. Druid (1 vote 80s Avengers)
Exodus (1 vote Krakoa)
Graviton (1 vote classic)
Hepzibah (1 vote 90s)
Iceman (1 vote translucent, bald head, 1 vote Bobby Drake 90s, non-iced up)
Hulkling (1 Deluxe figure)
Husk (2 votes Generation X)
Nightcrawler (AOA)
Storm (1 vote Arakko, 2 votes black Outback uniform w/yellow lightning emblem)
Techno (1 vote Thunderbolts 1st look)
Trapster/Paste Pot Pete
Two-Gun Kid
Valkyrie (1 vote classic Brunhilde)
Werewolf By Night (1 vote classic, 1 vote Jack Russell/Ploog style, 1 vote modern)
Wolverine (2 votes Astonishing, 1 vote Team X)
2 Votes
Albert & Elsie Dee (1 vote was specifically Albert, but I included it here anyways)
America Chavez
Ariel – Kitty Pryde (green costume with green eye make-up)
Blade (1st appearance/70s)
Boomerang (classic)
Captain America (1 vote MCU First Avenger movie costume, 1 vote MCU Winter Soldier Smithsonian Suit)
Daredevil (Checchetto version, cargo pants and combat boots)
Doc Samson (classic)
Dr. Bong (1 vote with Howard the Duck)
Edwin Jarvis
Emma Frost (Generation X)
Fat Cobra
Gambit (AOA)
Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
Gladiator (Potter)
Green Goblin (classic, accurate)
Jubilee (Generation X)
Kaine (Clone Saga)
Leader (1 vote 90s orange/black suit with Jiffy Pop giant brain head, 1 vote freehold/90s Hulk cartoon)
Lilith, Mother of Demons
Loki (1 vote MCU Avengers, 1 vote MCU Loki series season 2 final costume)
Magik (1 vote Krakoa)
Marvel Boy (1 vote 90s, 1 vote NW 1st look, swappable heads and removable cape)
Mole Man
Moonstone (1 vote classic, 1 vote Meteorite)
Namorita (NW green costume)
Plantman (70s cape and mask/full face mask and cape)
Punisher (1 vote classic 1st appearance, 1 vote trenchcoat, Epic Heroes wave)
Puppet Master
Revanche (1 vote 90s)
Scarlet Witch (1 vote modern, 1 vote modern/Hellfire Gala – Dauterman)
Shanna the She-Devil
Silhouette (90s New Warriors)
Skin (1 vote Generation X)
White Tiger (Hector Ayala)
Wonder Man (1 vote 1st appearance, 1 vote classic Toybiz costume)
1 Vote
Agent Venom
Basilisk (Basil Elks)
Beta Ray Bill (Simonson)
Beyonder (white jumpsuit)
Blizzard (90s Iron Man cartoon)
Bolivar Trask
Bolt (New Warriors vol. 2)
Bonesaw McGraw
Brood Army Builder
Cable (Baby Hope on his chest, Messiah)
Cannonball (Onslaught)
Captain America (classic with triangular shield)
Captain Ultra
Chameleon (classic)
Cyclops (classic John Byrne)
Darcy Lewis (MCU)
Doctor Octopus (Armani suit with bendy wire tentacles)
Doctor Strange (modern)
Dog Brother #1
Domino (ToyBiz/Greg Capullo costume)
Donald Pierce
Dr. Doom (fur collar, Doombot alt head, pinless)
Echo (MCU, Echo series final costume)
Electro (MCU, No Way Home final battle)
Falcon (MCU, Falcon & Winter Soldier first episode suit)
Forearm (90s ToyBiz)
Frankenstein’s Monster
Gamora (MCU GOTG Val 3)
General Ross
Genesis (Tyler Dayspring)
Ghoul (Johnathan Martin)
Gideon (90s ToyBiz)
Goblin Queen (classic)
Guang Bo (MCU)
Harry Leland
Heimdall (comic)
Hercules (skirt)
High Evolutionary (MCU)
Hobgoblin (comic)
Hope Summers
Human Torch (classic, opaque)
Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
Invisible Woman (1995 FF uniform with opera gloves)
Johnny Blaze (90s w/trenchcoat, ponytail, Hellfire gun)
Jolt (Thunderbolts 1st look)
Julia Carpenter (Sony Madame Web)
Kamala Khan (X-Men uniform)
Kane (90s X-Force)
Kree Soldier
Kurse (comic)
Layla Miller (X-Factor Investigations)
Lilith Drake
Maddie Pryor (Outback jumpsuit)
Mantra (Eden Blake)
Marvel Girl (red/yellow 80s X-Factor)
Mary Jane Watson (1st appearance)
Master of the World
Maverick (Team X)
Meanstreak (X-Men 2099)
Mighty Thor (Jane Foster re-do)
Mr. Knight
Ms. Marvel (original)
Multiple Man (X-Factor Investigations)
Nebula (MCU, Endgame non-Quantum look)
Nick Fury (Steranko)
Penance (Generation X)
Pete Wisdom
Phantom Rider
Pip the Troll
Porcupine (classic 2nd costume)
Prodigy (David Alleyne)
Prototype (Jimmy Ruiz)
Quentin Quire (school uniform)
Quicksilver (AOA)
Red Guardian II (Tania Belinskaya)
Red Wolf (classic)
Rick Jones (Blue A-Bomb)
Ringmaster (classic)
Robbie Robertson
Rocket Roccoon (MCU, Endgame non-Quantum look)
Sabretooth (Team X)
Sersi (Kirby costume)
Shotgun (JR Walker, 90s 2nd costume)
Simon Garth, Zombie
Spider-Man India (Across the Spider-Verse)
Spot (classic)
Spyke (X-Men Evolution)
Starhawk (comic)
Storm (FOX X-Men Days of Future Past movie future battle suit)
Sunspot (New Mutants/First Class w/alt heads, powered up Pulse exclusive)
Thor (MCU, Ragnarok first scene costume)
Titanium Man (Gremlin)
Troll (Gunna Sijurvald)
Turbo (NW 1st look)
Typhoid Mary (classic)
Valerie Cooper (90s X-Factor)
Valkyrie (Jane Foster)
Viv Vision
War Machine (MCU, Infinity War Mk 4)
War Machine (modern, Matt Fraction era)
Wasp (80s yellow/black or yellow/red with popped collar)
Whizzer (golden age)
Wolfsbane (Excalibur)
Wolverine (FOX X-Men Days of Future Past movie future battle suit)
X-23 (Wolverine)
Ying Nan (MCU)
Zaran the Weapons Master
Zelma Stanton (including Bats)
So the only one of those I take a bit of issue with is the Iron Man tabulation. I understand with a character like Phoenix or Crystal - characters that have never been done at all before in Legends - combining votes for specific looks together.
But for Iron Man - where we already have like 100 different versions of Iron Man released in 6 inch scale I think it is definitely disingenuous to combine votes for different armors together. In his case people are not voting for Iron Man because they want Iron Man in any form no matter what. They are voting for a very specific iteration of Iron Man that they feel has not yet been represented or needs an update. I think in his case the various armors should have had to stand on their own with votes and thus none of the individual armors would have made this list.
Otherwise I think it's a pretty solid list - though I will admit to being sad that Jack of Hearts didn't make the cut.
Skurge the Executioner
Banshee (GSXM)
Colleen Wing
Rachel Summers (Excalibur)
Iron Man (Neo Classic)
Wolverine (Astonishing)
She-Hulk (2000s)
Lockjaw (BAF)
Wow. Six of my votes made top ten. Seven if you count She-Hulk's 2000s look. That's never happened. I think fewer people are voting. Also, Beamish, THANK YOU for putting this together. Seems like it was a lot of work!
Right... I got too caught up in my kvetching about Iron Man that I forgot the most important part. Thank you Beamish for putting this together. It's clearly a lot of work and it is greatly appreciated.
12 Votes
6 Votes
Armor (1 vote standard figure)
5 Votes
Dragon Man (1 vote standard figure)
4 Votes
Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch with classic 90s Hellcycle) (1 vote standard figure)
3 Votes
Champion of the Universe
Volstagg (1 vote standard figure)
2 Votes
Goliath (Clint Barton)
Hulkbuster (modern)
1 Vote
Abomination (classic bigger body sculpt)
Atlas (Thunderbolts 1st costume)
Banshee (Phantom Rider’s horse)
Box Set: GOTG bronze age (Martinex, Charlie-27, Starhawk, Nikki, Aleta)
Brood Queen
Crystal & Lockjaw (Deluxe)
Destroyer (MCU, 2011 Thor movie)
Devil Dinosaur
Humanoids (Army Builder)
Korvac (cybernetic box)
Merged Hulk (brown Pantheon-era jumpsuit)
Mondo (Generation X)
Phoenix Firebird
Starship Hulk
Titanium Man (classic)
Wizard and Trapster 2-pack
8 Votes
Fin Fang Foom
7 Votes
Danger Room (Diorama/Playset)
5 Votes
Krakoa (1 vote with a bunch of Darkhorse Mutant tiers)
4 Votes
3 Votes
Atlas (1 vote Thunderbolts 1st look)
FantastiCar (1 vote bathtub version and Watcher, 1 vote FantastiCar II, 1 vote FantastiCar with tiers Diablo, Impossible Man, Puppet Master)
2 Votes
Avengers Quinjet
Dragon Man
Hall of Armor Modular Sections (5 bays, holo display screen. Buy more and the stack or connect for up to 25)
Imperial Guard Box Set
Sentinel (1 vote classic, 1 vote X-Men’97 Sentinel)
1 Vote
Classic New Mutants Mega-Set (Cannonball, Cypher, Sunspot, Karma, Magma, Mirage, Magik, Wolfsbane, Warlock)
Classic Original X-Men box set
Giant-Man (MCU Endgame)
Goliath (Clint Barton)
Goliath (Eric Josten)
Inhumans: Lockjaw, Crystal, Gorgon, Triton, Maximus, Medusa with some serious hair action, Luna, Ahura)
Modular diorama/playset
Thanks for doing the heavy lifting, Beamish.
None of my choices made the top 10, but I almost voted for She-Hulk. I can take solace in the fact that we're probably getting a Destiny figure this year.