- Psylocke [Armored]
- Thor [Heroic Age]
- Magik [Krakoa]
- Blade [First appearance]
- Rogue [Uncanny Avengers]
- Green Goblin
- X-23 [Wolverine]
- Loki
- Destiny
- Iceman
BAF: Armor
HasLab: Mangog
😆 Yeah, I know. 😉 I just re-read that issue, a few months ago. She DID have leg warmers, in the Vol. 1 edition, though. & shorts, but not a baggy sweater.2) She-Hulk - in the one-piece that could be used for an FF repaint, but I want it in purple for my Avengers shelf (yeah, I know that's not the OHOTMU look, but who wants baggy sweater and leg warmers?)That is the She-Hulk look, in the Deluxe edition. 🙂 Or Vol. 2, if you will. 😀Hokey smokes, you're right!
01. Banshee (Classic)
02. Destiny
03. Rachel Summers (Excalibur)
04. Feral (X-Force)
05. Crystal (Classic)
06. Titania (Classic)
07. Executioner (Classic)
08. Yellowjacket
09. Psylocke (Outback)
10. Colossus (Outback)
BAF/Deluxe: Lockjaw
All costumes are those depicted in 1980 or earlier.
1. Sunspot (New Mutants) (Depowered)
2. Wolfsbane (New Mutants) (Depowered)
3. Cannonball (New Mutants)
4. Magik (New Mutants)
5. Mirage (New Mutants)
6. Rogue (Punk)
7. She-Hulk (Fantastic Four)
8. Wasp (Yellow-Black/Red)
9. Moonstone (Classic)
10. Blackout
BAF/Deluxe. Goliath (Erik Josten)
Haslab. Fantasticar
1) Vermin
2) Crystal
3) Feral
4) Calypso
5) Deathbird
6) Marrow
7) Rachel Summers [Excalibur]
8) Marrina
9) Penance
10) Synch
BAF Lockjaw
1) Namorita [New Warriors first look]
2) Marvel Boy [New Warriors first look - swappable heads and removable cape]
3) Silhouette [New Warriors first look]
4) Turbo [New Warriors first look]
5) Crystal [Yellow]
6) Feral [X-Force first look]
7) Rachel Summers Phoenix [Excalibur first look]
8) Banshee [Giant-Size X-Men]
9) Techno [Thunderbolts first look]
10) Jolt [Thunderbolts first look]
BAF Lockjaw
HasLab Atlas [Thunderbolts first look]
Dog Brother #1
Fat Cobra
Guang Bo [MCU]
The Owl
Troll [Gunna Sijurvald]
Typhoid Mary [Classic]
Ying Nan [MCU]
BAF: Armor
HasLab: Shuma-Gorath
1) Captain America [classic with triangular shield and round shield without holes in it]
2) Doctor Octopus [white Armani suit with bendable wire tentacles]
3) Mary Jane Watson [first appearance]
4) Thor [classic Silver Age]
5) Colossus ['90s Gold Team]
6) Storm [black Outback uniform with yellow lightning emblem]
7) Invisible Woman [1995 Fantastic Four uniform with opera gloves]
8) Jubilee [Generation X]
9) Leader ['90s orange-and-black suit with "Jiffy Pop" giant brain head]
10) Ringmaster [classic]
Deluxe Merged Hulk [brown Pantheon-era jumpsuit]
HasLab Fin Fang Foom
1. Psylocke [1980s]
2. Synch
3. America Chavez
4. Scarlet Witch [Modern]
5. Ghost Rider [Robbie Reyes]
6. Daken
7. Destiny
8. Banshee [1970s]
9. Rachel Summers [1980s]
10. Wiccan
BAF: Armor
Deluxe: Hulkling
Haslab: Danger Room
These are all classic comic:
1) Swordsman
2) Mantis
3) Mimic
4) Starfox
5) Moonstone [Karla Sofen]
6) Jack of Hearts
7) Baron Blood
8) Gargoyle [Defenders]
9) Stingray
10) Dr. Druid
BAF/Deluxe - Air-Walker [with full fire wings]
HasLab - Krakoa
I'm trying to think... the only potential change so far from my want list from last year is the rumor that Destiny may be coming this year. But there has been no confirmation so I refuse to pull her from my list. So, my top 10 want list remains:
Jack of Hearts
Rachel Summers Phoenix (Excalibur)
BAF - classic M’Baku
Deluxe 2-pack: Crystal/Lockjaw
But I also strongly endorse from other lists:
Firebird, Swarm, Red Wolf, Stingray, Nightmare, Mantis, Swordsman, Two Gun Kid, Korvac, Atlas, Titania, Anaconda, Fat Cobra, Starhawk, Rockslide, Pixie, Anole, Armor, Jarvis, Magma, Husk, Cybher, Volstagg, Basilisk, Plantman, Blacklash, Shroud, Cardiac, Stegron, Balder, Air-Walker, Beast (human form), Dr. Druid, Triton, Baron Mordo, Dragon Man, Marrow, Pete Wisdom, Blackout, Cardiac, Vermin, Death Adder, Ariel, Diablo, Mastermind, Feral, Calypso, Silhouette, Turbo, Techno, Jolt, Ikari, Phyla Vell, Overdrive, the Owl, Troll, Ringmaster, Synch, Wiccan, Mimic, Baron Blood, Moonstone and many, many more.
Going to err on the side of leaving Destiny on the list until she's confirmed:
1.) Skurge the Executioner
2. ) Attuma (classic)
3.) Mantis (classic)
4.) Swarm
5.) Carrion
6.) Crystal
7.) Triton
8.) Gorgon
9.) Destiny
10.)Rachel Summers/Phoenix II
BAF: Lockjaw
2-PACK: Wizard & Trapster
2-PACK: Wizard & Trapster
This is a fun idea.
Or better yet - make an Amazon 5 pack with a classic Ditko Spidey, Wizard, Trapster, Sandman in his funky green costume
and an updated Medusa
1. Mephisto (classic)
2. Dracula (classic Colon style)
3. Beyonder (white jumpsuit)
4. Rogue ( classic 1st xmen green/green or white trim, short hair)
5. Banshee ( classic green/yellow)
6. Mimic ( classic orange/red)
7. Falcon (classic red/white)
8. She-Hulk (classic purple/white costume... As previously mention in this thread)
9. Valkyrie (classic)
10. Starfox
Deluxe: Ghost Rider ( 90's Dan Ketch) with classic 90's Hellcycle
Haslab: Krakoa
1. Synch
2. Skin [Generation X]
3. Penance [Generation X]
4. Husk [Generation X]
5. Bolt [New Warriors vol. 2]
6. Wolverine [FOX X-Men Days of Future Past movie future battle suit]
7. Storm [FOX X-Men Days of Future Past movie future battle suit]
8. Layla Miller [X-Factor Investigations]
9. Multiple Man [X-Factor Investigations]
10. Pip the Troll
BAF: Mondo [Generation X]
Haslab: Krakoa