Thanks for putting in all this work! Definitely would buy pretty much everyone who made the official list this year. Great stuff.
@beamish Amazing job, Beamish!! And thanks so much for listing out all of the votes as well!
Pretty great top ten altogether! I’d be happy to get them all.
Do we need card pics for the top ten? Or do we still have good ones, from last year? l's-Magic-Moments-Stickers-69-Marrina Here's a good pic of Marrina. 😀
Next time maybe just post a Google form with write in votes? That’s how we’ve been doing senior superlatives for the yearbook the last few years.
Thanks for all the hard work and effort, @beamish !! I’m genuinely surprised and more than a little disappointed Jarvis didn’t get more love.
Thanks for taking this on, Beamish. The top 10 has been a huge part of the community, and I think it really makes a difference in Hasbro's character selection.
Predictably Avengers heavy, but I was glad to see X-Men show up in a few key spots, like BAF.
Only two of my top 10 made the list—armored Psylocke and Magik—but they were my two most-wanted characters. I would've traded my entire list to see Magik make the list. I count that as a huge win.
Skurge the Executioner
Gladiator (Melvin Potter)
Colleen Wing
Hepzibah (Starjammers)
Skin (Generation X)
Wonder Man (WCA)
Ares (Dark Avengers)
Ronin (New Avengers)
Echo (New Avengers)
BAF M'Baku
HasLab Yellowjacket
Skurge and M’Baku is all I got. I didn’t think my votes were that bad!
A Beamish breakdown...
Top 11 Standard Size, Top 6 BAD/Deluxe, Top 5 HasLab/Made-To-Order:
X-Men (Rachel Summers, Psylocke, Feral, Magik, Magma, Armor, Cameron Hodge)
X-Men adjacent (Marrina, Box)
Avengers (Mantis, Jack of Hearts, Marrina)
Avengers adjacent (Skurge, Attuma, Mandarin, M'Baku, Goliath, Atlas)
Spider-Man (Stegron)
Fantastic Four (Annihilus)
Thor (Skurge, Volstagg, Mangog)
Iron Man (Mandarin, Fin Fang Foom)
Black Panther (M'Baku)
Namor (Attuma, Marrina)
Gorgon was in the Top 10 last year. I think the rumor/leak list may have had an impact of him not making a return Top 10 visit. Similarly, the rumor/leak list may have impacted Triton and Deathbird. It did not, however affect Rachel Summers.
X-Men made a resurgence this year, as shown in the breakdown. 5 X-women in the Top 11, plus the Top BAF/Deluxe spot? Absolutely amazing! Other X-characters made great strides in the polls - Synch and Skin.
I could have sworn I left Gorgon in my list. I know I didn't vote for Rachel Summers because of her being on the leak list. Either way, I definitely want Gorgon pretty badly. Triton is a want, but for some reason, not as big a priority. My first experience of the Inhumans is the Jae Lee/Paul Perkins maxiseries. Triton was not prominent in that story from what I remember.
I had Deathbird on my original list but removed her thanks to the leak.
Alright Armor!! Wins Deluxe, but also would have placed Top 5 anyway. I know this is a small forum, but I think that bodes well for a figure, she is certainly wanted quite a bit from all sources of info I have seen.
I didn't have Skurge or Attuma on my list I don't think, but love they won. Would gladly get both. Let's go Psylocke.
Thanks Beamish 🙂
Thanks for all the hard work, Beamish!
The only one of my picks that made it to the Top 10 was Jack-of-Hearts.
I did keep Gorgon on my list, despite the leak list. Really want to finish those classic Inhumans.
My hope is that Hasbro takes notice, makes Marinna, then has the tools to do a New Warriors multi-pack with Namorita in green, Marvel Boy first appearance, and Silhouette as a pre-tool for Sun-Spider.