I really dig most of you pics, but not this. Not a knock on your tastes, but I tried reading that series twice and found it to be the dumbest Hulk story I think I've ever tried to read. If we get this before we get Smart Hulk, I'm gonna quit posting for another year because it will take me that long to get over it. 😆
Starship Hulk
So if the rumored leaks are true I would lose two of my top 10 this coming year - and 11 and 12 would come off my list as well.
At least that's something. I'd love for it to be more though
Cates was going for some high concept idea maybe(?) Banner was like remote controlling him if I remember. I don't think he gets made but I find Ottley's art to be underrated and would just dig a figure. Or a line dedicated to World War Hulk would be just fine instead. More Hulk figures in general! I do quite like Nic Klein's current Hulk series a lot which is more horror-centric.
Glad you like the other pics, would love The Reavers to be done. I don't need Team X persay but seems like a safe bet.
1. Jubilee (Generation X)
2. Nightwatch (NOT Deathwatch)
3. GW Bridge
4. Cannonball (X-men)
DELUXE: Smart Hulk
HASLAB: Cameron Hodge
1. Pyslocke (Outback)
2. Magik (post-Limbo gold)
3. Senyaka (Acolyte)
4. Tempo (classic, but with alternate modern head too)
5. Exodus (classic)
6. Shadowkat (assassin)
7. Dust (classic)
8. Pixie
9. Frenzy (post-Age of X)
10. Amelia Voght (Acolyte)
BAF. Armor (classic)
Haslab. Phalanx modular army builder set
Darcy Lewis - MCU
High Evolutionary - MCU
Aunt May - MCU
Echo - MCU (from Hawkeye)
Kaecilius (this guy is creeping up my list)
Robbie Reyes
Synch - Gen X
Skin - Gen X
Jubilee - Gen X
BAF: Skurge the Executioner
(though love the votes for Jean Grey Red, Sage (X-Treme!), Viv Vision, Miss America, Deathbird and all un-made Avengers and OG Thunderbolts 🙂 - I just really want Gen X finished fast)
Ah, I actually didn't realize we could vote for non-comic things in here.
- War Machine - Infinity War
- Nebula - Endgame
- Rocket Raccoon - Endgame
- Echo - MCU
- Julia Carpenter - Madame Web
- Whiplash - MCU
- Kurse - MCU
- Storm - X-Men: Apocalypse end scene
- Nightcrawler - X-Men: Apocalypse end scene
- Cyclops - X-Men: Apocalypse end scene
BAF/Deluxe - Destroyer - MCU
1 Slapstick
2 Graviton
3 Wizard
4 Jack of Hearts
5 Defensor
6 Hercules (classic skirt)
7 Skurge
8 Madcap
9 Phantom Rider
10 Death Adder
BAF/Deluxe: Champion of the Universe
Haslab/Oversize: Black Goliath
1. Iceman (Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends).
2. Anjelica Jones (Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends).
3. Bobby Drake (Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends).
4. Peter Parker (Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends).
5. Sif
6. Beast (X-Terminators).
7. Rachel Summers (Excalibur).
8. Namorita (classic, early New Warriors).
9. Mary Jane Watson (John Romita)
10. Night Thrasher
BAF/Deluxe: Merged Hulk
Haslab: Fin Fang Foom
1 - Kitty Pryde (1st Appearance)
2 - Rachel Summers (Excalibur)
3 - Marinna
4 - Smart Hulk (Comic)
5 - Air Walker
6 - Balder
7 - Fandral
8 - Hogun
9 - Jarvis
10 - Aunt May
BAF - Volstagg
HasLab - Fantasticar
(EDIT - Is Rachel rumored? Forgot that. But will vote for anyway I guess.)
@fac Yeah! Rachel, Deathbird, and Astonishing Beast all would have made my list, except they're already on the rumoured list for this year.
1. Falcon Sam Wilson [Classic 1970’s]
2. Marrina [Classic]
3. Wonder Man [90’s WCA]
4. Psylocke [Armored/Outback]
5. Colossus [Outback]
6. Mandarin [Bronze Age]
7. Valkyrie [Classic 1970’s Defenders]
8. Attuma
9. MCU First Avenger Captain America
10. Bucky [Classic Invaders/Golden Age]
BAF Annihilus
Made to Order/Haslab Watcher [Bronze Age]
I've sort of fallen out of Marvel Legends, but I'll toss my hat in the ring anyways with what would bring me back:
- Adam Warlock (Bronze Age Starlin, but Infinity Watch and OG classic are acceptable.)
- Nebula (Buscema)
- Pip the Troll
- Gamora (Starlin)
- Lilith Drake
- Mar-Vell (Starlin)
- Genis-Vell (90s Legacy)
- Jubilee (Vampire, but Generation X is a strong #2)
- Killraven (any classic design)
- Jack of Hearts
Deluxe In-Betweener
Box set of the Third Generation Spaceknights
And one random hope, but I hope that a future Generation X release includes a powered down head for Chamber. He's incomplete without one.
Death Adder
Thor (Simonson armored)
Valkyrie (classic)
BAF Volstagg
Haslab Red Ronin