Yeah but it's mostly the same old articulation. Nothing ground-breaking. A correctly working Armor would be ground-breaking. Marvel Legends is not a ground-breaking line, design-wise. I'd love to have her on my shelf though because it would be something totally different from what has come before.
A large enough shell that could house a tiny figure inside it entirely then have the limbs be normal is doable. I don't think snap on parts would do it though. I would be into just the large Armor and a separate figure even if it didn't fit inside.
Also, plenty of things have been called impossible for other people to problem solve through. There is a demand. They should take a swing.
I have low expectations. Swivel arms is about all I hope for.
This is kind of why I suggested a more normal sized Armor in my personal list. I think that I was the only one that did that and everyone else put her as a BAF. If you make her Armor smaller and kept it closer to the size of a standard figure then you can keep most of the articulation. If you make her larger than that then you have to give up aesthetically pleasing articulation. Honestly I'd be happy with her smaller and articulated, or big and mostly unarticulated either one, as long as I could have her as part of my collection. Here are some examples from the comics in what I believe could come as a standard sized figure:
I could have added a lot more, but I think this accomplishes what I'm trying to show. To display her power set appropriately, you're likely going to have give up some articulation regardless, but it doesn't have to be everything. The other easy alternative is to make the armor so large that she's just a normal size figure within the chest cavity.
In fairness, even if they did make her powered down, it's not like she would be the first figure that Hasbro has made that couldn't show off their power set.
I'll take her however we can get her! She's my personal #4 want behind only Rockslide, Pixie and Anole.
I think Armor has to be a figure in her armor's BAF wave. I'd be fine with a smaller armor, but I doubt it'd move much better.
The armor would be massive if they put the entire figure in the torso piece.
The armor would be massive if they put the entire figure in the torso piece.
It depends on the age they put her at also (young teen or adult). I could see it work at as small as 10" where her feet are in the "thighs" of the armor, but would probably look better larger of course.
All I'm saying is there are ways to make it work and still show off her power. They've certainly made plenty of characters that did nothing whatsoever to show their power set.
I think they could do it as a shell with swivel articulation. She wouldn't be able to do Legends poses, but if they pick her main pose dynamically, if all the cuts in her armor are swivels, different poses should be possible.
Basically the outer shell is click-together to try to keep the interior as transparent as possible, with a piece that plugs into the human Armor figure's back to keep her "hovering" inside. And then like bubble helmets, all the connecting points swivel in their sockets without giant protrusions on the inside. Basic ready to fight, arms up, arms down should all look pretty good like this.
If she's at at least Nimrod/new Nemesis BAF sized I think that could work, or because she's hollow, add an inch so the Armor figure inside remains in scale.
Not easy but not hard. But what do I know? I still love my Burger King Kung Fu Panda whose arms only swivel up and down at the shoulders. 🙂
I brought up the futility of engineering Armor a few pages back because people need to understand it is impossible outside of a static sculpture.. I mean since I was a kid I understood a character like classic Titanium Man doesn't make sense in real life physics because the proportions just don't line up. Where the suit's elbow or knee bends is not where the pilot's elbow or knee would be in 3-D space.
If the robosuit is large enough, the pilot could maneuver about inside the torso like inside some sort of egg cockpit (like The Gremlin) but, as soon as the pilot's appendages start extending out into the suit's appendages, you're going to end up with broken bones.
The best, most innovative engineering one could ever hope for with Armor would be a static-posed translucent exo-suit that snaps together after precisely posing the articulated internal figure to fit inside a scaffolding infrastructure somewhat akin to the blister bubble packaging in which every figure comes packed to hold it in place.
Outside of that, y'all Armor advocates are chasing windmills.
I think they could do it as a shell with swivel articulation. She wouldn't be able to do Legends poses, but if they pick her main pose dynamically, if all the cuts in her armor are swivels, different poses should be possible.
Basically the outer shell is click-together to try to keep the interior as transparent as possible, with a piece that plugs into the human Armor figure's back to keep her "hovering" inside. And then like bubble helmets, all the connecting points swivel in their sockets without giant protrusions on the inside. Basic ready to fight, arms up, arms down should all look pretty good like this.
If she's at at least Nimrod/new Nemesis BAF sized I think that could work, or because she's hollow, add an inch so the Armor figure inside remains in scale.
Not easy but not hard. But what do I know? I still love my Burger King Kung Fu Panda whose arms only swivel up and down at the shoulders. 🙂
I had the same exact thought, though I foresee giant protrusions on the inside where the shell snaps together.
Given the engineering difficulties, I would take a pre-posed statue she could sit in. Offer it in a two-pack with unarmored Armor. Not my preference, but I could live with it.
thank you beamish for all the care and hard work put into this! We all appreciate it and know how important this poll is important for our hobbies.
Uber glad so many X-Ladies made it into the top fifteen actually!
Let's go Betsy! We absolutely NEED a action figure of her in her OG body. We never had one. So Hasbro, bring us a Betsy through the eras pack with pink costume, outback, revanche, disassembled and captain britain. <3
Thanks Beamish! The top 5 are all figures I want. The lack of Thor and DD supporting cast still upsets me. I am concerned Air Walker is going to be left behind so we won't have the "original" run of the first half-dozen or so heralds.