I don't accept the pink abomination as Living LaserBut wouldn't Namorita fall into your we-already-have-that-character-and-prefer-to-have-novel-characters-never-been-done-before category?
Nope... because I don't recognize that blue abomination as Namorita at all. Just like I don't accept the blue and gold Banshee as the official Banshee figure and I don't accept the half assed Marvel Girl skirt costume Rachel as the Rachel Summers figure - I need a figure of the character in their iconic look the way I remember them. The existing Namorita figure fits in no display I have, I need a classic Namorita for my New Warriors set up.
And, to be clear, my "no redos" policy is more about remaking the same look that's already been done. If a character has two totally distinct costumes from two totally different eras then both are fair game.
For example, I was happy to get a classic Marvel Preview costume Starlord even though I had a good figure of the Annihilation era Starlord. Those are separate and distinct looks and both are acceptable. I'm less eager to get 'Jim Lee Psylocke but this time with...'
I don't accept the pink abomination as Living Laser
This is a fair - and appropriate - position to take
Anyone else getting weird shit showing up, after you post, like previously? Almost like err messages, but not quite.
WordPress database error: [Incorrect key file for table './albert1s_wpezine/wp_wpforo_visits.MYI'; try to repair it]DELETE FROM `wp_wpforo_visits` WHERE `time` < 1738261749 OR (`time` < 1738265509 AND `userid` = 0)
WordPress database error: [Incorrect key file for table './albert1s_wpezine/wp_wpforo_visits.MYI'; try to repair it]DELETE FROM `wp_wpforo_visits` WHERE `time` < 1738261749 OR (`time` < 1738265509 AND `userid` = 0)
WordPress database error: [Incorrect key file for table './albert1s_wpezine/wp_wpforo_visits.MYI'; try to repair it]DELETE FROM `wp_wpforo_visits` WHERE `time` < 1738261750 OR (`time` < 1738265510 AND `userid` = 0)
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/albert1s/public_html/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php:1849) in /home/albert1s/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1435
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/albert1s/public_html/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php:1849) in /home/albert1s/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1438
Anyone else getting weird shit showing up, after you post, like previously? Almost like err messages, but not quite.
Yessir... lots of "Wordpress Error: Cannot Modify Database Header" or something similar. Every post.
Yes, it's been bad today with multiple types of errors. Hopefully not getting ready to crash yet again....
In case it does crash, have we established a back-up/rally point to go to until it gets back on its feet?
I don't accept the pink abomination as Living Laser
Me neither!
And yeah I've been getting the funky error stuff today as well 🙁
Semi off topic, but do we have a Discord?
At this point we'd just be best off just making a new, unofficial Fwoosh discord server.
Thanks for the results Beamish!
I personally love this list. Never had I ever thought I'd see Marrina on the Top 10 but I am glad she made it. Marrina, Talisman and Box are essential to complete classic Alpha Flight. I hope the Namorita reuse increases her chances of coming soon.
Rachel Summers, Mandarin and Executioner were also on my list. Attuma would also be a welcome addition and I wouldn't say no to an Outback Psylocke.
All in all, I hope Hasbro helps us complete teams soon. There are a few glaring omissions that should not be overlooked any longer.
Not to be a Debbie-Downer, but how do you guys who are hoping for Armor expect Hasbro to engineer her? This is the company who couldn't engineer a 6-Armed Spider-Man with an ab crunch or the winged Angel with butterfly joints. Would you be happy with just the character in her human form without the powered up armor? Can you think of a feasible way they could put a small articulated figure inside of a clear, larger articulated figure that articulates with it?
To be fair, I can't understand how they design normal figures.