Let's get this party started!
Please vote for:
10 standard single card characters - comic, cinematic (film, TV, animated, live-action), video game.
1 BAF/Deluxe size SINGLE figure: either one BAF or one Deluxe figure. No 2-packs or multi-packs.
1 HasLab/Oversize (Dragon Man model) figure, vehicle, playset, prop.
- Notate a specific costume/era/storyline if you'd like.
- Character names without a description default to "classic" and/or "traditional".
- For characters with the same code name (Falcon, Talisman, etc.), indicate who you mean.
- Comic versions, film/TV versions and video game versions are notated separately. Each media is unique to itself. So, comic Daredevil is tabulated separately from Charlie Cox Daredevil, who is tabulated separately from Ben Affleck Daredevil, who is tabulated separately from any video game versions.
- Different costumes for a single character (Storm, Scarlet Witch, etc.) will be tabulated all together for that character, not as separate entries. All costume variations will be included in that character's final tally and listed.
- For questionable scale characters (are they standard single-card or BAF/deluxe?), the final votes will go to whichever scale gets the most initial votes, so no votes will be lost.
- These are tabulated by hand, not computer program.
- Please let other forums you visit know this is happening. The goal is to get as many people to vote as possible for a great cross-section of Legends fans!
New year, new guidelines:
- For the first time ever, pictures are allowed, but certainly not necessary. Make sure the costume pictured is the version of the costume you want.
- If you include pictures, you MUST include who the character is by name. My Marvel knowledge is pretty good, but it's not 100% accurate on a visual alone. If I don't know who a character is, I can't tabulate it.
Last day to vote: Sunday January 26, 11:59 pm PST. You have until that time to make any edits.
Have fun!
Madcap (80s handbook look)
Basil Elks Basilisk (80s handbook look)
Plantman (cape and mask)
Shotgun (Punisher War Zone costume)
Owl (80s handbook look)
Colleen Wing (classic look)
Carrion (80s handbook look)
Cardiac (90s look)
Calypso (classic look)
BAF - Stegron
Haslab - Erik Josten Goliath
Skurge the Executioner
Gladiator (Melvin Potter)
Colleen Wing
Hepzibah (Starjammers)
Skin (Generation X)
Wonder Man (WCA)
Ares (Dark Avengers)
Ronin (New Avengers)
Echo (New Avengers)
BAF M'Baku
HasLab Yellowjacket
I’m going to need to think about this. Narrowing it down to just 10 is going to be problematic. It currently stands at 42. 😛
Thank you for doing this, Beamish!
Like for all of my lists I'm only going to include never before done characters, because that is mostly all I want at this point after collecting this line for more than 20 years. Most of my most wanted remaining unmade characters are newer-ish X-Men or civilian types. Husk would have been in this Top 10 if she wasn't already announced.
1) Pixie
2. Anole
3. Armor
4. Robbie Robertson (I'd really like a whole bunch of the Daily Bugle staff, including Betty Brant, Ben Urich and others but Robbie is the most necessary to go with JJJ).
5. Edwin Jarvis (easily my most wanted remaining Avengers related character!)
6. Magma
7. Cypher
8. Sage
9. Rick Jones (my preference is for him powered up as the blue A-Bomb, but I'd happily take any version).
10. Hellion (Although I'd certainly take him as The Krakoan, I'd prefer an earlier look but maybe something not quite as plain as the pic I included).
BAF/Deluxe: Rockslide (Honestly Rockslide is my #1 want above all others. This pic isn't the greatest but is about the right size representation that I'd like (similar to Strong Guy or slightly larger). He'd probably work best as a BAF in a New X-Men wave with some of the other characters I chose above. I went back and forth between him and Armor in this BAF/Deluxe spot and the other included above but chose to keep a smaller version of Armor and a bigger version of Rockslide. I'd take either in any form we could get them in.)
HasLab/Super Deluxe or Made to Order: Krakoa (I'd take any representation, but would prefer a playset with Krakoa visually represented as a tree probably)
Baron Mordo
Mole Man
Jack of Hearts
Air Walker
BAF: Man-Ape
Deluxe: Mangog
Whew. This was actually tougher than I anticipated. So, here we go;
BAF/Deluxe: NM-E
Haslab/ oversized: Terminus
Mantra I (Eden Blake/Lucanz)
Prototype (Jimmy Ruiz)
Ghoul (Johnathan Martin)
Lord Pumpkin
Deadly Nightshade
Captain Ultra
1. Psylocke (80s)
2. Echo (MCU)
3. America Chavez (comic)
4. Wiccan
5. Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
6. Pixie
7. Synch
8. Daken
9. Hellion
10. Surge
BAF: Armor
Deluxe: Hulkling
Okay, this is what I’ve got. Everyone here is classic/Handbook looks unless otherwise stated.
1) Balder
2) Skurge
3) Edwin Jarvis
4) Swordsman
5) Graviton
6) Moonstone
7) Anaconda
8) Attuma
9) Vanguard
10) Firebird
BaF/Deluxe: Air-Walker
HasLab/Pre-Order model: Goliath Erik Josten
EDIT: Deleted some choices since they fall outside the established rules.
Tough to pare the list down to 10 and a couple oversize options.
All classic versions in no particular order.
1. Mantis flesh toned yellow/green outfit
2. Swordsman
3. Skurge/Executioner
4. Wizard
5. Attuma
6. Mandarin flesh toned green armor look from the 3 3/4" Iron Man line
7. Stegron classic Lizard size preferred
8. Sidewinder
9. Anaconda
10. Air-Walker last essential herald to go with Galactus
M'Baku/Man Ape BAF
Surtur (Simonson) HasLab
Legends really needs to fill out some of the more iconic Marvel villains.
Just looked back at my lists from years past and was surprised at how many had been made. My first five here are my perennial favorites, the rest my own personal shenanigans. (Bring on more Serpent Society!) Caveat: I'm hoping Crystal and Lockjaw are a sign we'll get the rest of the core Inhumans soon so I didn't take up multiple spots for those fellas since those are assumed.
- Colleen Wing [Comic]
- Karnak [ANAD]
- Rachel Summers [Excalibur]
- America Chavez [Comic]
- Hawkeye [Hawkguy] - with Pizza Dog please
- Sersi [Comic - Green Costume - a better fit alongside that magnificent Ikaris this year]
- Diamondback [Comics]
- Black Mamba
- Red Wolf (AND LOBO - just reuse Timber's buck from Classified!)
- Peter Wisdom [Comics - extra head with his eyepatch from that X-Force run where he was gaslighting Nick Fury by wearing an eyepatch just to be a jerk]
BAF Bushmaster
Haslab: Fin Fang Foom
Bonus with above - any other Serpent Society; an update to that one decent but now outdated Kate Bishop to go with Hawkguy (please a three pack of those goofballs), and Peter Wisdom is my favorite of three spy-type characters in the running for the tenth spot beating out Abigail Brand and Victoria Hand. I just like Pete best.
These are all classic Silver/Bronze/Copper Age
5.Baron Blood
6.Moonstone (Karla Sofen MoE)
7.Gargoyle (Isaac Christians)
9.Dr. Druid
BAF: Anaconda
MTO/HasLab: Living Monolith
1. Dr. Druid
2. Mantis (Classic, human skin tone)
3. Marinna
4. Magma (powered up look)
5. Starfox
6. Firebird
7. Psylocke (Armored Outback costume)
8. Rachel Summers (Excalibur)
9. Namorita (Green Costume, human skin tone)
10. Silhouette
BAF: Gatecrasher
MTO/Haslab: Goliath (Clint Barton)