I don't mind having two or three or ten Wolverines or Spidermans. I don't need multiple of secondary and obscure characters. Especially when they're very similar.
I've found myself in the situation where I have multiples, usually due to multi-packs, and now I need to decide how to pare down because my collection is too big. I'd like to post a few of my own and hope others can use this thread to mention other figures. I can update this first post with a running list of figures and votes / rationale on which is subjectively best.
Stryfe This is the one I'm struggling with the most so listing it on top. The first one I think was a Toys R Us exclusive and then he came in a multipack. The multipack one has nicer shinier paint I think, but lacks the sword and lack the sword gripping hand and has two open hands in the weird shape. I can't decide what to do here. Open to picking one, selling the other. Also open to kit bashing a combination of parts (unsure which parts to use of each?) and keeping the kit bash on display.
GOTG Starlord I have the Comic GOTG EE multipack and then a single stand alone figure. The main difference is one has brown boots and the other black. I like the black one a bit better because aesthetically I dont like too many different colors on one figure, but the brown one seems more space western, and it's the one that came in the EE pack, of which I'm keeping all of the other figures, so I think it makes sense to sell the black booted one.
Omega Red I have the first one from the BAF wave and then the Wolverine Multipack one. I spent a solid hour looking at both. I like that the BAF one has the omega symbol on the hands, and they cheaped out on the multipack one. But the multipack one is more 90s Jim Lee comic coloring. At this time I'm tempted to keep both, because I have a Russian Winter Guard villains display and the all red BAF version would look nicer in that and then I can put the multipack one fighting wolverine. Also I dont think the BAF version will sell for much after shipping and eBay fees and I actually like this character a lot.
J Jonah Jamison Not even sure how but I have at least two if not three different ones of him somehow. I don't really need more than one, but not sure which one is the definitive one, and I can always use a different head and have him be a generic civilian in a suit, maybe.
I kept the superior multipack Stryfe but donated him the hands and sword from the original one as I was missing the hands in my box set. I think I swapped the belts too? Can’t recall without digging him out. Also the unmasked Magneto head from… Juggernaut wave? Apocalypse wave? I don’t remember - the one with the unfashionable hair, that works as an unmasked Stryfe because the guy who drew him in Executioner’s Song, I think it was JR Jnr, was crap at drawing hair. If you have a spare X-man, try transplanting the eye flare into the head too.