@neozero35 looking sharp! I always go in and paint similar fire gradients into all flame effects. It just makes it pop.
Just a heads up though; this thread is specifically for customs. Repaints and modifications should be posted in the Part Swaps and Mods thread. Thanks.
Sorry, my mistake. Thought swaps and mods was for like kitbashes. Deleting original post.
@neozero35 awww. You didn't have to delete it; it looked awesome.
@yinzertoyguy those look great! I particularly love the Belasco!
Sorry for not updating the thread title; the board never notified me of your post. Then, all of a sudden this morning, I got the notification.
Classic Moondragon made from a retro Dark Phoenix body that I've bought for cheap on Aliexpress a long time ago just for the sash. All the costume is sculpted (raised edges), and the cape had to be integrated in it. Used the head, hands and cape from the factory Moondragon figure, and the repainted everything.
If Hasbro executives think this costume is scandalous, they should really refrain from taking their kids to the beach these days... 😛
My latest customs
Lady Hellbender:
This looks badass. I would love to get a figure of her someday.
These all look amazing- we definitely need Carrion, Belasco and classic Moondragon in ML. Hopefully they look as good as these customs!
Oh, and as a born and raised Yinzer transplanted to Illinois, @yinzertoyguy GO STEELERS!
Hell yeah! Central Pennsylvania native and Steelers fan from birth. Out of the womb and into a Steelers blanket from what I've been told. XD
So, while this is a vanished (or blipped) project from back in 2022 and, despite my best-but-unsuccessful efforts to salvage the poorly-engineered mess of a body Hasbro gave us, I feel it's worthy of posting again to represent what we need Mole Man's gruesome visage to resemble. I'm kinda proud of the headsculpt and really think the Hasbro designers could do even better if they tried.
...and just so everybody understands, this thread isn't restricted only to people posting their own personal customs. If you see a custom out there in the wilds of the interwebz which you feel beautifully represents the quintessential essence of a given Marvel character, by all means feel encouraged to post it. Just give credit where credit is due.
I'm semi-secretly hoping those Hasbro lurkers out there take note in order to better understand our collective preferences.
Well, in that case I’ll show off a gorgeous custom a friend of mine just showed me. I have no idea where he found it, but I would DESPERATELY love to have this.
I'll update the thread title if someone can tell me what version of Thor that is.