I suppose these things come down to how deep dive your definition of complete is, of your favourite team.
Very much this. Once we get Rachel (and I'd argue Widget) you definitely couldn't argue that the core Excalibur crew was incomplete.
I think one reason the team completion goal is not easy to achieve is this idea of what is the team. Dealing with the slow change of members or additions to teams makes it hard to define the team. Kind of like Crystal and She Hulk in the FF, both part of versions of FF teams but not who most folks would answer as "Who are the four in the Fantastic Four?".
So I'd argue that if there is a hierarchy on how to focus this, it would be:
Completing the first iteration of any team that had its own comic title at some point - who was in Issue #1.
Completing any iteration of a team that was a near total reboot (like X-Men 94, Peter David X-Factor, any reset of the Avengers where half the team turns over, new vs old Guardians of the Galaxy, etc.) or a team that was pretty constant but never was the lead team of a major title (Starjammers, Imperial Guard) - compared to a change in uniforms/looks with a constant team.
Completing the first iteration of villain groups that appeared multiple times/in multiple issues as a team.
Completing a total reboot of a villain group. (like Mystique's Brotherhood compared to OG Magneto Brotherhood).
Hey Jesse, Dwight, Dan, Ryan -
Here's a start to our Fwoosh Missing Team Member list as discussed in the 2025 Rumored Leak thread.
In a recent interview, Dan Yun did say there is an effort to complete some teams in 2025 and 2026.
Since the Hasbro Team is discussing 2026 right now, this first list is a "LOOK AT ME" for teams that could be concluded with just a few members.
With a few exceptions, I did not add any characters that we already have, regardless of alternate costumes. This is mostly for never-been-made before characters. I'm preparing additional lists for larger teams and alternate costumes.
Many thanks to @h-bird for his comprehensive list in the 2025 Rumored Leak List thread, and everybody that contributed after that!
Please leave feedback and I'll update this list. Other lists coming soon.
Starting with 1-4 Missing Members:
Alpha Flight
Notable Early Recruits - Talisman, Box
West Coast Team - Firebird, Jim Hammond Human Torch, Living Lightning
New Avengers (Bendis) - Echo
Young Avengers - Speed, Stature
Dark Avengers (original team) - Hawkeye (Bullseye), Spider-Man (Venom)
Pet Avengers - Throg, Niels
West Coast Avengers (Kate Bishop's Team) - Miss America Chavez, Fuse, Alloy
Brotherhood of Mutants
Early Teams - Vanisher, Unus the Untouchable, Lorelei, Alpha the Ultimate Mutant
Original Team - Viv Vision, Teen Cyclops
Notable Early Recruits - Wasp (Nadia van Dyne)
Daughters of the Dragon
Colleen Wing
Classic Team - Devil-Slayer, Gargoyle, Red Guardian/Starlight
Emissaries of Evil
Electro's Team - Gladiator (Potter), Matador
Egghead's Team - Swordsman, Solarr, Cobalt Man, Porcupine
Rachel Summers
Force Works
Century, Cybermancer, Moonraker
Freedom Force
Crimson Commando, Super Saber, Stonewall
Frightful Four
Wizard, Trapster
Guardians of the Galaxy
Original Team - Martinex, Charlie-27
Notable Early Recruits - Starhawk, Nikki, Aleta
Modern Team - Phyla-Vell, Bug, Mantis, Jack Flagg
Heralds Of Galactus
Air-Walker, Red Shift, Stardust, Praeter
Hellfire Club
Harry Leland, Tessa/Sage
Infinity Watch
Pip the Troll, Maxim
Inhumans Royal Family
Triton, Gorgon, Maximus
Original Team - Jim Hammond Human Torch, Toro
Notable Recruits - Whizzer, Miss America, Spitfire
Masters of Evil
Original Team - Skurge the Executioner, Melter, Black Knight (Nathan Garrett)
Egghead's Team - Moonstone (original costume - fin helmet)
New Mutants
Origina Team Costumes - Cannonball, Sunspot
Notable Early Recruits - Magma, Doug Ramsey
New Warriors
Original Team - Namorita (green suit) - this team is not complete until we get this figure
Notable Early Recruits - Silhouette
Hannibal King, Frank Drake, Abigail Whistler
Will o' the Wisp, Rocket Racer
Donald Pierce, Macon, Cole, Reese
Secret Wars Cast
Spider-Man - No Way Home
Electro (rumored), Lizard
Hepzibah, Raza Longknife, Sikorski
Superior Foes of Spider-Man
Original Team - Atlas, Meteorite, Techno
Notable Early Additions - Jolt, Charcoal
Thunderbolts II - Joystick
Osborn's Team - Penance, Swordsman, Radioactive Man (Hazmat Suit)
Soviet Super Soldiers
Main Members - Vanguard, Titanium Man/Gremlin, Crimson Dynamo (classic armor)
Classic Members - Mimic, Changeling
Outback - Betsy Braddock, Colossus
X-Factor (original team) - Jean Gray, Iceman, Angel, Beast (human form & Beast form)
X-Force - Feral
Under Avengers, you definitely need to add Swordsman & Mantis.
I updated my post and added characters I could think of from Generation X that Hasbro could make figures for. I hope that Hasbro makes figures for Banshee, White Queen and Jubilee sooner than later.
I think for Excalibur I'd personally like a Cerise, Kylun, and Micromax, but that's probably just me. Hopefully Rachel can come with Widget, he's pretty essential to that original run.
I'd love for them to complete Generation X (Synch especially). Also X-Factor Investigations (Layla Miller and Pip the Troll especially) even though most haven't been in that series' outfits. More Fox X-Men movie figures would be cool too!
Y'know who we've all completely forgotten about?
Of course we got the two male members of the trio. This is EXACTLY what drives me nuts about Hasbro - there's only three characters - DO THE LAST ONE within the year. Maybe they will but she's not on any rumored list.
Continuing on with Teams that have existing members in ML toy form needing 5 or more members to complete them.
Classic Team (Pre-Bendis, excluding WCA since they were on the last list) - Swordsman, Mantis Two-Gun Kid, Starfox, Dr. Druid, Demolition Man, Gilgamesh, Stingray, Triathlon, Silverclaw, Jack of Hearts, Lionheart
Honorary (classic team) - Rick Jones, Whizzer, Starhawk, Martinex, Charlie-27, Nikki, Aleta, Marrina, Magdaline, Swordsman II, Yellowjacket (De Mara), Deathcry, Masque
Hickman's Team - Smasher, Abyss, Starbrand, Nightmask
Defenders For A Day
Captain Ultra, White Tiger (Hector), Jack of Hearts, Tagak the Leopard Lord, Stingray, Torpedo
Thena, Makkari, Gilgamesh, Ajak, Sprite, Druig, Phastos, Kingo
Generation X
Original Team - Mondo, Synch, Gaia, Penance, Skin
Early Team - Scalphunter, Arclight, Prism, Harpoon, Blockbuster, Scrambler, Riptide
Masters of Evil
Under Siege Team - Blackout, Screaming Mimi, Goliath (Josten), Black Mamba, Fixer, Yellowjacket (DeMara)
Doctor Octopus's Team - Gargantua, Jackhammer, Oddball, Powderkeg, Yellowjacket (DeMara)
Serpent Society
Anaconda, Asp, Black Mamba, Black Racer, Boomslang, Bushmaster, Coachwhip, Copperhead, Death Adder, Diamondback, Fer-de-Lance, Princess Python, Rattler, Sidewinder, Slither
Squadron Supreme
Early Team - Arcanna, Lady Lark, Golden Archer, Amphibian, Tom Thumb, Nuke, Skymax, Blue Eagle
@beamish I'd already included Skin and Synch in my edited post on Page 1, but thanks for including the others I forgot to list. "Generation X" got really weird when they revealed the Monet/Penance thing and made Mondo a clone who died while revealing the real Mondo was a villain who was never on the team.
I know the following characters I'm about to list are technically alternate costumes and what you'll be making a later thread, Beamish, but even so, I'll just mention it as a side note, as it's just fun to talk about Marvel Legends figures and wish-list ideas.
You could also technically list Doctor Octopus in the Masters of Evil team, as his glasses are different than the 2018 figure re-used for the Silk two-pack and the suit could be repainted in different shades of green and orange. It'd also be a great way to give us a classic Doc Ock with the bendable wire tentacles and on a much needed new updated body mold. The previous mold for Ock needs to go.
Also, Scarlet Witch in her "Red Dawn"/"Disassembled" look would be great too.
I also thought of some more alternate costume Sinister Six figures from "The Amazing Spider-Man" Annual#1:
- Doctor Octopus [purple suit]
- Electro [classic, no lightning bolts on the back of the suit]
And no, don't worry, even *I* have no desire to see a green tunic/metal leg coverings figure for Doc Ock or a blue-and-white John Byrne/"Chapter One" era figure made for Electro. Those looks can stay forgotten.
Still, I'd also love an updated classic Mysterio with a better cape and an alternate civilian head for Quentin Beck. Even a new figure of Mysterio with the smoky head and black suit from the "Clone Saga" would look cool.
Also, it's weird how we're getting rumored figures of Cyclops and Nightcrawler from 'X2', but not Wolverine, Storm, Jean Grey, Rogue, Iceman and Magneto.
I think you missed Magik in her original New Mutants outfit. AFAIK that's never been made and I double checked and couldn't find one with Google.
Lord help me, I would buy every single costumed character from the 1985 12 issue Squadron Supreme series. Considering how many villains were brainwashed into being members, in my mind, that team will probably never be properly finished.
But I totally understand that is an insane expectation.
Lord help me, I would buy every single costumed character from the 1985 12 issue Squadron Supreme series. Considering how many villains were brainwashed into being members, in my mind, that team will probably never be properly finished.
But I totally understand that is an insane expectation.
You and me both! Give me the whole sordid crew, from Lady Lark to Ape X.
I think you missed Magik in her original New Mutants outfit. AFAIK that's never been made and I double checked and couldn't find one with Google.
Correct. We've only gotten the terrible Bachalo costume.
Carrion, for "Team Carnage/ the Carnage Family" from Maximum Carnage.