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Supernatural/Mystic Top 10 - Just For Fun! RESULTS!!!!!

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Happy (early) Halloween! It's been 2 weeks, so here's the next Top 10!

Who are your Top 10 supernaturally themed characters?

Comic, movies, TV shows, video games, other forms of media - who would you like to see as figures?

No restrictions at all. All zombies? Cool. All mystics? Sweet! Updated figure on a new body? Nice!

No need to separate between standard, BAF, Deluxe, HasLab - it's all your Top 10. If you'd like to notate what size/format you'd like to see it made in - go for it!

Mix and match media! It's up to you - it's your list!

Also, keep in mind that you can certainly double up on a character from one Just For Fun thread to another, like if you already put Dr. Druid on your Avengers list, you can put him here, too.

Let the fun begin!

NOTE - One character per line please, or a much smaller pack in. No standard figure size 2-packs or multi-packs.


Beamish's Halloween Treat For You - no need to add them to your lists

I'm including the four characters from the ToyBiz boxset as an extra bonus since a lot of us want them and, in my opinion, they should have been made a long time ago. They have to be on Hasbro's radar since they tend to like to update ToyBiz stuff.

I'm also including Mephisto since I'm betting he'll be revealed soon. There is absolutely no way Dan Yun would repost Paul Harding's Mephisto sculpt on Twitter/X unless something was up.

Dracula (Gene Colan design)

Werewolf By Night (comic version)

Frankenstein's Monster

Simon Garth



Beamish's Top 10



Lilith Drake

Living Mummy

Dr. Druid



Agatha Harkness and Ebony (comic versions)

Morgan le Fay


Baron Blood


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Not my favorite part of the Marvel Universe, but would like a few folks:

1 - Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider (and his ride)

2 - Mephisto

3 - N'astirh

4 - S'ym

5 - Talisman

6 - Mindless One (BAF re-release)

7 - Shuma Gorath

That's about it...? I'd be tempted by Nightmare and Agatha but not must haves.


8 - Belasco

9 - Diablo

Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Living Mummy
Blackout (Ghost Rider villain)
Lilith Drake
Brother Voodoo (classic 80s handbook look)
Dimensional Man (Joshus Farkas)
Baron Brimstone
Baron Mordo (comics)

Too many to name, I'm almost tempted to split it between heroes and villains. lol

Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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In addition to the box set redux @beamish mentioned…

1) Brother Voodoo (classic handbook look)

2) Lilith Drake (Classic handbook look)

3) Satana Hellstrom (Classic handbook look)

4) Karnilla

5) Living Mummy

6) Doctor Druid

7) Agatha Harkness (classic comic version, even though I have Benty’s custom head)

8) Lorelei

9) Nightmare 

10) Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen, original costume)

Honorable mentions to Morgan Le Fey and classic Baron Mordo. 

Picto Nocturne
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It's been a pretty good year or so for the supernatural side, and a lot of entries from my previous lists now exist (including, somehow, Bats)!

All of these picks are from the comics side:


1. Modern Scarlet Witch (either All New all Different or Dauterman)

2. Zelma 


2. Mr Knight


3. Werewolf by Night 

4. Dracula (Classic - although the Operation Monster Force version kind of covered this for me)

5. Emperikul/Imperator

6. Wyn

7. Doctor Strange (Oddly specific modern look - I think Savage Avengers?)

8. Clea (Modern)

9. Rintrah (Comics - probably the most unlikely?) 


10. Shuma Gorath



Slightly supernaturally adjacent so just throwing herin here:


Mighty Thor (Jane Foster) Re-do



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This is not one of my favorite areas of the Marvel Universe.  But here are a few characters I would like all in their classic looks unless stated otherwise.

1. Werewolf by Night

2. Frankenstein's Monster

3. Dracula

4. Living Mummy

5. Agatha Harkness and Ebony

6. Gargoyle

7. Karnilla

8. Lorelei

9. Talisman

10. Simonson Surtur

More Thor supporting cast please!

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All classic 70s/80s looks:

1.Dr. Druid

2.Son Of Satan


4.Werewolf By Night

5.Frankenstein's Monster


7.Living Mummy


9.Baron Mordo

10.Brother Voodoo

Silent Red
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1. Phatom Rider
2. Gargoyle
3. Talisman
4. Baron Mordo
5. Elsa Bloodstone
6. Brother Voodoo (handbook version)
7. Blaze
8. Werewolf by Night
9. Agatha Harkness
10. Dr Druid

Would Ghost Rider 2099 count? I can't remember if he was mystical or technological; he just looks cool.

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Posted by: @puckace

More Thor supporting cast please!

I cannot emphasize this enough. Preach, brother. 


puckace reacted
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Phantom Rider would be cool! 

Hasbro really needs to invest in a horse.  If McFarlane can do it for Jonah Hex, why won't the Legends team do it for all the great Marvel characters who need their trusty companions?

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Between the mystics, monsters and magically attuned characters this is actually a broad category.


Mantra (Eden Blake)




Giselle Villard

Jennifer Kale

Dr Druid

Tyndall and Velanna

Black Widow (Claire Voyant)




Nikolai Apocaloff


Dream Queen

Fantasma (classic)

Modded the Mystic

Baron Blood


Lord Pumpkin






Basil Elks reacted
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My top 10 is basically @beamish 's top 10 but switch out Classic Baron Mordo with Agatha Harkness b/c I have Benty's excellent head. I might be able to come up with someone I'd swap Manphibian for but it isn't coming to mind

edit: Mordred. I think I might like Mordred more than Manphibian. Though Manphibian sounds like a cool Venture Bros tertiary character like Truckules. He can go on a Halloween top 10 with the monsters, 70s Blade, etc.

Edit to the edit. If we are breaking down to goodies and baddies. All classic naturally that enough people here have posted to so I wont waste the space.

1. Magick (training uni; smaller; metal sleeve)
2. Dr Druid
3. Werewolf by Night
4. Frankenstein ( I consider him misunderstood)
5. Simon G
6. Manphibian
7. Talisman
8. Gargoyle
9. D Hellstrom (classic this time)
10. Blade (Gene Colan style)


1. Dracula (also Gene Colan style)
2. Lilith (Dracula's daughter)
3. Baron Mordo
4. Nightmare
5. Mephisto
6. Bellasco
7. Baron Blood
8. Modred
9. Karnilla
10. Satana

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So, if I get to cheat and do separate lists for protagonists and antagonists, then I will:


Good(ish) Guys:


Werewolf by Night – classic


Blade – 70’s Green jacket or orange jacket and green pants,  either way has to have a small fro and some funky green shades


Gargoyle -  Isaac Christians will go on as many of these lists as I can fit him on  Defenders, Avengers, Supernatural, I need him


Talisman -  definitely need Liz Twoyoungmen for my Alpha Flight display


Dr. Druid -  he’s a needed member of the Avengers that could work in a mystic themed assortment


Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider -  let him out of failed HasLab jail please


Devil Slayer -  Gotta keep adding to the ranks of the Defenders.   The more the better, please.


Witchfire -  love me some Alpha Flight, she was fun and fits this theme – plus, she’s a daughter of Belasco, so…


Manphibian -  Marvel’s answer to the Creature from the Black Lagoon -  he’s cool looking and would be fun, plus parts could be used to help the tooling for other characters like Triton and Death Adder.    And he was part of the Avengers of the Supernatural assembled by Mojo, so…


I’ll save my 10th spot for second bites at the apple of guys they’ve done but should do better -  Son of Satan (actual Red pants, red and yellow cape, come ON!),  classic fro Brother Voodoo



Mostly Baddies:


Dracula – classic Gene Colan, Tomb of Dracula look


Frankenstein’s Monster -  Yeah, as someone that messed around and never got ahold of the original Legends Monster 4-pack I would definitely welcome an updated legends version of this guy.


Nightmare -  absolute must.   Great design, been running around antagonizing Marvel characters for decades.   Need him for my shelf.


Diablo -  the FF villain I want most in my Legends collection at this point.   He qualifies here – an alchemist who sold his soul to Mephisto and made a pact with Transylvanian vampires.   I want a figure of this guy so, so bad.


Baron Blood -  yep – cap villain, vampire, Union Jack’s brother.  A definite want and he’d work in a wave like this.


Dream Queen – as drawn by Jim Lee in Alpha Flight she was an awesome menace.   Loved her look,  and would love her as a figure.


Nekra – come on man,  mutant zombie chick.   That needs to get made for sure.    Plus as a bonus – if Nekra gets on the shelf, Mandrill has to be on the radar.


Belasco -  we have Magik a couple of times over but not the guy responsible for making her what she is.   Belasco is a demon without whom there is no Inerfno in the X-Men books.    And he started as a Ka-Zar villain, so…


Sy’m -  Where Belasco goes, S’ym follows.   Would love to get that demon to go on the X-Men shelf somewhere as well.


Karnilla -  there’s not enough Asgardian representation in Legends but after Enchantress she best fits this theme.  She’d make a nice figure.


I would be happy getting all of that on my shelf, please

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I think I share some similarities with other lists:

1) Dracula (Gene Colan) - Easy pick, easy #1.

2) Shuma Gorath - I hear he's coming in a MVC wave? Bring him on.

3) Brother Voodoo - Proper classic version, finally. There have been like three so far! How is that possible?

4) Baron Mordo - Dr. Strange's evil human counterpart. He's up there with Attuma for long overdue.

5) Blade (First Appearance) - I love this look. Throw him in a two-pack with Gene Colan Dracula.

6) Eternity - Is this cosmic or supernatural? First appeared with Doctor Strange though, IIRC. This would be a unique BAF with lots of translucency and planet-y starry deco goodness.

7) Gargoyle - Needed to round out our Defenders.

8) Nightmare - Seriously how does this not exist yet?

9) Werewolf by Night (Classic) - OK I'm on board with the call to re-do the classic version.

10) Ulysses Bloodstone - I need to throw in a gonzo pick, and if you stretch the definition this guy is supernatural. Delightfully wacky character origin. Like a heroic Vandal Savage hunting monsters through time.



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1. Classic Mephisto

2. 90s Vengeance with Hellcycle

3. Classic Werewolf by Night with extra 90s style head

4. 90s Blackout (GR villain)

5. Scarecrow

6. Classic Nightmare

7. Classic Colon Dracula

8. Caretaker

9. Classic Zarathos

10. Classic  Gargoyle( Defenders)



So hard to limit but figured some others would go in boxed sets or what not.


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