So the 4 characters I really want in this wave (Brother VooDoo, Damon Hellstrom Dracula and Lilith) are versions I have no desire for, awesome !
glad I made my own classic Son of Satan a while back.
Oh absolutely! I only blame Hasbro for being overly-cautious, it’s definitely the “people of Walmart” who actually clutch the pearls. “Satanic Panic” nonsense and all that.
Also, this wave won't be available at WalMart for those types to see. Target either apparently. Order it from Amazon, BBTS, Entertainment Earth, Hasbro Pulse, GameStop or whatever other "Fan Channel" outlet you prefer.
Yeah classic Voodoo would have been doable and I’d have snapped him up. That change, plus subbing Storm and Logan for Werewolf and Mordo and all of a sudden this wave starts looking up.
I’m banking on the price dropping on these, because I really don’t think it deserves RRP.
This is probably a good case study in why leaks are so disliked by the people who develop these things. We've had six months to work ourselves up about what "should" be in this wave based on two words chosen as branding (Strange Tales), and it really shows in people's disappointment. If the first time we saw the branding of the wave was during the livestream, there would be about about ten seconds to let your mind run wild before the reveals start and disappointing reality sets in. I think we did the same thing around the Marvel Knights wave, though the reveals there were probably more on theme.
Wolverine, Moon Knight, and Bloodstorm - I don't like it as part of this theme, but I get it. Headliners, they'll move the wave, people will buy them. I'm actually very stoked to get this Moon Knight for the West Coast Avengers, and the gold looks way better than Void wave BP. As CTV points out, Bloodstorm is a 616 X-Man, which is cool - I also loved Mutant X back in the day. Hellverine is the only one of these 3 that I'm actually annoyed by.
Lillith is awesome. Love Ketch Ghost Rider and love that we're getting a tie-in. Never, ever would have expected her. Blackout and Deathwatch - when?!
Son of Satan is great. Glad they're getting the Haslab characters out, and gives me hope for Robbie to eventually show up sans ride, which is no problem (thanks Ramen Toy!). Hopefully a classic version is in the cards at some point.
Dracula looks good. First thing I thought of was former Fwoosher Huck - he finally got his #1 want! I probably would have preferred the Colan version too, but I honestly don't have much attachment to either. The Marvel Monsters continue to be neglected, though I'm positive that Werewolf By Night branding on Man-Thing is not meaningless.
Brother/Doctor Voodoo is the real headscratcher here. AGAIN?!
Blackheart is dope. The Toy Biz figure holds up, but only figuratively - that thing has never been able to stand under its own power. Will be nice to get the upgrade.
I have a feeling comic Werewolf By Night is gonna take a 5-year backseat to the MCU version, you know, because of that pesky "comic vs film IP confusion" BS thing...
It seems to be tapering off a bit, but when Man-Thing was revealed with the WWBN logo which has to mean the MCU WWBN can't be too far behind, and there wasn't a comic WWBN in this wave which would have been perfect, I think the IP thing has reared its ugly head again.
I swear I thought WWBN was gonna be the last revealed figure when Dwight said something like "we have vampires and demons..." I really thought that was leading to "now a werewolf".
BTW - I will be reminding the team at SDCC, especially Ryan since he's the one that brought it up, that the WCA are not complete without Firebird, Living Lightning and Jim Hammond Human Torch.
I have a feeling comic Werewolf By Night is gonna take a 5-year backseat to the MCU version, you know, because of that pesky "comic vs film IP confusion" BS thing...
It seems to be tapering off a bit, but when Man-Thing was revealed with the WWBN logo which has to mean the MCU WWBN can't be too far behind, and there wasn't a comic WWBN in this wave which would have been perfect, I think the IP thing has reared its ugly head again.
I swear I thought WWBN was gonna be the last revealed figure when Dwight said something like "we have vampires and demons..." I really thought that was leading to "now a werewolf".
BTW - I will be reminding the team at SDCC, especially Ryan since he's the one that brought it up, that the WCA are not complete without Firebird, Living Lightning and Jim Hammond Human Torch.
I don't want to be greedy, but I'd like a red and black Thing as well to complete the classic WCA - please and thanks!
I think I'll get a Moon Knight and call it a day. Blackheart looks nice, but I have a custom that is good enough to negate any FOMO I would normally have about this BAF.
Quick thoughts:
Dracula— Looks very impressive like a lot of attention was put into getting him right. I love this armored look for him. This one is a must-have for me.
Hellstrom— I am mostly familiar with him from New Avengers, and I think he was in this costume. Happy to see him get made as a figure after what happened with the Engine of Vengeance. Looks like a great figure.
Brother Voodoo— I like this character, also because of New Avengers. I was fine with the previous versions of his figure, but this does certainly look like a nice upgrade. Not bothered to get him in a BAF wave.
Lillith— Not sure who this is. It’s certainly a unique looking character design. Sounds like she is a Ghost Rider villain, so that’s cool to get in the line.
Hellverine— Never heard of this version of the character. It’s a pretty cool look. I might have preferred it if the character design was more distinctively different, like Cosmic Ghost Rider. Not Hasbro’s fault.
Bloodstorm— Never heard of this version of Storm. Too bad she didn’t at least get pinless limbs to upgrade Morlock Storm. My least favorite in the wave.
Moon Knight— Love the character, so I am happy to get him again with pinless limbs. I thought he was on the Vulcan body now, but after reading your comments here, I took another look. Vulcan base body would have been a lot nicer. So that’s a bit disappointing.
BAF Blackheart— The Toy Biz version still holds up very well. But this Blackheart looks fantastic! Definitely feels like the wave’s budget went to Dracula and Blackheart.
Overall, that’s two figures I would want regardless of the BAF and a BAF I want.
I mean I think its pretty fair to be a little frustrated with a series based on Strange Tales that had 98% of its heyday in the 50s, 60s & 70s and get that assortment. I know its just a BS label to just put on some mystic type figures but still.
Brother Voodoo (modern design done for the 3rd time)
Damion Helstrom (modern design)
Dracula (modern design; though has a sizable fanbase)
Lillith (90s design; does look cool though)
Moon Knight (redeco)
Wolverine (redeco)
Storm (redeco)
BAF (90s character but it does look good)
Asking for 1 bone doesn't seem to be a big ask. Still is fine; no one has limitless $ or space.
I don't want to be greedy, but I'd like a red and black Thing as well to complete the classic WCA - please and thanks!
I know I'm the guy whose brand is "new characters over remakes" - but for SURE - the black leotard with red belt thing is a must have LAYUP of a figure that I need.
Honestly, a cool way to do it would be to do a 2-pack with Thing in his black costume and She-Hulk in her FF costume - two fairly easy repaints representing the switch they did after Secret Wars. Heck, they could even make it part of their Secret Wars packaging they have planned.
Honestly really let down by this wave. If they'd done Colan Dracula, a classic Brother Voodoo, and a classic Hellstrom, then I'd probably have bought the whole wave. As it is, I'll only be picking up a couple of these. I'm in for Lilith, and I'll probably snag Hellstrom just because it may be the only way I ever get a figure of the character.
Hellverine is fine, I’m cool with more Wolvie variants.
See, my thing is - Wolverine variants are inevitable of course - but can they at least be contained to X-Men waves? Why does a Wolverine variant have to invade a Strange Tales wave?
Cynically? Wolverine and Storm scream “We needed some A-listers to anchor this wave” in the exact same way Midnight Suns Iron Man did in the Marvel Knights wave.
Though honestly I think there were better choices there, like a new Man-Spider.
Figures. I only want Blackheart, lol. *sigh*
At least Lilith gives me good 90's trading card nostalgia vibes. Maybe I'll grab her because of that.
I thought I wasn't going to get any figure from this wave since I'm not very much into the classic monsters comics but I was surprised to be excited to get Bloodstorm and Dracula! I love sexy vampires!
Blackheart is a major plus as well since I love his design since the early arcade games.
I totally understand putting an A-lister in this wave and when I saw the design for Hellverine I knew it was only a matter of time before it was a Marvel legends. However, putting a Wolverine in a Strange tales wave feels a little like when you're in the fifth grade and have to write a five hundred word essay on the Declaration of Independence, and you're sooo close to the word limit but don't want to do any more research, so you end with "And that is my five hundred word essay on the Declaration of Independence."