Really surprised by another figure of that versuon of Brother Voodoo. It pegwarmed the first time around.
Dracula is cool. Hellstrom is welcome. I’ll take that version of Moon Knight. I don’t know who Lilith is.
Hellverine is fine, I’m cool with more Wolvie variants. Bloodstorm is so out of left field. We have no others from that Mutant X book, nor did I think anyone was asking for them.
BAF is cool. Happy to replace the TB version.
Bloodstorm is also a 616 character, she was around in Cullen Bunn's X-Men: Blue book with the time displaced O5 and dated Cyclops before dying.
I don't have major attachment to anyone in this wave but they all look cool to me, Wolverine excluded. This is the only version of Dracula they could have gotten me to buy, so I'm more than happy with it because he fought the X-Men in this look.
Uhm I guess Dracula. It’s a cool new look. Not really interested in rest. I have the Riders Blackheart and I’d get the update maybe. I mean Storm is nice custom fodder. Lilith is new but I don’t really resonate with her. Yeah probably just Dracula, Hellverine on sale.
Here's what I think happened and how the figures were slotted into this wave. As I already posted, I think this wave was quickly cobbled together because the team decided to create a wave to compensate for the shifting MCU films. They looked in the vault to see what sort of loose theme they could make.
-I think a full Ghost Rider retro card or full BAF wave was planned, designed, sculpted and a few figures were prototyped to coincide with for the EOV shipping, including:
1) Blackheart
2) Lilith
-We all know about:
3) Daimon Hellstrom
-If I recall correctly in a 2023 SDCC conversation that somebody posted, Dwight said he pitched modern Dracula but was turned down. Yeah, right. Dracula was probably already in the sculpting phase. The question is - where was Dracula really supposed to go instead of this wave?
4) Dracula (modern)
-Planned for an X wave or an actual pre-planned Horror wave
5) Bloodstorm
-Cobbled together for this wave
6) Hellverine
7) Moon Knight
-"We're nearly out of budget. Who can we throw in that won't cost a lot?"
8) Brother/Dr. Voodoo
Ironically Brother Voodoo is the only character really directly connected with Strange Tales and they didn't even mention that.
I’m sure the choice of a more modern look for Dracula is gonna piss some people off, but this is the exact look I wanted so I’m pleased. Moon Knight will go well with my WCA display and of course Storm is mother so I’m gonna pick her up. Not terribly interested in the rest but Voodoo is at least a cool update.
The real prize is Blackheart. That’s another MVC character down! Keep ‘em coming, Hasbro!
@beamish yeah I think you are absolutely correct here. Totally looks like repurposed remnants of an abandoned HasLab complimentary wave, for sure.
I just hope they know that a Monsters boxed set redux is a HUGE want. I have no problem getting multiple versions of Dracula, and it is cool to get one who can stand toe-to-toe with Doom, but the classic is foundational. Of course there is a long ML history of giving us alt looks before the Big Famous Look, so maybe that’s what’s up here.
Sounds like quite a few people have the same opinions I do on this wave.
Dracula is fine. I'm not a huge fan of the Marvel version of the character, but he's been long requested by many.
Hellverine and Bloodstorm seem like wasted opportunities for more interesting characters. Hellverine in particular is just such a terrible choice. Thankfully, he doesn't come with a BAF piece.
I'm not a huge fan of the Lilith design. Seems a bit messy to me, but I understand they're just going off source material.
Brother Voodoo, again? Someone at Hasbro (or Jesse Falcon) really loves this character. I understand he's an upgrade, but did we need another figure of this character so soon?
Hellstrom is fine. Surprised about him keeping his pentagram, but it does seem a bit toned down in vibrancy. Kinda like Dr Strange's chest design was a bit underwhelming.
I really hate Moon Knight on that thin body. And the extra thick scarf/cape folds on the neck combine with the low shoulders on that body gives him a really un-heroic shape. Wish they'd upgrade his body instead of Brother Voodoo. I do like the gold accent look for MK, but he should be on am more imposing body.
I really didn't need another Blackheart. I understand the Toy Biz one was a long while ago. And the character has some exposure from the Capcom game. I just think he adds to the somewhat lackluster delivery of this wave.
...I really hate Moon Knight on that thin body. And the extra thick scarf/cape folds on the neck combine with the low shoulders on that body gives him a really un-heroic shape. Wish they'd upgrade his body instead of Brother Voodoo. I do like the gold accent look for MK, but he should be on am more imposing body....
Amen. Hopefully they will release Some all white figure on the Vulcan Body so we can cobble together at least one heroic looking version of MK. With the scale creep of even small characters going to vulcan he looks even punier now on the Sunfire body.
Blackheart YES, looks great and happy to finally replace the Toybiz
Dracula - Not as a replacement for a regular Dracula, but looks cool and I'd throw him in with the X villains
Lilith - I never thought this would happen and she looks great. Thought they might try to throw out a Gamerverse version around Midnight Suns and that would be it so I'm very happy to see this.
Hellverine - Sure, why not
Moon Knight - A fine variant and addition to the West Coast Avengers, sure could have used an upgrade to the Vulcan body.
Bloodstorm - Another sure, why not. Might see about putting the regular Mohawk Storm's upper torso/arms/head on her if the legs aren't made out of chewing gum like that figure.
Brother Voodoo - I hate that they are doing a 3rd release of this. Wish it was the classic costume or even the one with the sleeveless trenchcoat over the classic like the fan poll figure had back in the day.
So they do a 3rd Brother Voodoo in the exact same costume. Despite the more classic costume probably easily doable with overlays and a blank buck. That's... cool? Just when the start of the stream and Odin and Phoenix make you think they are moving on from the nit picking "profits need to double" ML days.
I mean maybe a BV wearing a version what he wore in in Strange Tales? Instead of the same costume 3 times over for a C / D lister.
I'm smashing that like button in this thread enough to make the most shameless of self-promoting YouTubers blush. In agreement with just about everything that's being said here.
I feel like the Toybiz Blackheart was one of their few figures that I didn't feel in a hurry to replace. He holds up extremely well.
I will say that if Hellstrom makes it to market with his chest symbol, I will be optimistically hopeful that we are moving past some of the “won’t somebody think of the children!!!!1!1!1!” pearls-clutching over certain characters/looks.
Mephisto, as well as hooded Cobra Commander over in Classified, are waiting to get off the bench.
In fairness, I don't think that pearl clutching was ever suggested by anybody at hasbro, some fans just assumed it was the case.
Blackheart - Ghost Rider wave leftover who actually just appeared in Strange Tales She-Hulk from 2022
As for the last two figures and the BAF, there are plenty of possibilities, such as:
Well, you got two of the figures from your initial post in the thread right Beamish... buy why couldn't they, at the very least, have gone with the look you posted for Brother Voodoo. That figure I'd be all kinds of into. They already did this version. Why give us the same thing again? Why not go retro with a different version of the character?
I will say that if Hellstrom makes it to market with his chest symbol, I will be optimistically hopeful that we are moving past some of the “won’t somebody think of the children!!!!1!1!1!” pearls-clutching over certain characters/looks.
Mephisto, as well as hooded Cobra Commander over in Classified, are waiting to get off the bench.
In fairness, I don't think that pearl clutching was ever suggested by anybody at hasbro, some fans just assumed it was the case.
Oh absolutely! I only blame Hasbro for being overly-cautious, it’s definitely the “people of Walmart” who actually clutch the pearls. “Satanic Panic” nonsense and all that.