With the addition of this version of armored Dracula, we are close to completing the animated Avengers Assemble version of the Cabal in Marvel Legends:
Iron Skull (Red Skull)
Just need a classic Attuma!
I convinced myself Werewolf by Night was coming in this wave. My own damn fault...
Majority of this wave are headscratchers.
Only one I will be picking up is Daimon, but like pretty much everyone else, I would have preferred the classic version.
How did they miss the mark so badly with this wave?
I’m trying to find the positive with Dracula. He will look awesome beating on the Avengers, he’s definitely got that “supervillain” look and while it’s completely ludicrous that he would wear armor I do appreciate the (clumsy, but still) visual throwback to Vlad the Impaler by way of Francis Ford Coppola. I mean he can stab Iron Man with a sword, and I dig that. And at least the figure makes him look more like a vampire and less like a World of Warcraft cosplay elf thing.
It’s hard because he is clearly a big-budget figure made with love, so I want to love him because he’s my guy.
This feels like a wave that was quickly assembled to compensate for MCU film delays. Easy to cobble together figures loosely connected by a pseudo-supernatural theme.
Looks like most of the tooling budget went to Blackheart and modern Dracula's armor.
The lineup for this wave is not nearly as strong as what I conjured up when I first heard the rumor, it’s not bad but Wolverine, Storm and Moon Knight all could have been slotted in a lot of other places considering we so rarely go to the darker corner of Marvel. I’d have rather had classic Dracula but I can understand why they thought this one was more enticing compared to a guy in a suit with a mustache. Blackheart looks great though.
Of all the things they could’ve done…. This is almost entirely a pass for me.
Bloodstorm.. really? She would’ve fit better in an X-wave, or even a Mutant X specific wave. It seems this slot could’ve gone to any of the multitude of mystic/horror characters.
The Wolverine variant doesn’t even seem to make comic sense. Any other spirit of vengeance has transparent skin and tissue, hence the skeletal appearance. Wolverine’s bare arms should be skeletal in appearance. I admit to being unfamiliar with the source for this variant, but it lacks sense, and it should be in an X-wave. There’s so many more appropriate characters for this.
A WCA Moon Knight just doesn’t seem to fit in. A proper first appearance MK would seem more appropriate, but not without Werewolf by Night. This version doesn’t seem like he belongs here.
Helstrom fits the theme, but hey not the version many of us were hoping for.
Brother Voodoo is alright, but I think many wanted the classic appearance. Personally, I was never that into BV as a character, so he’s not a priority for me.
Dracula… I’m torn on. While I do prefer the classic look, I’ll admit the armored look is more toyetic. I do have less attachment to this look though, and would be more inclined had they gone classic with him. This one is largely person preference for me, I admit.
Lilith is probably the most tempting one for me. She fits the theme, even if she’s past the “Strange Tales” days. A Ketch Ghost Rider villainess, I’m most inclined to get her.
over all, nice production, but it seems like it falls short.
Big letdown.
I'm probably in for Son of Satan. Huge pass on everything else. It all looks good though.
Didn't they already release this exact version of Brother Voodoo already? I skipped that one too but would have purchased a classic rendering without hesitation.
OK... that wave is a total let down honestly. They had the opportunity to do some really cool stuff and did this instead. I should always know not to get too excited but man, oh man what a let down.
Another Brother Voodoo? I'm a Brother Voodoo fan and even I wasn't asking for another figure of him. Another freaking Moon Knight? Really. Oooh this time he has gold accents.
And somehow they found a way to shoehorn a freaking Wolverine variant into a horror themed wave... gah
Bloodstorm is a cool variant - though honestly not my first choice for a line like this when Werewolf by Night is right there and begging to be done.
Daimon Hellstrom - it's the modern look because that's easier to make out of existing parts than the classic Defenders version of the character - but man I'd way rather have his classic Son of Satan look - even though I'm well aware they couldn't market him that way.
Dracula - should have know we'd get the modern interpretation - it was inevitable. No matter how much we wished for a classic 70's styled Marvel Dracula they were always going to do this modern armored version
Honestly Lilith is the only one of these that I don't have just the slightest twinge of disappointment in. She looks fine and I'll be happy to have her.
Blackheart I suppose was inevitable. I never much cared for the character and I'm fine having him represented by the Toy Biz version I already own - but it isn't a bad choice for this wave and was entirely expected.
But man overall I find this wave really disheartening. Like half of it is just a total lead balloon with Moon Knight, Brother Voodoo and an insipid Wolverine variant somehow shoehorned in. Gah
This looks to be the exact same Daimon Hellstrom that particular Fwooshers were confidently saying that it would not be released in any way outside of the failed Haslab.
In for Daimon, Lilith, Brother Voodoo, and Dracula. I'll get the others because I also want Blackheart. What do we think the other Wolverine figure that they sort of teased is going to be?
Genuinely one of the most bitterly disappointing waves for me in ages.
Mostly my fault for speculating all the cool things that could have been in it, but dud after dud. That Voodoo feels like it’s been released half a dozen times already, 2 goddamn random X variants, modern Dracula, another Moon Knight… I was watching on catch-up praying it would be a lame BAF, but nope. Great looking Blackheart. Guess I’ll be ebaying him and Lilith solo for inflated prices, because the resale value on the rest of the wave will be next to nil.
I definitely hope the team hears the complaints and concerns about this wave and registers it as “folks have issues with these particular choices” and not “folks don’t want horror/supernatural stuff”.
Because I still contend there is money to be made with the classic horror guys, well beyond simply the Marvel brand. Like if they are holding off to do some Dracula/Blade 70s two-pack around the movie, I get it (although I worry that movie is never going to come out).
OK... that wave is a total let down honestly. They had the opportunity to do some really cool stuff and did this instead. I should always know not to get too excited but man, oh man what a let down.
Another Brother Voodoo? I'm a Brother Voodoo fan and even I wasn't asking for another figure of him. Another freaking Moon Knight? Really. Oooh this time he has gold accents.
And somehow they found a way to shoehorn a freaking Wolverine variant into a horror themed wave... gah
Bloodstorm is a cool variant - though honestly not my first choice for a line like this when Werewolf by Night is right there and begging to be done.
Daimon Hellstrom - it's the modern look because that's easier to make out of existing parts than the classic Defenders version of the character - but man I'd way rather have his classic Son of Satan look - even though I'm well aware they couldn't market him that way.
Dracula - should have know we'd get the modern interpretation - it was inevitable. No matter how much we wished for a classic 70's styled Marvel Dracula they were always going to do this modern armored version
Honestly Lilith is the only one of these that I don't have just the slightest twinge of disappointment in. She looks fine and I'll be happy to have her.
Blackheart I suppose was inevitable. I never much cared for the character and I'm fine having him represented by the Toy Biz version I already own - but it isn't a bad choice for this wave and was entirely expected.
But man overall I find this wave really disheartening. Like half of it is just a total lead balloon with Moon Knight, Brother Voodoo and an insipid Wolverine variant somehow shoehorned in. Gah
I completely agree. This entire wave is a hard pass for me. Versions of C and D characters that are in interesting but not the most iconic looks.
The fact that Brother Voodoo's SAME costume that pegwarmed forever was upgraded to a Vulcan body while The Moon Knight figure STAYS for the 3rd time on the ridiculously small Sunfire body for the character is maddening.
Blackheart is too scrawny. The profile picture of his hips is offputing.
I agree Lilith is the only well done figure here of a character in the most iconic look, but even it could have used some better choices in molding.
I will say that if Hellstrom makes it to market with his chest symbol, I will be optimistically hopeful that we are moving past some of the “won’t somebody think of the children!!!!1!1!1!” pearls-clutching over certain characters/looks.
Mephisto, as well as hooded Cobra Commander over in Classified, are waiting to get off the bench.