I am absolutely in for any Marvel Horror characters they want to include in this wave. And though we all agree Jackal is a good starting point for Werewolf By Night, what it they decide to sculpt a whole new, pinless body that's bulkier than Jackal, but not as bulky/big as Beast? Somwehere in the middle? That could not only get us Jack, but a new Pérez Avengers-era Beast as well?
All for a new body but Perez era Beast, while not as big as the Beast they made, is still bigger than WWBN. At least to me. He’s pretty broad. I mean Perez drew him wider than WonderMan; who is a big dude. Like 6'3"; 240 or something. WWBN isnt that thick.
Wonder Man, when in safari jacket, was never drawn as being huge. Beast was probably shorter but a bit wider during their time as teammates. ML has never been about super-accuracy, so I can see them fudging Beast a bit to downsize his width, if the body can be used again for someone else.
He wasn't huge but he was a big guy. Cap's size. 6'2" 240 or so. He's drawn that way through the 70s. Dont think he shrank just b/c he stopped wearing super suits. He always had a linebackers type build. Over 6'
Peoples sense of scale is always so weird to me. They act like someone Thor's sort of size (6'6"/260 or so) isn't that big. Like they scoff at a 7' tall Hulk with shoulders 5' across isn't big enough. People have any idea how big that is? have you ever met an NBA player? Biggest NBA player I meet was 6'11" Chris Bosh; considered kinda skinny for his size. Dude was just massive. And I'm a good 6'4" 235.
Gisele Villard (Mystic)
I'm just reading this thread for the first time and I have to give a shoutout to this suggestion. I've been slowly gathering parts for a Giselle custom and haven't quite nailed down the recipe yet, or if I want her 7" or 6". But if Hasbro wants to do it for me I would LOVE that. 🙂
@derrabbi Yep Nefaria was undersized using the Vulcan body so I see Dwight lazily using the Vulcan body again for this look for Wonderman if they ever do it. However this Vulcan body was supposed to replace the Bucky Cap body. Granted the Bucky Cap body needed to be replaced but they need a body similar to Dum Dum that can be used for characters as big as Cap and using Cap's bigger arms as well.
Tomorrow might be the day we find out how strange the Strange Tales wave will be!
I’m putting monster vibes out to the universe!
Come on Dracula!
Come on Werewolf by Night!
Come on both Liliths and Jennifer Kale and classic Satana!
Baron Mordo! Shuma-Gorath! Mephisto!
Simon Garth! Monster of Frankenstein!
N’Kantu the Living Mummy, man! Do it!!
There are so many horror themed figures I want, but it seems like Hasbro has been trying to do their version of every Toybiz era figure, at some point they have to at least get around to the Monsters boxset. That was one of my favorites, I can’t believe they haven’t at least done Dracula.
The “Werewolf-by-Night” branding on that new Man-Thing figure gives me some hope for an actual Werewolf-by-Night figure.
Brother Voodoo - update
Armored Dracula
Lilith - Mother of Demons
Daimon Hellstrom - modern still with no classic yellow cape
Moon Knight circa WCA
BAF - Blackheart
Cool wave! Standouts for me:
Dracula! I always liked his red armored look. It was featured in the Avengers Assemble show as well. The figure looks great!
Hellstrom! Very cool to finally get a figure of this character.
Blackheart looks awesome. I still like the Toy Biz figure, but this definitely is an upgrade.
Still not the version of Brother Voodoo I wanted. I guess it's time to customize one. Modern Dracula was a want of mine, but I still want a classic version as well. Great to see Daimon being released, it gives me hope for Mephisto and a proper comic Goblin Queen. Bloodstorm is nice, but I don't care for that Wolverine or Moon Knight. Lillith is a nice surprise. So, Dracula, Daimon, Bloodstorm and Lillith for sure. But I'm still in for the BAF figures in this wave, most likely when they are on sale. I have the Toy Biz Blackheart, but I wouldn't mind this new upgrade. Just not in a hurry.
Hasbro you've got to give us this:
I hate to say this because I really try to be optimistic, but I'll be playing the long game on this wave when they go on sale at Amazon or the Pulse Outlet.
Daimon is in my Top 20 most wanted characters and would have been a full price instant purchase if he was classic, but it's still the boring modern version that I thought they could never release outside of the HasLab...
Damn, as soon as they went 0 for 3 during the reveals for figures that I would buy, I knew that the build a figure would be something that I needed.
A pretty clunker wave for me personally. Too many modern looks for me and with all the supernatural characters to choose from, they still cram in two X-men.