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Strange Tales BAF Blackheart Wave

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@enigmaticclarity yes, it turns around in a circle on the peg beneath the hinge but does not “rock”.

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

If Blackheart does end up having no rocker/pivot then his design is just baffling.  I don't even recall the last Legends figure that didn't have ankle pivot, although almost all of them before about 2012 lack a pivot.

He doesn't.  I watched a review and the further apart the reviewer guy put Blackheart's legs the more the figure stood on the side edges of his feet.  Money saved for me.  Looks like slightly exaggerated museum poses or bust.


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Pulse is getting ready to ship this wave now too.

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Posted by: @derrabbi

Just need Power Princess buck with new cape and scabbard overlays, redone chest and ankle pieces and done?


That sounds right to me. It REALLY needs to happen!!! I love that Defenders of my favorite comics when I was a kid, and Valkyrie was such an essential part of that book. 


Posted by: @doober

If they ever decide to make another Strange Tales wave, I would like to see these in the assortment:


Now THAT is a perfect wave! I'd have bought every single figure in that wave, regardless of who the BAF was! 


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I love me some Jericho Drumm but please -  too soon.    I'm miffed that they've done Voodoo three times now and have never done his classic costume look -  but in a wave like that,  go with Gargoyle -  I need him way worse at this point -  or Dr. Druid...  or seventies Blade... or Simon Garth...  there's a ton of ways to go that aren't yet another Brother Voodoo -  even if they haven't given us the classic version yet.

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Posted by: @panthercult

I love me some Jericho Drumm but please -  too soon.    I'm miffed that they've done Voodoo three times now and have never done his classic costume look -  but in a wave like that,  go with Gargoyle -  I need him way worse at this point -  or Dr. Druid...  or seventies Blade... or Simon Garth...  there's a ton of ways to go that aren't yet another Brother Voodoo -  even if they haven't given us the classic version yet.


100% this!!!


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@panthercult That version of Brother Voodoo has been my top figure wanted for years.  I couldn't leave him out.  Since it was only a 6 figure wave, adding Gargoyle or Dr. Druid would work without removing my top choice.

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Posted by: @doober

@panthercult That version of Brother Voodoo has been my top figure wanted for years.  I couldn't leave him out.  Since it was only a 6 figure wave, adding Gargoyle or Dr. Druid would work without removing my top choice.

How is this version different from the one we got in the Book of Vishanti set or the Dormammu BAF wave?  I thought it was just slight costume differences, but I know very little about the character so I could easily be wrong.


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@doober I hear you on that.   It's SO frustrating when they finally do a figure of one of your favorites but then they don't do the version you want...  (Namorita fans feeling your pain pretty hard right now).


As a fan of getting as many characters into the line though - for me ol' Jericho needs to get back into the queue at the back end behind a whole bunch of worthy characters who haven't had a single figure in all the years of Legends yet, let alone 3.

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @doober

@panthercult That version of Brother Voodoo has been my top figure wanted for years.  I couldn't leave him out.  Since it was only a 6 figure wave, adding Gargoyle or Dr. Druid would work without removing my top choice.

How is this version different from the one we got in the Book of Vishanti set or the Dormammu BAF wave?  I thought it was just slight costume differences, but I know very little about the character so I could easily be wrong.




So, besides the hair please note the bare chest – instead of the black costumed chest, the green pants instead of black pants, the fringe around the calves and lack of boots/footwear compared to the covered leggings, the collared cape is different – but if we want to go true classic, he should have a fade and not the long hair.


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@enigmaticclarity I remember seeing that comic when it first came out.  Prefer him with dreadlocks. Classic version has a special place for me.

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So you Doober, you don't actually want the classic Drumm either... he didn't sport the Dreadlocks until he'd been around for like a decade or more.. 

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@panthercult They could give us two heads for that figure.  But, I would take the short hair if we only get one.  I just like the dreads on him.

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Posted by: @doober

@panthercult They could give us two heads for that figure.  But, I would take the short hair if we only get one.  I just like the dreads on him.


I get it -  the good news is you have multiple figures released already that have the dreads, so easy enough to swap...  if they ever get around to that version of ol' Brother Drumm,  which I fear is a long shot.


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Very much agreed about classic Jericho Drumm. I want BROTHER Voodoo, not “Doctor” Voodoo. I don’t hate the modern look, but it feels way more “generic spooky guy” and just less special than the original design.

OH! And I would *love* a pack-in “spirit of Daniel Drumm” accessory as well. McFarlane did it with Deadman . . .

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