I'll echo all the requests for classic Devil Slayer & Gargoyle. I really want that entire team in figure form (where the hell is my classic Valkyrie update, Hasbro???).
Was it 2 SDCCs ago that Dwight joked in an interview how we need a classic version of Valkyrie (Brunhilde)?
Re: Blackheart’s diaphragm joint:
Opened my Bloodstorm and tried it out, and it does *not* snap back but turns pretty easy and holds poses. May be like the Fist Ninja, pentagram Iron Man and Classified Steel Corps in that some copies are “stuck” at that joint: at which point I use joint lubricant and heat to get them clicking and staying rather than bouncing back and tearing.
This is excellent news.
Had time to open up Drac at lunch and he really is magnificent. This might be the first time in a while I've wanted to track down a second copy of a figure just so I can display both heads because I love his grim/imperious static expression as much as his fangs out look.
Had time to open up Drac at lunch and he really is magnificent. This might be the first time in a while I've wanted to track down a second copy of a figure just so I can display both heads because I love his grim/imperious static expression as much as his fangs out look.
Heheheh I already have multiples, and I am SHOCKED how much I love the stoic head. I thought they would all go in a bin in favor of the vamped out head but nope! If anything, the cold, imperious expression on the stoic head is even *more* Dracula-esque than the fangs-bearing head. The “lion-like arrogance” is on full display.
Re: Blackheart’s diaphragm joint:
Opened my Bloodstorm and tried it out, and it does *not* snap back but turns pretty easy and holds poses. May be like the Fist Ninja, pentagram Iron Man and Classified Steel Corps in that some copies are “stuck” at that joint: at which point I use joint lubricant and heat to get them clicking and staying rather than bouncing back and tearing.
This is excellent news.
Opened a second Bloodstorm and that Blackheart torso is even MORE easily poseable than the first one. Looks like that reviewer got a dude, or else I am getting lucky with a hit-and-miss issue.
Also: while the tail is very thick, it doesn’t “snap back” when bent. It doesn’t hold particularly dramatic poses, but it can certainly be bent and hold the bend to a reasonable degree.
Re: Blackheart’s diaphragm joint:
Opened my Bloodstorm and tried it out, and it does *not* snap back but turns pretty easy and holds poses. May be like the Fist Ninja, pentagram Iron Man and Classified Steel Corps in that some copies are “stuck” at that joint: at which point I use joint lubricant and heat to get them clicking and staying rather than bouncing back and tearing.
This is excellent news.
Opened a second Bloodstorm and that Blackheart torso is even MORE easily poseable than the first one. Looks like that reviewer got a dude, or else I am getting lucky with a hit-and-miss issue.
Also: while the tail is very thick, it doesn’t “snap back” when bent. It doesn’t hold particularly dramatic poses, but it can certainly be bent and hold the bend to a reasonable degree.
More good news! How are the ankles/feet?
I'm still eager to get this wave, despite it not including my ideal lineup. Lilith is on the way, and the rest shall be ordered soon. I'm even excited for Hellverine despite it all - I just opened Ketch and *finally* got around to opening the Ramen Hellcharger (which is incredible) so Ghost Rider Wolverine is welcome to join the team.
Received My Dracula (and Vulture two-pack!) Yesterday! Absolutely Love the Count, well-articulated and detailed, and he's built like a Beast!! Almost as tall, and just as broad, as Tombstone! Sure, a Classic version would be cool, but I am more than happy with this one!
Couldn't have said it better. I agree with everything here.
I should have ordered a second Dracula. He’s such a great character. Hope we get more of his Legion of the Unliving in figure form.
received my Dracula, Hellverine, and Bloodstorm yesterday. Can't wait to put together an entire Midnight Sons shelf with the way things are going.
I'll likely keep Bloodstorm hanging out there as well.
I'm personally in love with this wave despite Brother Voodoo and not getting an ideal version of hellstorm and hope we get more
Lillith (mother of monsters) has been a top want from me for quite some time, so i can't wait to get her, I hope Amazon bumps up the release dates again for the 4 i'm missing
Hellverine is a pleasantly enjoyable surprise. very well done.
Re: Blackheart’s ankles:
I have one leg so far, all articulation is very fluid, it has the usual vertical hinge at the ankle and then a horizontal-twist peg. So everything moves great, but there is no “rock” to the ankle, just straight horizontal motion.
I'll echo all the requests for classic Devil Slayer & Gargoyle. I really want that entire team in figure form (where the hell is my classic Valkyrie update, Hasbro???).
Was it 2 SDCCs ago that Dwight joked in an interview how we need a classic version of Valkyrie (Brunhilde)?
I believe so, yeah...and I thought it was him hinting that we might see her sooner than later, but so far nothin'! Hoping the Power Princess buck gets used for her soon!
Re: Blackheart’s ankles:
I have one leg so far, all articulation is very fluid, it has the usual vertical hinge at the ankle and then a horizontal-twist peg. So everything moves great, but there is no “rock” to the ankle, just straight horizontal motion.
I'm a little confused. "Horizontal motion" could be pivot/rock or a swivel, but it sounds like you're saying it only swivels, i.e. turns around in a circle. Which is odd because Legends rarely have foot swivel, although sometimes they do. Mafex almost all have both pivot and swivel, and oddly the MCU Yellowjacket figure from the 2-pack with Ant-Man has that same extra swivel articulation in addition to the pivot that I don't recall ever seeing on any other Legends figure.
If Blackheart does end up having no rocker/pivot then his design is just baffling. I don't even recall the last Legends figure that didn't have ankle pivot, although almost all of them before about 2012 lack a pivot.
I believe so, yeah...and I thought it was him hinting that we might see her sooner than later, but so far nothin'! Hoping the Power Princess buck gets used for her soon!
Just need Power Princess buck with new cape and scabbard overlays, redone chest and ankle pieces and done?
If they ever decide to make another Strange Tales wave, I would like to see these in the assortment:
Man, THAT is the Strange Tales wave I wanted.