So what is bad about Bloodstorm? She looks kinda cool to me, if not a little basic.
They all look good to me, I just don't dig Marvel horror and I already have a Brother Voodoo and Moon Knight about as good as these. Still, I was going to bite the bullet for a spectacular Blackheart, but while the sculpt is VERY impressive the articulation stinks so I'm likely passing on them all.
Ankh - symbol of life used to beat people to death. I love comics.
I agree the Blackheart is not as much of an upgrade as I was expecting - which is a bummer.
But the Dracula figure really is great. Bloodstorm is well done - and I at least have the books she's from. Hellverine is sillly, but at least different, and honestly more fun and more useful as a figure than Broodverine.
I really, really wish they had gone some other direction than Brother Voodoo though. A comic Werewolf by Night would have been fantastic. A silver age green jacket Blade would have been pretty great. Heck, if new tooling were going to be an issue, throw us a stupid bone like Devil Slayer from the Defenders
He fits the theme and would be easy enough to do with existing parts... Another Brother Voodoo is almost the lamest thing they could have done... honestly - even a fully masked Dr. Strange - with blue neck and proper costume painting - would have been more welcome than a new Dr. Voodoo here.
I'm holding out hope that more reviews of Blackheart will reveal fewer issues with the articulation. I've seen at least one easy mod for the head, though that was always going to be limited and I'm ok with it. Not having functional torso or ankle joints thought is gonna be a problem.
@panthercult Urghh... I would Kill for a Devil-Slayer figure!! I would happily take the classic or "Midnight Sons" era version!
Yeah - after Isaac Christians Gargoyle, Devil Slayer is among my top wants from the pages of Defenders. There's plenty of good stuff in those pages, but it's definitely a figure I need, and one that feels super easy to do - easier if they fudge it and don't do a new boot top overlay.
It's stuff like that where I wonder about the team and the thought process behind - what if we just include Brother Voodoo again?
The ML team's obsession with this particular version of Brother Voodoo is worthy of being called a Strange Tale.
Despite the initial disappointment of this wave's content vs. the expectations garnered by the wave's name, it's overall an ok(ish) collection of characters, except for yet another go at Voodoo and their choice of the absolute dullest version of Son of Satan imaginable. And by that I mean this looks more like Son of Yoga than Son of Satan.
I really dug the Defenders' Horror era and the not-necessarily-superhero characters they brought into the book. So I say yay to the one who dispatches devils by slay and he who lubricates the Gargs.
@ibentmyman-thing Damian Downward Facing Dog
yeah. this wave does very little for me. If Brother Voodoo is super cheap maybe I'd upgrade. Tempted to put that Moon Knight in my West Avengers corner but there's really so little different about him and I always preferred a MK who's "mystical" side was more metaphorical than literal. I'm done playing the Hasbro not the version I want game; so Hellstrom and Vlad are no gos. Lillith is the wrong Lillith. This wave I was so excited for and then when they announce it not even a single one is a solid buy for me.
Re: Blackheart’s diaphragm joint:
Opened my Bloodstorm and tried it out, and it does *not* snap back but turns pretty easy and holds poses. May be like the Fist Ninja, pentagram Iron Man and Classified Steel Corps in that some copies are “stuck” at that joint: at which point I use joint lubricant and heat to get them clicking and staying rather than bouncing back and tearing.
I'll echo all the requests for classic Devil Slayer & Gargoyle. I really want that entire team in figure form (where the hell is my classic Valkyrie update, Hasbro???).
I ordered Mr. Hellstrom from this set, mainly so I could attempt to customize a classic version. VERY annoying they went with this extremely dull look.
As a huge fan of the mystical and horror side of Marvel, this wave should have been one I had to have every figure. As it is, I have Damon & Lilith on order, and may pick up this iteration of Dracula. Moon Knight, Bloodstorm and updated Bro Voodoo I'll only pick up if they are on sale, and I have zero interest in Hellverine. Such a shame Hasbro half-assed this one.
Received My Dracula (and Vulture two-pack!) Yesterday! Absolutely Love the Count, well-articulated and detailed, and he's built like a Beast!! Almost as tall, and just as broad, as Tombstone! Sure, a Classic version would be cool, but I am more than happy with this one! Unfortunately the otherwise fabulous Danny Ketch GR looks pretty puny next to him, as does Morlun (he probably would benefit from a redo on the Tombstone buck!), but he looks Awesome!
Yup, Dracula is a bruiser! I like my Vlad big and powerful, so this is great for me. I truly hope that WHEN they make a proper Colan Dracula, they use the Tombstone suit body as a base. But for now, I’ve got a burly undead warrior-prince to defeat all comers!
”’Avengers’? Bah! My revenge is just begun! I spread it over centuries, and time is on my side!”
Just got Dracula - just a gorgeous figure. Can't believe we got him. And yeah, a classic Drac would be cool too but I do love battle armor Count a lot.
Bloodstorm and Hellverine are en route from Amazon. Probably could've lived without either, but I do like Marvel Horror-tinged stuff. Every wave has a figure I wasn't super amped about that ends up being the most toyetic and I kinda expect that from Helverine.