doesn't look goodAnyone who ends up with BloodStorm slap the 97 mohawk head on her and show us all if the skin tone matches. At least she might make for a punk Storm for those that don't already own one.
Dracula arrived. I invited him in.
Let me say that Gene Colan's version of Dracula is one of my favorites of any version of the character. I have been (im)patiently waiting for an update to the ToyBiz version.
I only pre-ordered the new Dracula and Moon Knight from the Strange Tales wave, playing the long game for the rest. I figured Moon Knight might sell out, and Dracula is Dracula.
I'm glad I got him. He's a standout figure.
The new tooling that went into him is fantastic. The face sculpts are gloriously horrifying. This was one of Dwight's pet characters and it shows that the team really went to "bat" for him. My only nitpick is I wish there was more color contour on the heads.
When your Dracula arrives, invite him in.
Between BBTS and Amazon, I should have multiple Draculas arrive this week, which is good because I need one for every room in my house, one in my car, one in my office drawer and one in my pocket. 😉
Colan is still tops for sure, but I’m soooo excited to have this fightin’-ready Vlad (soooo cool they call him “legendary vampire Vlad Dracula” on the card back!!!!) demolish all my other Hasbro figures in mortal combat!
So got the notice that Dracula, Hellverine and Bloodstorm are supposed to be delivered tonight. I guess Lillith, Voodoo and Moon Knight took a later flight... Anyway I guess I have that to look forward to.
Those three (Dracula, Hellverine, Bloodstorm) are all "temporarily out of stock" on Amazon now, but you can still place an order, at least last I checked.
Dracula's en route for me as well. How rare is it Amazon ships the figure from the wave you wanted most first?
When will they be back in stock?
Just backing up Norm - usually Legends (and Joes) go out of stock when they're shipping out preorders and then pop back in stock a week later or so. Had a couple of figures go AWOL in the shipping process from Amazon last month and I was tempted to just cancel and reorder them from in-stock rather than wonder if they fell off a truck in Connecticut somewhere.
I know Bloodstorm didn't hang with this version of Vlad... but honestly, she looks pretty good as his right hand baddy for now. And for lack of a better place to put him I have Hellverine riding bitch on Ghost Rider's cycle for now - that's a combo I wouldn't want coming at me, that's for sure.
Just saw XManny87's review of the wave. I really wanted Blackheart, but he appears to have NO ankle pivot at all. Also the upper diaphragm won't turn without immediately snapping back, and the bendy tail will barely bend without snapping right back either. They gave him the great torso articulation, but with no ankle pivot and a head that can't look up at all due to the hair I'm not sure what poses I'd even use the lower ab crunch in. He appears to have almost all of the same limitations of the Toy Biz figure in terms of posing and balance where you end up having to use the tail as a third leg to keep him up, so aside from the greatly improved sculpt I'm not sure he's much of an improvement.
I hope Manny missed something because Blackheart was one of my most anticipated figures of the year. HUGELY disappointing if he does have all of the engineering problems that Manny found. 😭
Does Moon Knight's ankh have some purpose or function? Never seen him with one before.
Does Moon Knight's ankh have some purpose or function? Never seen him with one before.
I may be telling you things you already know, but during his tenure with the West Coast Avengers he used those Egyptian weapons. Ironically, they were designed and built by a time-displaced Hawkeye. But as for what purpose the Ankh serves outside possibly being a bludgeoning weapon, I don't recall offhand. I'd have to dive back into those issues and see.
I've got all except Moon Knight and Hellverine now. Might still cancel Hellverine, but pre-ordered it in a moment of weakness after reading a bit of the relatively recent Daken/Akihiro Hellverine series. I like all of the figures that I've gotten so far, although I don't feel like this Blackheart is as much of an upgrade over the Toy Biz version as I expected. Hard to be excited by Voodoo also, even if it is honestly an upgrade over the prior version(s).