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Strange Tales BAF Blackheart Wave

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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

I can't even tell you how happy I am that we are getting Blackheart.  It's a stupid level of happiness.  I have always wanted Blackheart.

I remember a comic I read when I was young that was like Wolverine, The Punisher, and Ghost Rider against Blackheart (Heart of Darkness?) and it continued from there.  But I always loved those comics as a kid and it's crazy that this year we will get both Ketch Ghost Rider and Blackheart.

I wish they would continue doing Strange Tales Waves.  I saw your lists spideyboy1111 and I'd be up for all of those.


If they continue this, Shuma-Gorath is my #1 baf want.


hmmberto and aceofknaves reacted
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Posted by: @spideyboy1111

I need this line to continue....


So,  while I adore the waves you made - and the Box set too -  since this wave has all the hall marks of something thrown together hastily to fill a schedule gap created by movie schedule push back,  using likely leftovers from a planned offering to be HasLab adjacent and a couple of "theme adjancent" figures from a future X-Men wave -  I doubt there will be much impetus for ongoing waves in the theme.


When the Bring On the Bad Guys wave came out there were a bunch of lists by fans for future waves for that theme that we never saw again.     I suspect this will be the same.


Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @spideyboy1111

So bring in some creepy uber vamps, give him a decent supporting cast, and pave the road to dracula for him, while also setting up Midnight Sons for the even bigger threats (Lillith, Mephisto, etc)


The last thing the MCU needs is more setup that will never pay off.


allynewns and Red Ogre reacted
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@tsi Hey who says they won't pay it off someday. Samuel Sterns is finally getting paid off-16 years later!! We may be older and grayer (at least some of us) by the time they do but it's possible!

Magneto Was Right
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A little part of my soul dies every time they introduce a new hero in a post-credit scene.

Gay Geek & Gold Star Legends Collector
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Posted by: @tsi

Posted by: @spideyboy1111

So bring in some creepy uber vamps, give him a decent supporting cast, and pave the road to dracula for him, while also setting up Midnight Sons for the even bigger threats (Lillith, Mephisto, etc)


The last thing the MCU needs is more setup that will never pay off.



well it's a good thing a midnight sons film is in the works apparently the current blade script writer is also working on it. 


Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @spideyboy1111

Posted by: @tsi

Posted by: @spideyboy1111

So bring in some creepy uber vamps, give him a decent supporting cast, and pave the road to dracula for him, while also setting up Midnight Sons for the even bigger threats (Lillith, Mephisto, etc)


The last thing the MCU needs is more setup that will never pay off.



well it's a good thing a midnight sons film is in the works apparently the current blade script writer is also working on it. 


In that case, the last thing the MCU needs is more characters.


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Looks like these might be on the move:

TheGillMan reacted
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If they'd wanted a low cost redeco for a wave like this why don't they do this version of Strange. I'd put him on my mystical shelf and the normal Strange on my Defenders shelf.

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Just got notification Moon Knight was moved up by three weeks or so for shipping. Wonder if this wave is on a ship somewhere already. 

Thor-El reacted
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I preordered Dracula and Hellverine a while back. But I just cancelled them. They look nice but I'm not sure I can drop the money on them anytime soon. If they go on discount I'll probably grab them. Just trying to gage the likelihood of that. I wouldn't mind Dracula, cause Vampires, and I can have him fight blade. And Ghost Rider Wolverine is a really cool concept but I'm not sure I need it. I like the Vampire Storm too but it's not a whole lot different then the one we have like that besides the head, that I can see anyway. So the stuff is cool, just not "Wow I have to have that when it comes out" cool.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @trunks3540

I preordered Dracula and Hellverine a while back. But I just cancelled them. They look nice but I'm not sure I can drop the money on them anytime soon. If they go on discount I'll probably grab them. Just trying to gage the likelihood of that.

I would say Hellverine is almost certainly going to clearance eventually, Dracula will probably not last that long.

hmmberto reacted
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This wave looks Ollie's bound to me.

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Posted by: @thwippersnapper

This wave looks Ollie's bound to me.


Maybe... but if it wasnt ordered by Target or WalMart and was scaled back production numbers... maybe not?   Its definitely more niche.


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I reordered Dracula just in case. I can wait or miss out on the rest. 

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