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Spider-Man Top 10 - Just For Fun! RESULTS!!!!!

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All solid picks for a Black Panther wave. I’d also throw in a Kasper Cole White Tiger.

Basil Elks, hmmberto, puckace and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @derrabbi

The first Klaw was mafugly and the 2nd they did weird stuff to his sonic cone.

I agree, I don't think we've really gotten the definitive classic Klaw yet.


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Posted by: @basil-elks

@panthercult I'd also get Kiber the Cruel, and Venomm. 😀 But, that's just me, oh and Kasper Cole.


I definitely almost put Kasper Cole in there.  Heck, I only did a six figure wave,  so toss him on the pile.  He'd be super easy to do with existing parts


Basil Elks reacted
Gay Geek & Gold Star Legends Collector
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Posted by: @sdcomics

I want an Invaders wave or box set so bad it hurts.  I'm talking actual, physical pain.

And every year at SDCC I ask.  Every year.  And I keep waiting.  And waiting.  And waiting ...

It's just so simple for them too which is irritating... some could even be single carded (or 2 packed) to coincide with a box set

personally i'd be happy with just only getting

-FA cap

-FA Bucky

-Human Torch


-Namor (black trunks)

- Spitfire

- Whizzer

- Miss America

- Blazing Skull

- The Vision

- Baron Blood


renfield75 and SDcomics reacted
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1. White Tiger


2. Rocket Racer


3. Boomerang (classic to complete the Sinister Syndicate)


4. Swarm


5. Spider-Slayer


6. The Wizard (he fought Spidey a few times)


7. Trapster (to complete the Frightful Four from PPTSM #42)


8-10. The Enforcers (Ox, Montana, Fancy Dan)

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Posted by: @spideyboy1111

Posted by: @sdcomics

I want an Invaders wave or box set so bad it hurts.  I'm talking actual, physical pain.

And every year at SDCC I ask.  Every year.  And I keep waiting.  And waiting.  And waiting ...

It's just so simple for them too which is irritating... some could even be single carded (or 2 packed) to coincide with a box set

personally i'd be happy with just only getting

-FA cap

-FA Bucky

-Human Torch


-Namor (black trunks)

- Spitfire

- Whizzer

- Miss America

- Blazing Skull

- The Vision

- Baron Blood


I like the list, but I would tack on U-Man/Merrano.  We can at least get the non controversial members of the Super-Axis.  


renfield75 and SDcomics reacted
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Posted by: @ninjak

Boomerang (classic to complete the Sinister Syndicate)

I really want classic Boomerang, but a question for the group: Would you be okay with his articulation being limited by his costume? They could just paint the boomerangs on his chest and hips but I don't think anyone wants that. If they attach them as they should be then he has limited/non-existent forward upper torso articulation and you won't be able to raise his legs, unless they move the waist boomerangs more to his side.

Personally I'm okay with that since I do mostly vanilla poses on the shelf, but would sacrificing basic articulation for accuracy work for everyone else?


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@renfield75 I'd actually be OK with his chest boomerangs being either painted on, or being made soft enough that they flex when he moves. As for the 'rangs on his waist, those could be pegged in and removeable like Jack-O-Lantern's pumpkin bomb.

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Posted by: @ninjak

@renfield75 I'd actually be OK with his chest boomerangs being either painted on, or being made soft enough that they flex when he moves. As for the 'rangs on his waist, those could be pegged in and removeable like Jack-O-Lantern's pumpkin bomb.

This is the way


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I hope it's okay, but I edited my Top 10 on Page 2.  I included photos for my Top 10, removed Chameleon and Punisher from my Top 10 (since classic Punisher is rumored to be a future release), and added Fusion and Calypso instead.  This Top 10 has been really fun and I look forward to seeing what the next Top 10 will be!

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Posted by: @stuartgreen

I hope it's okay, but I edited my Top 10 on Page 2.  I included photos for my Top 10, removed Chameleon and Punisher from my Top 10 (since classic Punisher is rumored to be a future release), and added Fusion and Calypso instead.  This Top 10 has been really fun and I look forward to seeing what the next Top 10 will be!


That's totally cool! If/when I actually tally all of the entries, I'll post a cut off date to let everyone know, so edit away!


Basil Elks reacted
Gay Geek & Gold Star Legends Collector
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Posted by: @renfield75

Posted by: @ninjak

Boomerang (classic to complete the Sinister Syndicate)

I really want classic Boomerang, but a question for the group: Would you be okay with his articulation being limited by his costume? They could just paint the boomerangs on his chest and hips but I don't think anyone wants that. If they attach them as they should be then he has limited/non-existent forward upper torso articulation and you won't be able to raise his legs, unless they move the waist boomerangs more to his side.

Personally I'm okay with that since I do mostly vanilla poses on the shelf, but would sacrificing basic articulation for accuracy work for everyone else?



i'd prefer they all be pegged (And flexible) but if i had to choose, the chest ones would need to be sculpted, and the hip ones could be painted. I think they're less important to the design


renfield75 reacted
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I'm a bit surprised that nobody's made any new wish-lists for this Spider-Man thread, as some of the recent posts have been off-topic and feature wish-lists for other waves and characters rather than doing a Spidey Top 10 list.  With all of the villains, heroes, civilians, movies, animated series and alternate Spidey costumes, I was kind of hoping to see more lists here and see what everyone came up with.  Heck, I could easily make a Top 10 list just based on the various Spider-Man animated series, a Top 10 for characters from Spider-Man's movies, and a Top 10 from Spidey's various video games.

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The first 4 pages of the thread were almost entirely Spider-Man wish lists.   Unfortunately,  that seems to be about the number of active users willing to contribute which is why there haven't been more since

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There are currently 30 votes in this thread which is great! It's also my minimal amount to eventually tally these votes.

I'll probably tally all Just For Fun thread votes in December before we get to the 2025 (un)Official Top 10 vote thread in January.

I hope by January we will have built this community back up a bit more to get a lot more votes for the (un)official Top 10 vote. the 2024 voting had a great turnout, but nowhere near what we used to get.

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