Inspired by the recent possible leak list for 2025:
From any media, from any era, from any size - who are your Top 10 most wanted Spider-Man and Spidey adjacent characters you'd like to see as figures?
No restrictions at all. All Peter Parker variations/suits? Cool. Characters that appeared in Marvel Team-Up? Great! Alternate realities? Sweet! Updated figure on a new body? Nice!
No need to separate between standard, BAF, Deluxe, HasLab - it's all your Top 10. If you'd like to notate what size/format you'd like to see it made in - go for it!
Mix and match media! A few comic, a few Sony, a few Amazing Friends, a few video games? It's up to you - it's your list!
If this goes over well, I'll follow up with X-Men, Avengers, MCU/Cinematic, FF, Space, Supernatural, Street Level and any other genre I can think of.
Let the fun begin!
EDIT NOTE - One character per line please. No 2-packs or multi-packs.
My Top 10 Spidey Characters:
1) Swarm
2) Spider-Slayer Mark I (with bendy wire "tentacles")
3) Vermin
4) Madame Web - deluxe with chair
5) Stegron
6) Cardiac - hey look, a trading card! Big 90's shoulder pads are a must!
7) Rocket Racer - either the first or second costumes
8) Uncle Ben
9) Dancin' Pete - he would immediately go next to my work computer
10) Hypno-Hustler
- Swarm
- Rocket Racer
- Overdrive
- Madame Web
- Boomerang (Classic look)
- Aunt May (comic)
- Iceman (I want a GOOD version with a beefier body and blockier head and green eyes like in Spidey and his Amazing Friends so that's why I'm putting him on the Spiderman list)
- Carrion
- Man-Wolf
- Calypso
Ok, I know that this is going to get some eye rolls, but here goes:
1) Robbie Robertson
2) Betty Brant
3) Liz Allan
4) Ben Urich
5) Uncle Ben
6) Glory Grant
7) Anna May Watson
8) George Stacy
9) Normie Osborn
10) Ox
I swear that's my legit list for my Spidey-adjacent characters. I came close to including a few that are more Daredevil-adjacent but left them off. I know that some people might put Ben Urich in that category, but he's more Spider-Man / Daily Bugle for me. I know that these are pretty boring because they're so civilian, but that's truly what I'd want. I feel like these have all been important characters in my Spidey reading.
Only ten?! You’re a cruel man Beamish. 🤪
Where does one begin?
Hot Shot
Gloria Grant
Rocket Racer
Madame Web (Hostess villainess)
Draco (get some reuse out Dragon Man)
Lightmaster (classic)
can I continue? There’s so many more. No? So cruel… so very cruel….
Trying to figure out how I can get as many X-Men in here as possible...
- Aunt May (comic)
- Rocket Racer
- The Owl
- Calypso
- Swarm
- Dr. Bong
- Stegron
- Black Cat (classic)
- Blade (first appearance)
- Green Goblin redo
- Chameleon
- Swarm
- White Tiger
- Kingpin - green suit
- Punisher - 1st appearance
- Boomerang
- Hobgoblin redo
- Looter
- Jackal redo
All classic looks.
1. Stegron
2. Rocket Racer
3. Will O the Wisp
4. Aunt May
5. Spot
6. Spider Slayer
7. Swarm
8. Robbie Robertson
9. Mountain Man Marko
10. Vulture redo
Bring On The Bad Guys! In no particular order...
1.Will O' The Wisp
6.Rocket Racer
And I'll add another vote for the civilians. They're hugely important to Spidey's universe.
Oh wait, I forgot Overdrive! And Big Wheel. Regent! Also Looter. Crap, GIBBON! This is hard.......
- Swarm
- an early Spider Slayer (the one Beamish posted or this one)
- Man Wolf
- Will o the Wisp
- Stegron
- Spot
- Madame Web (as Beamish posted)
- Grizzly
- Rocket Racer (as Beamish posted)
- Smoking Jacket Chameleon
Count me in on running FF, Xmen, Avengers, Cosmic, Mystic versions of these
- Swarm
- Rocket Racer
- Overdrive
- Madame Web
- Boomerang (Classic look)
- Aunt May (comic)
- Iceman (I want a GOOD version with a beefier body and blockier head and green eyes like in Spidey and his Amazing Friends so that's why I'm putting him on the Spiderman list)
- Carrion
- Man-Wolf
- Calypso
That’s a damn strong list. Can’t go far wrong with it.
Swap out Overdrive and classic Boomerang (both of whom I’d probably buy though) for
And I’d be happy
If I could rely on SMahAF Ice Man being released elsewhere, I’d lose him for whichever of Spider Slayer, Spot, Walrus or Will o’ the Wisp I fancied most at the time.
This just goes to show the Spidey wave has legs for years to come. So long as they don’t run out of tenuous Spidey variants, we’re all good.
EDIT. Damn. Cardiac has to go on there somewhere. Sorry, Carrion…
1. with a bullet...Sin Eater
2. Classic Boomerang
3. Will O the Wisp
4. Rocket Racer
5. Vermin
6. Cyclone
7. Mirage
8. Black Fox
9. Kangaroo
10. Carrion
Beamish, I don't know if this was your intention but I would love to see these mini top 10s running for each category one right after another and you (or someone) tally them up.
I think it would be cool to see who would crack our collective top 10s for every major Marvel category and might get noticed by the Legends team like the annual top 10 does.
Fantastic Four
Street Level types?
I don't know how specific everyone would want to go but what do you all think?
The wildest thing is that I haven't seen a single suggestion yet that I wouldn't buy. ALL of these characters/costumes need a figure.
First of all - let me say I am STUNNED that nobody's list yet has included Kaine. I thought he was a huge want from Spidey fans. But he didn't make my list either.
My list doesn't actually contain anything that hasn't already been included on someone else's list and I put it in the order of how badly I want the figure and it was tough leaving out a bunch of characters I want
Man Wolf
Will O the Wisp
Rocket Racer
Madame Web
BaF: Stegron
Madame Webb (classic)
Will O' the Whisp
Aunt May (comic)
Man Wolf