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Spider-Man: The Animated Series

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I think the issue with the black shading is that it's done with gloss paint. That negates the effect of black shadows on a surface. Otherwise I think it looks pretty cool. Hydro Man looks weird to me, the hair doesn't look right. That or the translucent plastic is hiding the sculpt.

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Nice. Glad they’re continuing this sub line.

jag2045 reacted
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This one's a pass.  I don't care about Hydro Man and I don't like the shading.  When they offered DD in the three pack, I didn't have a use for the other two figures.  I know if I'm patient enough there will be a good standard red DD offering for me.

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the way the shading stops at the bootline looks bad.  i'm digging the cord but i can see how it's propped on the figures, presumably because it's too floppy.  just give us a regular $25 DD, Hasbro, lmao.  I'll wait.

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Count me in as someone who really wants that Daredevil but not in a multipack with figures I don't want especially not with the cell shading. It is just to heavy handed for my taste. That Daredevil needs to be part of a wave of either a BAF wave or a retro card available EVERYWHERE. This is the only knock I really have against Hasbro and the ML team right now. I have really been enjoying all the classic comic goodness they have been knocking out of the park the last few years. Oh well maybe when Daredevil: Born Again hits Disney+ we'll get a MCU/Comic mixed wave with this DD in it.

Mister Voorhees
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That is easily the most ruinous cel-shading I've ever seen on a figure. Looks like someone accidentally knocked over an inkwell onto their 3-pack Daredevil.

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The shadowing was pretty intense in the actual episode




Mister Voorhees
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Posted by: @jag2045

The shadowing was pretty intense in the actual episode





I wouldn't have liked the shading either way, but it looks like if they wanted accuracy then they should've made his costume black with red highlights.


jag2045 reacted
Basil Elks
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Now the only question that I have is how will the water parts look on the other figure, for a mix and match look?

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@mistervoorhees that was my thinking as well. It would have avoided some of the gaps in the articulation if he just had some red highlights in certain places. I've never seen evidence that Hasbro can pull off such a look though so it probably wouldn't have turned out much better. I do think the characters that are essentially all one color look terrible without some kind of shading.

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That particular pose for Hydro-Man in the first pic doesn't do the figure any justice at all.

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glad the line is continuing

jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @jag2045



My eye reads this as being a very deep blood red, which is cool if it's done right in animation or in print.  When I look at the classic art of the red DD costume, most of the times the body is heavily shaded with the gloves and the boots getting little to no shading at all.  Again, I'm reading that as a dark red costume with lighter red boots and gloves.  The figure that's come closest to that is first DD that Hasbro put on the Bucky Cap body (I forget the wave).  They inverted those colors for the Defenders set and to me it looked backwards.  All Hasbro really has to do for me is to repeat what they did with that first Bucky Cap DD on the newer buck and I'll be good.

In general I'm not a fan of these animated efforts from Hasbro.  With both X-Men and Spider-Man, sometimes they're doing cell shading, sometimes they're not, sometimes they're using preexisting molds that don't fit the animation but it's "close enough".  It's just too half-assed for me.  They aren't going all in like a Mondo or a NECA is doing with their animated stuff.  Really, I don't need it to be "animated" or "Jim Lee" or "George Perez" style, it doesn't have to be "in the style" of anything because they're always giving us "close" but not "spot on".  Just give me a good take on the character with your best effort.




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I'm interested in that Daredevil only, in case anyone is just interested in Hydro-Man!

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My problem with this Animated VHS Line is that collectors are asking for OTHER characters. Like, how many times people told them about Animated Morbius, Chameleon, Mysterio, Vulture, J Jonah. 


And then you have Dan Yun saying the same thing over and over "Understand this is not for everyone". So who's it for? A couple people who worked at Hasbro and wanted Daredevil covered in fuel oil? For the two collectors who buy it? For who? 

These guys are always dragging and very rarely complete the team. We almost close to build Insidious Six, where is Chameleon or Mysterio or Vulture? This just pisses me off, because I'm sure the next set will be that orange Dr. Strange and Harry, because why the fuck not. At least pack Hydroman with Animated Punisher or even new Animated Spider-Man. 


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