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Spider-Man: The Animated Series

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While I'm a big fan of the cartoon, they've pretty much covered most of my big wants in this line. The only one left that I'd definitely pick up is Chameleon.

Although, if they wanted to give us a more cartoon accurate Hobgoblin rather than that weird amalgam Hobby they put out on a retro card, I'd certainly take it.

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I REALLY like what they've been doing with pairing a civilian with a villain and I hope that continues. Honestly they could keep this line going for a few more years...


Hobgoblin & Felicia Hardy

Morbius & Flash Thompson

Chameleon & Polo Peter

Vulture & Debra Whitman

Blade & Terri Lee

Man-Spider & Punisher

The Spot & Dr. Landon

Spider-Carnage & Gwen Stacy

Madame Web & Beyonder


Then later we can get some re-do's with better bodies and/or paint apps...

Spider-Man & Venom

Kraven & Calypso

Scorpion & Jameson

Mysterio & Miranda Wilson

Shocker & Eddie Brock

Tombstone & Robbie

Silvermane & Curt Conners

Hammerhead & Alisa Silvermane

Daredevil & Kingpin

Green Goblin & Harry Osbourne

Hydro-Man & Liz Allen

Prowler & Iceberg

Black Cat & Th Cat

Silver Sable & Red Skull

Electro & Captain America

Dr. Strange & Dormmamu

Nick Fury & Agent X

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I hope we get Robbie with JJ.

Gay Geek & Gold Star Legends Collector
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I really don't see them putting out that many more civillians, Jameson seems the next most likely...   But I can't really imagine it going much beyond that unless they did norman and harry. 

Felicia, Robbie, and Terri Lee would be next, but i have major doubts we'd get any of those

and beyond them, i highly doubt we get anyone else. Hasbro still hasn't finished the 90s X-men... team and seems to think the upcoming X-men 97 Gambit and Rogue are "good enough" 


The only characters I really want going forward before this takes an inevitable long hiatus... is Chameleon, Vulture, Morbius and a proper Hobgoblin. Beyond that is just icing (Blade/Mysterio/Punisher/Madame Web)

I'll be very upset if we get a Animated Spot and Calypso before we actually get comic versions of them (though at least spot will likely be passable) 

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@spideyboy1111 I'm pretty sure Felicia would be in the very likely category.

She was in more episodes than Aunt May.

I'd be very curious as to what every characters screen time breaks down to actually.


We'll probably never see a comic Calypso because of the outfit.

Gay Geek & Gold Star Legends Collector
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Posted by: @slixta

@spideyboy1111 I'm pretty sure Felicia would be in the very likely category.

She was in more episodes than Aunt May.

I'd be very curious as to what every characters screen time breaks down to actually.


We'll probably never see a comic Calypso because of the outfit.


i'm not sure screen time matters when it comes to MJ/Peter/Aunt May/Jameson way too iconic roles...  That's sorta like saying Burne from TMNT takes priority over Casey Jones (because Casey was only in 3 episodes) name recognition always matters more. 


pretty much everyone else just looks like random civilians . Felicia would be great, i just think she's not as likely as these bigger names.


Marvel Legends Man
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I'm really looking forward to this Peter. I'm glad they didn't put him in the polo shirt, I always think of him in this outfit. I really want an animated Chameleon and then my biggest wants from the series would be covered (I think).

Wish I was more excited for Smythe, but he was always the one character in the animated series I enjoyed the least.

Can't see them releasing many more civilians. Maybe Felicia. Maybe a Morbius with interchangeable head/neck/forearms/hands.

Magneto Was Right
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Animated Series Black Cat was at least partially responsible for my sexual awakening.

I have nothing further to add.

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Peter and Smythe are already processing?? That didn't take long at all.

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they are coming.



Marvel Legends Man
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These arrived today. Love the animated series, but Smythe was always one of my least favorite characters, so the real draw here for me is Peter. Smythe isn't all that impressive - as per the new normal, the plastic is cheap and gummy - and his head articulation is really limited because the shoulder blade weapons conflict with his hair.

But Peter is pretty sweet. Love the head sculpt, and his clothing looks spot on.

Probably should have waited for this to hit clearance, but I'm glad to have this iconic version of Peter Parker.

Pics not the greatest, sorry.



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New reveal - Hydro Man and Daredevil 2 pack



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I hated the Hydro-Man episodes when I was a kid so that's an easy pass. I see what they're trying to do with DareDevil's shading, but it looks pretty awful in that shot. It's also a bad pose for such a thing since there's tons of gaps in the shading at all of the articulation points. It might look okay in less extreme poses.

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Man... I don't want to keep buying these animated sets,   but that Hydroman is pretty great looking.   Considering it's a character they've convinced me to buy mulitple times I can't believe they're going to get me to bight on another one.   The Daredevil is whatever, though.   Looks like someone pushed him into an oil slick or something.

Magneto Was Right
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Hasbro puts out an incredible Daredevil figure in a multi-pack, and then they offer it again... in another multi-pack.

I agree with everyone else about the shading, too. It looks terrible.

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