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Spider-Man: The Animated Series

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Posted by: @vondoom

That Spidey could have been a winner, but sticking it on an older body killed those chances. Great colors and headsculpt, but I'm not buying a Spider-Man without the updated torso articulation. Good thing too since, despite my love for the old show, even as a kid I thought young Vulture was really stupid.

I prefer that older body. I think the new torso articulation is killing the new neck articulation. I’m noticing most figures with that torso pivot are switching to the limited barbell joint for the neck. RYV Spidey. Astonishing Wolvie. Retro Venom. All have the shiny new torso set up, at the cost of hinge necks with reliable range of motion. Some things don’t need upgrading, and some upgrades need better execution before they can be considered upgrades!


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Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @vondoom

That Spidey could have been a winner, but sticking it on an older body killed those chances. Great colors and headsculpt, but I'm not buying a Spider-Man without the updated torso articulation. Good thing too since, despite my love for the old show, even as a kid I thought young Vulture was really stupid.

I prefer that older body. I think the new torso articulation is killing the new neck articulation. I’m noticing most figures with that torso pivot are switching to the limited barbell joint for the neck. RYV Spidey. Astonishing Wolvie. Retro Venom. All have the shiny new torso set up, at the cost of hinge necks with reliable range of motion. Some things don’t need upgrading, and some upgrades need better execution before they can be considered upgrades!



I respect that, but I feel the neck is a worthwhile loss for more fluid torso articulation, especially for a character as athletic as Spider-Man. The necks are easily modded, even if you SHOULDN'T have to do that. The limited range of the ab crunch just doesn't cut it anymore. On someone like, say, Cap or Iron Man I don't mind the old set-up, but I can't go back for Spidey and I will not support any figure that does.

Also Amazing Fantasy shows they can do the new torso articulation with a neck hinge so why they don't just do that is beyond me. Outside of wanting to maximize new tooling, but for new molds AFTER they realized the barbell isn't working so well with Retro Spidey (evident since they just slashed a cut in the neck to mitigate the issue) they shouldn't be using them.


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Posted by: @vondoom

Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @vondoom

That Spidey could have been a winner, but sticking it on an older body killed those chances. Great colors and headsculpt, but I'm not buying a Spider-Man without the updated torso articulation. Good thing too since, despite my love for the old show, even as a kid I thought young Vulture was really stupid.

I prefer that older body. I think the new torso articulation is killing the new neck articulation. I’m noticing most figures with that torso pivot are switching to the limited barbell joint for the neck. RYV Spidey. Astonishing Wolvie. Retro Venom. All have the shiny new torso set up, at the cost of hinge necks with reliable range of motion. Some things don’t need upgrading, and some upgrades need better execution before they can be considered upgrades!



I respect that, but I feel the neck is a worthwhile loss for more fluid torso articulation, especially for a character as athletic as Spider-Man. The necks are easily modded, even if you SHOULDN'T have to do that. The limited range of the ab crunch just doesn't cut it anymore. On someone like, say, Cap or Iron Man I don't mind the old set-up, but I can't go back for Spidey and I will not support any figure that does.

Also Amazing Fantasy shows they can do the new torso articulation with a neck hinge so why they don't just do that is beyond me. Outside of wanting to maximize new tooling, but for new molds AFTER they realized the barbell isn't working so well with Retro Spidey (evident since they just slashed a cut in the neck to mitigate the issue) they shouldn't be using them.


For me, that pivot is useless if the neck can't look up. On all of those aforementioned figures, they can't achieve a signature crouched pose while pointing their heads up. It's nearly a dealbreaker. It was excusable in the beginning, since it seemed like the barbell was a new experiment, but they're still screwing it up consistently.

Meanwhile, like you mentioned, the Amazing Fantasy body has both the torso pivot AND the hinged neck. That is why that body will remain my preference for Spidey, and that articulation model should be implemented on pretty much anyone going forward.


VonDoom and Akatsuki reacted
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My Vulture/Spidey set just shipped (and Morbius/Dr Strange set I still hadnt gotten)

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So is Vulture using an updated Dark Hawk body. I didn't see any butterfly joints on the body Vulture is using.

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Posted by: @vondoom

That Spidey could have been a winner, but sticking it on an older body killed those chances. Great colors and headsculpt, but I'm not buying a Spider-Man without the updated torso articulation. Good thing too since, despite my love for the old show, even as a kid I thought young Vulture was really stupid.


Agreed. I had assumed that setup had been retired so it's bizarre to see them going back to it here. Only plus when compared to the Walmart Spider-Man is at least this one is bigger and more appropriate for the source material, but Spidey needs that torso articulation. This set definitely feels like the Vulture and whatever set.


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Hasbro tried to charge me for this, but apparently there was a payment issue likely because of the trouble I had getting the order to go through on Friday in the first place. I changed the payment source but they haven't tried to charge again, so had to email them. Not a great experience. Just take my money and send me some figures, Hasbro!

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I pre-ordered the Vulture and Spider-Man two-pack on Friday and I am so excited that I'll be getting it soon!  The Vulture is great and all, but I'm more excited about the new Spider-Man figure.  I can see why some are disappointed by the figure, but I'm thrilled.  I missed out on the Wal-Mart exclusive figure, but I'm glad it's on the taller body mold, has a removed Spider-Man mask accessory, and has alternate heads of Peter Parker AND Eugene "Flash" Thompson.  I just wish it had some wall-crawling posed hands with it.  Also, I'm a bit disappointed we didn't get Spider-Man paired up with either Stan "The Man" Lee or Spider-Carnage based on the series finale episode.

I know this will be the last animated series two-pack for a while, but I do hope Hasbro will make "Marvel Legends" figures of the Lizard, Alistair Smythe in human form, the Kingpin, Mysterio, the Rhino, the Shocker, the Chameleon, the Spot, Electro, and animated series accurate versions of the Hobgoblin and the Green Goblin.  For civilian figures, I'd love to see J. Jonah Jameson, Eddie Brock, Alistair Smythe in human form, Harry Osborn and especially Felicia Hardy made.  I'd even take more heroes like Nick Fury, Iron Man, Captain America and the alternate reality Spider-Men.

jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @misfit

Posted by: @vondoom

That Spidey could have been a winner, but sticking it on an older body killed those chances. Great colors and headsculpt, but I'm not buying a Spider-Man without the updated torso articulation. Good thing too since, despite my love for the old show, even as a kid I thought young Vulture was really stupid.


Agreed. I had assumed that setup had been retired so it's bizarre to see them going back to it here. Only plus when compared to the Walmart Spider-Man is at least this one is bigger and more appropriate for the source material, but Spidey needs that torso articulation. This set definitely feels like the Vulture and whatever set.

Young Vulture was absolutely a product of the 90s.  With Lee and Liefeld off making WildCATS and Youngblood comics, they couldn't have an old, bald fuddy duddy with age spots and a hunch flying around "threatening" the city.  He needed armor and head gear with tufts of hair flying out the top.

They have to get a few more sales in before giving you the Spidey you want.  Vulture was always going to be the draw here, so people will buy it regardless of what they do with Spider-Man on this go around.  Next time they'll give you a Spider-Man that's "almost" there but falls short in a different way.


jag2045 reacted
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Ordered the Spidey/Vulture set. Not thrilled with another Spidey...but at least it can be Flash in costume.

Sad to see that this is the final set though. Felicia is my last real want. It'd be cool if they could do the Tri-Slayer, but that's probably a very niche want.

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My set Spider-man/Vulture set has just arrived. For those of you with the previous animated cell shaded Spider-man his wall crawling hands match and fit this figure. 

Overall a good set imo, lots of accessories and 2 great figures. The Spider-man definitely makes me think of the old figures I had when I was younger. 

Also what would be a good base body for Flash? Suicide Squad El Diablo? 

jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @gambitfan
Also what would be a good base body for Flash? Suicide Squad El Diablo? 

GI Joe Bazooka?


Joined: 2 years ago
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For those of you who don't understand why we are getting another classic spider-man packed in with Vulture, would you please explain to me why this bothers you? I don't get it. You would think that this would be a time honored tradition by now. Hell we all lived in a time where back in the 90's, from Marvel Super heroes all the way to the assortment that came out just this past sprig, every wave gets two new Spider-men. I'm not sure why this is still an issue for some of you?

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I love that Peter Parker body mold


Mini Militia App Lock 

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Posted by: @fingfangfoom

Posted by: @gambitfan
Also what would be a good base body for Flash? Suicide Squad El Diablo? 

GI Joe Bazooka?


MCU Cage?   


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