@yojoebro82 The walmart exclusives are usually released during their collector con events. Marvelousnews.com and toynewsi.com both do a good job of keeping me up to date when those happen. I check both of those sites daily.
Has this Retro Venom body been used for someone else before? Primarily the torso. Arms and legs look the same as the 3-pack release.
I think the torso is new.
Next 2pk is young Vulture with alt old head and standard Spider-Man with Peter and Flash Thompson heads!
Nice they're finally letting people buy the animated Spider-Man from someplace other than Walmart. Is it the same undersized body with the weird head as the Walmart one? I see they cut the cel-shading from it.
Yeah, I'm surprised by how much I liked that Vulture. I was never a huge fan of that look as a 5" figure, but the Legends version looks surprisingly good. I'll be pre-ordering for sure.
Vulture looks great.
Is the Spider-man and Vulture set a pre-order or is it in stock now? Can't seem to see a release date in the product listing on pulse.
Vulture looks perfect, instant buy.
@gambitfan Both Spidey/Vulture and Kang were showing as "In Stock" when I ordered while everything else was "Pre-Order."
Great to see Vulture! Still holding out for the rumoured Retro Chameleon though to complete the Insidious Six!
I ordered because the Vulture did turn out nice. But the bonus heads for not only Parker but for Flash as well were an unexpected treat. I'm pleased by those inclusions.
The Vulture set is a must-have! Strange that they didn't make his pulse-pistol removable though, it was on the 90's 5" version!
That Spidey could have been a winner, but sticking it on an older body killed those chances. Great colors and headsculpt, but I'm not buying a Spider-Man without the updated torso articulation. Good thing too since, despite my love for the old show, even as a kid I thought young Vulture was really stupid.