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Maybe it’ll self-correct once we get to the next page?

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@normdapito Hopefully. And hopefully we get there one day...

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New party member! Tags: yes marvel guardians of the galaxy guardians of the  galaxy 2 guardians … | Guardians of the galaxy vol 2, Guardians of the  galaxy, Nerd life

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How is anyone managing to do anything resembling a decent pose with Green Goblin and his glider?  This may be the most frustrating posing experience I've ever dealt with.  The feet won't stay on the foot pieces and the foot pieces won't stay in the glider.  I get one side fixed and then the other pops out.  I try to push down to lock them in place then the wing pops off the thing. 

Then if I do manage to get it all to stay by that point the pose is wrecked and he just looks like he's going to attack you with his crotch.  Readjust the pose and it all falls apart.

The glider is about to go into the storage bin and Goblin is just going to be standing on the shelf next to everyone else because holy crap.

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He was definitely frustrating until I finally just hit upon the right pose. I think he may have only one, heh. It took me a while though. I finally jammed him between the shelf he and my Spider-Man characters are on and the one just above, and that helped a lot. He JUST fits between them, and leaning against the wall behind him helps as well.

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Finally, someone else finds this figure as frustrating as me!! I did get Norman and Ock into my shelf last night but both got thrown across the room in frustration before - they are both ridiculously difficult figures. I almost ripped Ock's tentacles because I had to be so rough or they wouldn't move.

They look great, now, though - and I'll never move them again. Plus, Norman's ginormous stature is kinda hidden.

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I didn't have any trouble with mine

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It would be interesting to have a controlled experiment because it could well be some samples are lacking and some of us got easier ones.

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Posted by: @ru1977

He was definitely frustrating until I finally just hit upon the right pose. I think he may have only one, heh.

He definitely has many ways to pose him on the glider--standing, half-crouching, deep crouching, and probably others.

As is true with Ock's arms there is a slight learning curve to working with Goblin, although I much prefer working with Goblin since one of the complexities with Ock is that if you force his tentacles too hard without securing them at the base you can break his tentacles right off of his back.  The main thing is to bend Goblin's legs into your preferred glider pose BEFORE putting him on--and that includes both the legs and the feet in the angle you want them on the glider.  The feet are the tough part, and the only way to get them in a viable angle before putting him on is to already be generally aware of what foot positions work, but you won't be familiar with those foot positions until you've tried to get him on the glider a bunch of times.

After you get the leg and feet angles correct you press the foot pads onto his feet detached from the glider, then attach the pads to the glider.  Since his legs are already in a close-to-good position due to your posing off of the glider it shouldn't be to tough to balance it out a few degrees that you missed posing him off the glider.  Even once you've gotten him on it a dozen or more times it can still be a 1 to 5 minute challenge to remember how to get him back on.  I usually can get it done within a minute now, but sometimes it does take up to two or three minutes if I'm being less careful and I can't get the angles right.

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It's weird that there's like no in-between with Otto and Osborne. You either have zero challenges getting them to do what you want them to do, or you want to throw them across the room in frustration.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Just found Doctor Octopus at Target. He’s great! His tentacles are really cool. Much more versatile and dynamic in-hand than I had expected. The likeness is excellent as well. 

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Got MJ on clearance at my local Target for $7.49. Is she wearing the same sweater overlay that the animated MJ uses?

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Nope! Very different, and the arms are unique on both.

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