It's available on Pulse! The sell-out must have been for whatever amount they make available first for all the special fancy VIP Pulse members who think they're just so important and better than everyone else.
That's ME! I ordered two sets right at 1:06.
@normdapito I haven't ordered the set yet because of the wide availability. Also it is actually cheaper, for once, for me to get it in Canada than the US. $75US is about $102Cdn right now with the exchange rate. Local sellers, and Gamestop both have it for less than that near me so no need to get it off Pulse.
I can't believe, as a Canadian, I am actually a Pulse Premium member!!??!!
Ever since they started offering $6.99 shipping for orders under $75 and free for orders over $75 I have been able to enjoy shopping on Pulse more often. However I actually did the math with the TF Haslab last month and getting Premium is just under $57US for me (after tax). Shipping on the Haslab was $30 to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada but free with Premium. So I have already eaten into the Premium cost with the $30 off of shipping. Not to mention I also got free shipping on the Classified HMS set which was $74.99US. It would have cost me the extra $6.99 for shipping if I wasn't a Premium member, or I would have had to buy something else (which isn't that difficult anymore).
Either way I am hoping I can get free shipping on other Haslabs this year. If I can get the Classified Haslab with free shipping that alone (with the TF Haslab) will more than cover the cost of Premium membership.
So to h-bird.....yes I am special!!! Yes I am important!!! Yes I am better than others!!!! 🤣
Is it just me or does Nick Fury look like he had a stroke?
Much rounder than I would have liked, seems like the start of jowels. I was hoping for a more Jim Lee Nick Fury with more chiseled features. Obviously they're not going to give us a cigar-chomping head sculpt, but a gritted teeth addition would have been nice as I'd rather have 2 OG Nick heads rather than Nick Jr. And someone asked how Nick Jr. lost his eye, and if he's from the Ultimate Universe when Miles Morales came over, as I remember THAT Nick Fury lost his eye during Desert Storm when he came across a Wolverine who was still working for the government and was quite in a berzerker state. At least that's what I remember.
Not sure if anyone has got this yet but it has shipped from BBTS. Got the notice yesterday it was shipped out. I should have next week or so.
Not sure if anyone has got this yet but it has shipped from BBTS. Got the notice yesterday it was shipped out. I should have next week or so.
Thanks for the heads up! That's a lot sooner than expected - time to keep an eye on the normal outlets. Pulse is still showing a 7/15 ship date.
Not sure if anyone has got this yet but it has shipped from BBTS. Got the notice yesterday it was shipped out. I should have next week or so.
Yes, it hit my Pile of Loot yesterday. Going to wait a minute to ship it though.
Not sure if anyone has got this yet but it has shipped from BBTS. Got the notice yesterday it was shipped out. I should have next week or so.
Thanks for the heads up! That's a lot sooner than expected - time to keep an eye on the normal outlets. Pulse is still showing a 7/15 ship date.
I got notice from Pulse that they're getting ready to charge for it.
Mine is in my pile of loot, where it will probably remain for a while
Yeah my SHIELD set is supposed to arrive this weekend from BBTS!
The SHIELD 3pk was among my notifications for Pulse charges for the Zabu wave (all but Cable). I didn't realize this set was coming so soon. I should have picked up an extra Commander Rogers body for that Nick Jr head.
I placed an order through BBTS as soon as I saw here that they were shipping; hoping it gets fulfilled as Pulse is still showing July I think.
I’ve got two sets, set to arrive tomorrow. Anxiously anticipating doing a webgear swap between Fury and Dugan on my second set to get classic Nick with flesh-tone neck. Hoping the older SHIELD helmets fit on the male bodies, and the blond ponytail head from the SHIELD/HYDRA ladies set fits on Sharon’s body for a less severe Agent Carter.
Pulse sent me an email update that this set is shipping soon. I have no movement from the ones I have pre-ordered with GameStop.
Got my set from BBTS! It’s so packed with accessories like six blast effects and six smoke effects and all those hands and weapons. The modern SHIELD team is huge now. Not even counting all the old SHIELD agents and Mandroids that I army built before.
The helmets work on both of the new bodies. Nick’s head and Nick Jr’s head look too big on the Vulcan body, in my opinion.
I like Sharon Carter’s long hair head. I tried out some head swaps. I think the blond head from the female SHIELD vs Hydra set probably looks the best.