I'm in for at least four sets at first. I will have extra Sharon Carters but the body being the new Black Widow body is a plus. I'm not too crazy with how the head sculpts look for Sharon though. I may just use the blonde hair Shield trooper head sculpt.
I really hope preorders dont sell out tomorrow, Ill be at work.
This SHIELD set looks great! Love the extra head sculpts and all the accessories.
I may get one just for the guns if I see it on sale or something. The figures look nice but idc about Shield enough to buy it full price. And I'd have to replace Sharon's feet with white ones. And I don't really like either of her heads. The old one suits me fine. And NFJr needs a jacket. He looks naked without it.
Trying to decide if I preorder just one set and then see about a second when it releases or if I bite the bullet and pre-order two. I'm struggling a bit to figure out what I do with the extra Sharon if I get a second ... but I'm sure I'll come up with something.
Trying to decide if I preorder just one set and then see about a second when it releases or if I bite the bullet and pre-order two. I'm struggling a bit to figure out what I do with the extra Sharon if I get a second ... but I'm sure I'll come up with something.
That all-white suit on the super articulated body is basically a new face and some swords away from a solid Colleen Wing for me. Gonna be keeping my eye out for a decent head swap to do with one of my extra Sharons.
That all-white suit on the super articulated body is basically a new face and some swords away from a solid Colleen Wing for me. Gonna be keeping my eye out for a decent head swap to do with one of my extra Sharons.
That's a good call. I bought extras of the X-Men 3-packs for training suit head swaps - so I have a spare Psylocke head from that... maybe with a little repaint on the hair that can work.
When does this go up?
When does this go up?
"This set goes up tomorrow (3/26) at 1pm ET. "
Up at Pulse
They're already sold out on Pulse! Either they had a small amount available or some folks ordered a ton of them to army build.
I was able to order from BBTS, though.
I'm going to pass on this after all. It's supposed to come in July-ish, and darn near everything else I have pre-ordered is supposed to come in around that time as well. I can't handle everything everywhere shipping and charging all at once. So...pass.
It's available on Pulse! The sell-out must have been for whatever amount they make available first for all the special fancy VIP Pulse members who think they're just so important and better than everyone else.