I don't know why reuse of parts across lines isn't done more. Is there some legal issue around it?
My understanding is that Corporation X doesn't want to fund a product that gets Corp Y some profit. You'll sometimes see Hasbro using stuff from their in-house brands for licensed stuff (there's a few 18th GI Joe items in the 18th Star Wars line) but *not* vice versa.
Now that Hasbro owns D&D, they could do a horse for that line - assuming any of the beancounters ever believe that brand is strong enough on its own to fund that item's production - and then use it for a Marvel product to save their own production costs and increase their own profit margin.
The possibility of using Disney-owned Indiana Jones' whip for, say, Disney-owned Marvel villain Selene *should* be possible from common sense, but Disney could have in-house accounting issues preventing it.
They could always make Hellstorm in his 80s "hero" costume, with the face mask, and a trident symbol on his shirt, instead of the upside down pentagram, on his bare chest.
@sdmike A western character I want is Kushala “Spirit Rider”. I like you am far more into the classic characters but every once in awhile a modern character is cool enough to force their way into my “I care about them” canon. Kamala Khan, America Chavez etc.
I'm with you there. I have a Ms. Marvel figure. I'm definitely going to get that Lady Bullseye. I skew classic but there are still some modern comics I read. I have the Elektra in her Daredevil costume figure.
I'm looking forward to reading Simone's Agent X and learning more about Outlaw. It should be fun.
And yeah, seriously, enough with the horse hate! They could resell a horse sculpt at least 5 times over, though I guess they doubt those figures would move enough. Cost the first one out as a BAF and go from there!
Dwight did mention that to Ryan and Dan while we were talking. I could tell he's had this discussion with them before. He name checked Valkyrie and Black Knight as two characters that rode a horse. But they repeated the same "horses are expensive" line.
I hope I'm not making Ryan and Dan look like the bad guys here. They've always done what they think is best for the line.
And I will say this: For years, Jesse Falcon said there would never be an Armadillo in Marvel Legends. "That's a character no one cares about. It will cost too much to tool. We won't get any reuse out of it. Forget it." I heard him say that at many a comic con.
Well, I'm looking at Armadillo right now.
I mean, you just never know how these things are going to go. As long as the line exists, there's always a chance. Just keep asking them. Let them know that there's interest there. Anything can happen.
I don't know why reuse of parts across lines isn't done more. Is there some legal issue around it?
Kenner used to do that all the time. Star Wars and Super Powers figures for the Robin Hood line, Silverhawks vehicles for Batman, etc. Maybe Lucasfilm and Marvel has stipulations or something now?
EDIT: Ugh... didn't see there was another page heh. Still getting used to the new forum.
They could always make Hellstorm in his 80s "hero" costume, with the face mask, and a trident symbol on his shirt, instead of the upside down pentagram, on his bare chest.
And that would be fine. I'd certainly by one of Hasbro made it.
But I want a first appearance Son of Satan figure for my Defenders shelf.
I've decided that I'm not giving up hope. And neither should you. Hasbro can find a way to make it happen. We need to just keep asking.
I want that look the most, too. 😀 lol And maybe 90s issue #1 Hellstorm version, as well.
if they made Daimon, that 80s costume would certainly work! Hell, they could probably just include a classic Daimon head and you could swap in a shirtless upper torso for a satisfactory version of his original costume.
And yeah, seriously, enough with the horse hate! They could resell a horse sculpt at least 5 times over, though I guess they doubt those figures would move enough. Cost the first one out as a BAF and go from there!Dwight did mention that to Ryan and Dan while we were talking. I could tell he's had this discussion with them before. He name checked Valkyrie and Black Knight as two characters that rode a horse. But they repeated the same "horses are expensive" line.
I hope I'm not making Ryan and Dan look like the bad guys here. They've always done what they think is best for the line.
And I will say this: For years, Jesse Falcon said there would never be an Armadillo in Marvel Legends. "That's a character no one cares about. It will cost too much to tool. We won't get any reuse out of it. Forget it." I heard him say that at many a comic con.
Well, I'm looking at Armadillo right now.
I mean, you just never know how these things are going to go. As long as the line exists, there's always a chance. Just keep asking them. Let them know that there's interest there. Anything can happen.
Yeah no shade to Ryan and Dan, they're all just grappling with the realities of what they think will work in the line. We've gotten so many things over the years that seemed impossible at other times that I don't doubt they'll explore all the possibilities to get things made. Armadillo is a great example of this, as one of the people who spent many years championing him getting a figure! (Remake with improved articulation when? Just kidding. Maybe.)
I wouldn't be at all surprised if they're gun-shy to try too many out there things at the moment. Prices went up pretty quickly in a relatively short span, and there has been a perception from many that the value went down right alongside it. The Hellcharger was planned and launched during peak inflation/price hikes and became a symbol of out of control prices/greed for a lot of fans, and was a rare loss for ML as a brand. (I honestly wonder if they would price it the same a year later after things have stabilized a bit, but that's neither here nor there). All of that might have added up to the line being a little more conservative for a time, focusing on more a-listers and not wanting to try out things like a deluxe figure pack w/horse that might have more sticker shock associated with it. The line still seems to be going strong so hopefully that's not the case!
In fiction where the characters aren't powered vehicles are big, but with superheroes vehicles are somewhat superfluous. That's why Star Wars toys are vehicle-heavy until you get to the Jedi and Sith at which point the vehicles don't much matter with them. Hellcharger, Quinjet, Blackbird, or a horse--there's not much demand to use them in displays. A little, but not much. I'm sure a Quinjet or Blackbird would crowdfund, but they'd both get significantly less backers than large characters i.e. Sentinel, Galactus, Giant-Man, etc. I have four sixth scale horses--two from Mythic Legions and two from McFarlane--but I really don't have much use for any of them with Marvel Legends.
On top of that is the issue of vehicles in sixth scale--it's really too large a scale for vehicles. Star Wars tried a few vehicles in their Black Series, but only the small ones sell well. The TIE Fighter they made is just too large for most people. Same with the Quinjet and Blackbird; the huge size those will have to be automatically rules out a bunch of people who could otherwise easily afford both. There's a greater space efficiency with large characters as compared to vehicles in that because humans are upright they usually have a much smaller surface requirement than a vehicle. I've got a medium-sized desk with three Sentinels and Galactus on it, but if I tried to put a Hellcharger or Razor Crest on my desk it'd take up almost as much surface space as all four of the Marvel Haslabs I have on it already.
On top of that is the issue of vehicles in sixth scale--it's really to. There's a greater space efficiency with large characters as compared to vehicles in that because humans are upright they usually have a much smaller surface requirement than a vehicle. I've got a medium-sized desk with three Sentinels and Galactus on it, but if I tried to put a Hellcharger or Razor Crest on my desk it'd take up almost as much surface space as all four of the Marvel Haslabs I have on it already.
I think this is a valid and important point. In fact, I was out on the Hellcharger HasLab project for this very reason, until I decided I could display it driving on my wall behind the figures and not chewing up valuable shelf space.
That said, I would find space for a handful of horse characters - winged horses for Black Knight, Valkyrie and Dani Moonstar. I'm not sure I'd invest in a host of horses even if they made all the western themed characters I want though. But My MOTU Classics display does have a horse, a winged horse and two mechanical horses in it - so it's not impossible.
They could always make Hellstorm in his 80s "hero" costume, with the face mask, and a trident symbol on his shirt, instead of the upside down pentagram, on his bare chest.
Marvel's Heckstrom.
Yeah no shade to Ryan and Dan, they're all just grappling with the realities of what they think will work in the line. We've gotten so many things over the years that seemed impossible at other times that I don't doubt they'll explore all the possibilities to get things made. Armadillo is a great example of this, as one of the people who spent many years championing him getting a figure! (Remake with improved articulation when? Just kidding. Maybe.)
Yep, I remember those days. Jesse used to hang out here on the Fwoosh. I loved it because he was always so forthcoming with information. Fun times.
I was so happy for you when Armadillo got announced. I'm glad Hasbro made it happen.
This next Haslab will be a lower-priced product and they're running it differently this time.
I wouldn't count Son of Satan out of the running entirely - he won't be in a retail wave, but a HasLab 5-pack of "too dark / sexy / cool for retail" characters would work - maybe Lilith & Satanna and I'm sure there's two others
On the GOOD news front (And yes, there is some) I asked about the possibility of Rom and Micronauts figures in Legends now that Marvel is reprinting their comics in Omnibus format. Dwight said getting both Hasbro and Marvel to sit down and figure out how they would divide the profits would be difficult. It's a lot easier to get things done when you can leave the damn lawyers out of it. So I said could Hasbro make Rom and Micronauts figures in the style and scale of Legends but just not call them Marvel Legends? And he said yes.
Thanks for asking this - I think I requested this question before the blip. I really think they'd make money with a basic Rann/Marionette/Bug Legends pack and a basic Acroyer/Karza/Biotron Hasbro pack. I get they can't brand the Hasbro pack Legends but make them both Pulse exclusives for sale at the same time.
"Horses are expensive" they said.
I don't get this at all. Plenty of reuse with a horse. I stand by my assessment that Dan and Ryan are at times too conservative with the line - not in terms of figure choice, but in terms of possible expansion of the line. They could do another Legendary Riders series of 4 or 5 characters just with horse/winged horse options that appeals to Avengers, Thor, Ghost Rider and Western collectors...