Have we heard anything new about the newest Haslab, since they first announced it? Will there be something said, at the New York Comicon, in October? Or is there something sooner?
I remember your Invaders info from before the blip. The good news is that the Invaders are on the radar, The bad news is that there is still "comic vs MCU IP confusion" BS affecting comic versions. It's gotten much better with Clea, Gorr and classic Star-Lord, but is still in play with characters like Namor.
Monsters - great! Bring them on! But modern versions means we'll have to wait for Colan Dracula and Jack Russell Werewolf By Night if they go with the newer Werewolf.
Western Characters! AWESOME! I totally agree classic Avengers won't be complete without Avenger Two-Gun Kid and frequent associate Red Wolf. Of course Dan and Ryan were less than interested because the western characters aren't X-Men or Spider related.
ROM/Micronauts - cool!
Classic Shang-Chi with the jacket? YES!
Daimon Hellstrom - simple solution: throw him in the (hopefully) Giant-Man HasLab. The Avengers and the Defenders fought together and fought each other, so he fits in, right? RIGHT? Just give him the red pants and cape this time...
But Red Wolf, & Phantom Rider teamed with Spidey sometimes, didn't they? Heck, as an Avengers tie-in, they could make a Rangers 5 pack with those 2 aforementioned characters, plus Firebird, who was a member of the WCA, and Texas Twister, and Shooting Star. All 5 were Initiative members, right?
A Rangers 5-pack with Firebird, Red Wolf, Phantom Rider, Shooting Star and Texas Twister would be a dream come true!
@sdmike Thank you for sharing!
Have to admit, I don't understand the issue with releasing comic versions of characters who recently appeared in the MCU. Seem silly.
They can easily release Daimon via fan channel or Pulse exclusive like they did the HFC ladies. And before there is any confusion, I am not comparing women's bodies to potential Satan paraphernalia...just trying to think like a "Karen". I would have to imagine the team had the same reluctance to release women in lingerie at retail.
Thanks for the write-up SDC! It's always fun to be reminded that this crew have just as deep a love for Marvel as anyone here.
Obviously a bummer about Daimon. As someone who really wanted the Hellcharger to succeed, well...bummer.
Invaders, Monsters, Rom/Micronauts, and classic Shang-Chi being on the radar is great news. And that Western box set pitch sounds incredible. Also love that Outlaw was brought up unprompted by Dwight, which means he's got Agent X on the brain! Would love to get Agent X and Outlaw to go with the Udon Taskmaster from several years ago.
You know that Avengers West Coast Boxed Set that we just got? The Amazon exclusive? Well, that was originally supposed to be the Invaders but ... Marvel nixed it. The Sub-Mariner had just appeared in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever so they felt it was too soon for a comic based figure, especially one from comics that old. So that was the end of that.
Confirms that Marvel/Disney still approach movie/comic characters this way. It makes absolutely no sense. Are kids going into stores, buying a comic-based Namor, and then throwing a fit when they get home and realize it isn't a movie-based Namor? That should be clear to any sentient being from the jump. I also dispute the idea that kids are going to Target and dropping nearly $30 on Marvel Legends, but that's beside the point.
If anything, it's a way to get movie fans interested in comic characters/designs. Strike while the iron is hot. We all know how quickly comic popularity can wear off.
@sdmike A western character I want is Kushala “Spirit Rider”. I like you am far more into the classic characters but every once in awhile a modern character is cool enough to force their way into my “I care about them” canon. Kamala Khan, America Chavez etc.
Hasbro not being able to do characters that were in the MCU recently is... Really stupid. Just snuffs out my dream for a Starlin Warlock and Buscema Nebula, who are probably the only two figures I'd really buy from the line right now.
Rom is good news. I'll be there when that happens.
I wish Daimon could get made, but if he can't, I hope some third party company can make a Legends-esque toy of him or something.
Also, I can't see why a horse would be a bad idea. It could be used across multiple lines like D&D, reused for Spider-Horse, Phantom Rider, any western character, they could make a Loki and horse two pack, so on and so forth. The limits are endless!
Dan and Ryan's horse comment is just lame. So much re-use possibilities with just one sculpt, especially flying winged horses that a certain X-related character who became a Valkyrie rides... I mean, how can Dan and Ryan resist a related X-character flying companion?
It seems like the MCU issue is on a case-by-case basis as we've been getting some comic versions lately alongside MCU figures. Ant-Man and Drax both had movies/movie figures this year, Gorr was released shortly after Love & Thunder. I agree that holding off is silly and should instead be viewed as a way to capitalize on a higher profile for the character - really hoping some good comic Captain/Ms. Marvel stuff will be announced as the movie approaches!
If they do a cowboy sculpt we can almost guarantee getting Rawhide Kid eventually. Sounds to me like Dwight was floating the idea more or less off the top of his head, so it's probably not comprehensive!
And yeah, seriously, enough with the horse hate! They could resell a horse sculpt at least 5 times over, though I guess they doubt those figures would move enough. Cost the first one out as a BAF and go from there!
Regarding the "comic vs film IP confusion" (direct quote from Dwight a few years ago that's why I always use it), Hasbro has made recent strides in getting us the comic version just before or just after the film release, which is a good thing:
Classic Dr. Strange
Classic Black Panther
Classic Star-Lord
Classic Ant-Man
1st Appearance Monica
Classic Drax
But the Namor news is just irritating. Especially how this one character holds up the possible production of other Invaders.
And we still don't have comic versions of Mantis, Nebula, Wong, Skurge, Attuma, M'Baku, Killmonger, much needed Mandarin update and America Chavez, just to name a few.
Offering both the comic and cinematic versions near each other just seems like good business. The two worlds shouldn't be in competition. They should exist together in harmony.
Also, I can't see why a horse would be a bad idea. It could be used across multiple lines like D&D, reused for Spider-Horse, Phantom Rider, any western character, they could make a Loki and horse two pack, so on and so forth. The limits are endless!
I don't know why reuse of parts across lines isn't done more. Is there some legal issue around it?