Did anybody here get a chance to meet with Dwight, Ryan and Dan at the booth and ask any questions? I've only seen a few videos on YouTube. One of my kiddos and I got sick so I didn't make it this year, but we had a good time playing with some MLs and LEGO.
@beamish I sure hope this works. I'm going to post some pics I took at the show and use spoiler tags to make it load easier.
More coming up
Great pics SDC! Looking forward to reading your write-up from the floor as well.
Great pics! Really missed coming here during all the SDCC reveals and discussing right after, I’ve deleted all my notes and at the time thought the Fwoosh forums were down old school style because of it being SDCC, whoops!
Okay, let's do it. Like I said, it's not a lot so don't get excited.
I think I posted this news about the Invaders right before the blip, but some of you may not have gotten a chance to see it so I'll repeat it. My biggest want right now in Legends are Marvel's Golden Age characters. I didn't start reading comics until the early 60's but both my Mom and Dad read comics when they were kids in the 1940's. My Dad used to tell me stories of the Justice Society and the All-Winner's Squad. Both my grandfathers served in World War II and as a kid I always imagined them fighting alongside the superheroes of the time. So even though I didn't actually live through it, I've always had a special affinity for that fabled and storied era.
So of course when I see the Legends team at SDCC the first words out of mouth are "When, Dwight? When? WHEN?" And here's the kicker: You know that Avengers West Coast Boxed Set that we just got? The Amazon exclusive? Well, that was originally supposed to be the Invaders but ... Marvel nixed it. The Sub-Mariner had just appeared in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever so they felt it was too soon for a comic based figure, especially one from comics that old. So that was the end of that. Honestly though, I can't really be too upset about it. I do love the Avengers and that set was pretty cool. And I am assured that it's only a matter of time before the Invaders get their day. So it's all good.
Moving on, people my age remember staying up late on Saturday nights to watch a program called "Creature Features" that played a lot of the old classic black and white Universal horror movies. This would have been in the early 1970's. Right around the same time, Marvel published some amazing comics featuring those same characters. Tomb of Dracula, Werewolf By Night, The Monster of Frankenstein, The Living Mummy. Between the Universal movies and the Marvel Comics I fell in love with those icons. So yes, I did ask Dwight about a classic monsters boxed set. Yes, they are on the radar, but it's more likely that we'll get modern versions of those characters first. In fact, Dwight made a digital render of modern Dracula to show the higher ups. Now I will admit that I found that news disappointing. But the classics are on the radar. So maybe someday.
More disappointment: We're never getting a Son of Satan figure. Never. Ever. Hasbro is a toy company. They're not going to make a figure of a guy carrying a pitchfork with a pentagram on his chest who calls himself The Son of Satan. They'll get letters. Lots of letters. And not of the good variety. Don't ask, not happening. So, if you're like me and you'll never consider your bronze age Defenders complete without Daimon, make one yourself if you possess skills, or find someone who will do it for you if you don't. That's all we can do.
On the GOOD news front (And yes, there is some) I asked about the possibility of Rom and Micronauts figures in Legends now that Marvel is reprinting their comics in Omnibus format. Dwight said getting both Hasbro and Marvel to sit down and figure out how they would divide the profits would be difficult. It's a lot easier to get things done when you can leave the damn lawyers out of it. So I said could Hasbro make Rom and Micronauts figures in the style and scale of Legends but just not call them Marvel Legends? And he said yes. So yay. We might get Rom and the Micronauts. Just not in Legends packaging. Not a problem for me since the package goes right in the trash anyway.
A little more good news. I asked about Marvel's western characters. Specifically, the Two-Gun Kid and Red Wolf since I consider them Avengers. And hey! Dwight pitched a box set that would include classic Phantom Rider, classic Kid Colt, classic Two-Gun Kid, classic Red Wolf, a modern character created by Gail Simone called Outlaw and a horse. I could tell by the way Dwight's eyes lit up that he really loved the idea. We walked over to Dan and Ryan and I could tell by the way their eyes glazed over that they did NOT like the idea. "Horses are expensive" they said. Well, yes. So's a scooter for Squirrel Girl but they made one. I like that Dwight's on our side here. I told them that I would never consider the Avengers complete until we get Two-Gun and Red Wolf and they all nodded. So i will remain hopeful. For those not familiar with Outlaw, click here: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix3/outlawax.htm. I had never heard of her but I like Gail Simone and she sounds cool.
I asked about a classic Master of Kung-Fu but this time one that's wearing his shirt. Short answer is yes.
There were a couple of other things I asked about but I foolishly did not take notes and I can't remember now. That's on me. My fault. If I'd been thinking I would have recorded the conversations. Well, it's okay. They'll be back again next year.
And that's it. Like I said, not a lot but there are some things to think about. No, we'll never get Son of Satan so we'll have to let it go. But the classic monsters and classic western characters? That could happen. Just keep asking. Ask them at conventions, ask them on social media, send them emails but keep asking. Hasbro is a profit driven company. If they think they can make money on something, they'll do it. Stay vocal and it can happen.
It was a fun show. It was good to see the guys again. Can't wait until next year.
🙁 So, the Robbie Haslab not failing was our only way to get Hellstrom? 🙁 Well, hopefully Select will be up for the task, and are allowed to make him. O:) 😀
🙁 So, the Robbie Haslab not failing was our only way to get Hellstrom? 🙁 Well, hopefully Select will be up for the task, and are allowed to make him. O:) 😀
Ha! I forgot all about that! I tried to put the whole hell charger fiasco out of my mind. I wish I would have remembered that a modern Daimon figure was offered as a tier. I would have brought that up. Maybe that's why they're so adamant about not doing a classic version now. Not only because they might get in trouble with "Moms For Liberty" and other Karens with too much time on their hands, but because they're still stinging from that failure.