The great thing about Dire Wraiths is that any of your current figures could already be one.
I'm about 10 issues into the Rom Omnibus and really loving it. I'm aiming to read the entire series (all 3 Omnibuses...Omnibi?) before the figure releases next year. ROM.
I hope ROM isn't a BAF, as I wouldn't mind more than one of him. And I know a friend of mine will want ROM, but he's not going to buy a wave of figures to get him (he's not really a Marvel fan).
A Dire Wraith would be great to face off against ROM, but a Dire Wraith would likely be a BAF which wouldn't be conducive to army building (still haven't assembled even one Mindless One).
I will be absolutely SUPER pissed if Rom is a BAF. He's my single most wanted figure of any line I collect and I have no interest in buying a bunch of unwanted figures to get him. I'm hoping to get two Roms and that definitely won't happen if he's a BAF. I passed on Zabu and Cosmo over being BAFs even though I love collecting Hasbro's animal releases.
Also hoping the Dire Wraiths are not BAFs. They're army builders. I know they've done it to us over the Mindless Ones but that was stupid, too. They could have sold way more Mindless Ones as single releases or two-packs.
I'm hoping ROM is in a cosmic-themed wave and either cybernetic box Korvac or Charlie-27 is the BAF.
Yes, please!!
I'm hoping ROM is in a cosmic-themed wave and either cybernetic box Korvac or Charlie-27 is the BAF.
Don't tease me.... Rom, Starhawk, Charlie-27, Deathbird, Space Armor Iron Man, Phylla Vell and Abraxas (the easy to make villain that nobody is expecting or asked for). That's the wave.
Now that I've been reading and realize how big ROM is usually depicted, I got worried that the figure might come out shrimpy - I see in the first few posts in this thread that his height was specifically addressed in the panel when they unveiled him. I see 7' listed on some of the official sources, but he looks way bigger to me - at least in the first dozen or so issues that I've read so far it really seems like he's standing 9' tall relative to the normal sized humans next to him.
I haven’t pestered my cousin in law at Hasbro for a while. So I just dropped him a note. Along with ROM, I asked him if Hasbro could come to an agreement with Toho Studios in order to do a limited edition Godzilla based on his Marvel appearances. 😅
I'd eagerly take both, but if it was Charlie-27, I'd hope they did him really wide, but not overly tall.I'm hoping ROM is in a cosmic-themed wave and either cybernetic box Korvac or Charlie-27 is the BAF.
My cuz-in-law still doesn’t know the other characters yet. They go live for preorder at the end of November, and they’re keeping it tight lipped until it gets closer.
He’s going to ask one of his sales buddies for some info.
In the meantime, I’m pumped that the final volume in the ROMnibus series will be out in November. I worked on those so long ago, and it’s so great to finally see them all come to fruition. 🙂
During one of the NYCC interviews Ryan Ting said that they used some new tooling or design while creating ROM that he thought turned out well. He gave no specific indication as to what he meant though.
During one of the NYCC interviews Ryan Ting said that they used some new tooling or design while creating ROM that he thought turned out well. He gave no specific indication as to what he meant though
That’s interesting. Perhaps the figures will be cast from Plandanium molds. 😉
Damnation. The ROM wave was supposed to be up for sale at the end of this month.
i just texted my cousin-in-law. I’m demanding to know the whereabouts of the Greatest of the Spaceknights!