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Just do a subset line like they used to with FF and Spidey classics. "Micro Legends"

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Back to ROM, any idea if Dire Wraith figures can be made in Legends? Hasbro should own the name at this point, but do they own the design(s)?

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There are ways they could potentially work around licensing issues:

”The King of Spartak” (Acroyer)

”Prince Shaitan” (Acroyer II)

“Enigma Force” (Time Travelers)

“The Baron” (Baron Karza)

“Prince Argon” (Force Commander)

“Prince of Aegyptia” (Pharoid)

”Bio-unit” (Biotron)

”Micron unit (Microtron)

”Phobotic unit” (Phobos)

Granted these could be marketing loopholes, and possibly still open to legal questions.  But some of the designs still differ enough from the original toy designs as to be considered a different character.

Thor-El reacted
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I thought the Fwoosh boards were gone for good.  I only rediscovered them just this moment while searching for more ROM news. 

I’ve known about the ROM figure since March. My cousin-in-law works at Hasbro, and I’ve been on him for a long time regarding ROM.

I did the research for the three ROMnibus volumes, and once I was assigned those about THREE years ago (I just checked: February 2021), I started on my glorious Galadorian crusade to get a figure made. 🙂

I was told months ago that ROM is part of a multi-figure wave, but they’re still keeping it under wraps as far as whom else is in the wave.  I’m hoping for more Spaceknights personally, although I wouldn’t be surprised to see Micronauts.  Acroyear would be sweet.

Firefall, Terminator, and Starshine figures would be epic. 🙂

TheGillMan, Akatsuki, Beamish and 1 people reacted
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@hulkster1 Maybe a general cosmic wave? Tons of fairly big cosmic characters they could do.

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@detectivehoag No need for any of that. Hasbro could do Micronauts releases in 1:12 scale tomorrow the same way they can do GI Joe, as they own the property.

Marvel comics licensed the character names and the designs - what Marvel owns are character names and likenesses in the comics not from the 1970's toy line - Bug and Marionette, and Rann (his look without the helmet and glider pack is different/generic enough from the Space Glider toy he was representing), and any side character (Slug, Prince Argon not in Force Commander mode, Devil) created by Marvel. Captain Universe debuted in Micronauts and has had a figure in Legends.

Acroyear, Biotron, Karza are Hasbro because in the comics Marvel used the names and likenesses both - so Hasbro owns them outright - and made mini figures for them as an SDCC exclusive in 2017 when the IDW comic was running that also used many of those names and designs.

TheGillMan reacted
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@hulkster1 If ROM is in a wave, wonder if he might be a BAF.

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Posted by: @fac

@hulkster1 If ROM is in a wave, wonder if he might be a BAF.


I suppose that’s possible, but I think I would have been told that.  🙂


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Posted by: @derrabbi

@hulkster1 Maybe a general cosmic wave? Tons of fairly big cosmic characters they could do.

Could be. The other characters all had code names, so my cuz-in-law didn’t know at the time who else was planned for the wave. 


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Come on, Hasbro...

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Posted by: @beamish

2023 - Crystar reveal

2024 - ROM reveal




kal-el reacted
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Dire Wraith build a figure?

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Posted by: @fac

@hulkster1 If ROM is in a wave, wonder if he might be a BAF.

That’s what I was thinking. They emphasized that they scaled him right so the figure is tall. That might put him into BaF territory.

Here’s a link to the 1979 commercial for the Rom toy that the comic basically advertised. 

They talked a lot about his eyes; ya think they’re gonna try electric gimmicks to light ‘em up?

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Posted by: @fingfangfoom

Posted by: @fac

@hulkster1 If ROM is in a wave, wonder if he might be a BAF.

That’s what I was thinking. They emphasized that they scaled him right so the figure is tall. That might put him into BaF territory.

Here’s a link to the 1979 commercial for the Rom toy that the comic basically advertised. 

They talked a lot about his eyes; ya think they’re gonna try electric gimmicks to light ‘em up?

I just texted my cousin-in-law (from now on simply referred to as my cousin 🙂). If I find out anything, I’ll post it as soon as I do  



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I just heard back.

Here’s the latest re: the ROM figure:

“”It might be a build a figure. I know that whole wave is also supposed to come with mini comic books with original cover art of each figure too, not sure about the eyes. I’ll check with the marvel production guy when I get to the booth. I asked him yesterday if they brought a figure to the show and he said ROM and 3 others were the only figures they couldn’t get made in time for the show.”

So, not a whole lot of specific info. I’ll keep ya posted if I learn more. 🙂

I don’t know what to think about a build a figure. I’m super selective, and don’t have a big Marvel collection.  Also, I don’t know how the plan to have a mini comic and cover art work with a build a figure.  Unless Hasbro simply forgoes that for ROM if he is the BAF. 

hmmberto, fac and Beamish reacted
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