And Walmart hasn't even gotten in the X Men 97 wave yet. Faaq.
I got all six X-Men '97 wave 2 figures at my closest Walmart two days ago.Β I knew to try because I saw people on Reddit posting that they saw or bought them at both Walmart and Target last week.
Got notification for all the ones I ordered from Pulse last night, too. It was funny, I was offline for a while painting and came back to like, SEVEN notifications from Pulse that stuff was shipping soon and was like "I thought I was cutting down this year..."
@docsilence I got 12 notifications this morning. Each of this wave, DD/Hydroman, Angel, and all four Wolverine 2pks. This is gonna be brutal.
I cancelled DD and Hydro. I really don't like the limited highlights they sprayed onto Hydro.
But I want Hallows Eve, Scarlet, Jack and Tombstone! π
Prowler is up for pre-order now - aside from the light paint job and extra unmasked head is there nay difference between this one and the one from the Lizard BAF wave?
When is the Target exclusive Carnage going up for preorder?Β I thought it was today.
@normdapito Only reason I didn't get that many is I split a few of the orders between Pulse and Amazon (I think I did two Wolverine two-packs from each, some of this retro wave from Amazon for reasons I don't even remoember). The best part is we have a porch pirate epidemic in my neighborhood so if I get like seven separate packages from Pulse I'm going to be SWEATING for the entire time waiting for them to arrive.
@docsilence I got 12 notifications this morning. Each of this wave, DD/Hydroman, Angel, and all four Wolverine 2pks. This is gonna be brutal.
Same and I just paid for a couple of Vamps and X-Men '97 wave 2.Β I'm gonna be poor.
Any word on when the Target exclusive Carnage will be available for purchase?
I only got the notification for DD and Hydro-man because I ordered everything else through BBTS. so I think I'll still have a bit of waiting to do on the rest of my orders
Scarlet Spider just shipped from BBTS. Also got an 'arriving soon' e-mail for Tomb Stone.
Yaaaay, Pulse slapped a label on my Bens, Jack & Tombstone last night. Way excited for these - my first legends of the year!