So is this wave fan channel only or is it department stores as well?
It's a general retail wave. There was some confusion early on that these were pulse exclusives, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Jack O' Lantern can't come out Soon Enough!! They need to get Vermin & Carrion out too though. 90's/Animated Vulture and The Owl too! And Foolkiller dangit!
So what do you think the chances are we might see this wave out in time for Christmas?
Probably nonexistent. We haven't seen any in-hand shots of the next Avengers wave which is scheduled two months earlier than this wave.
But I am ready for it. Hallow's Eve is exciting, and no matter how little I need or want it in my collection, that biker jacket Spidey just looks cool.
I was hoping this would come out in time for 3 major reasons:
1) I have literally nothing to open under the tree this year. Not a single toy or video game, box set, blu ray...nothing. its gotten so bad that I'm in the process of putting together a pull list of all the tpbs and hardcovers from IDW I've missed out on over the last 5-6 years. Having one set of figures in lieu of most of these books would be great.
2) There's a lot of rumors going around that it's going to be a Wolverine heavy year next year, and I've got enough wolverine variants to last a lifetime already. So if Hasbro releases the Void wave and the Spidey retro wave early enough, that gives them an entire year to just clean house with these wolverine releases and I can just sit back and take a vacation from Legends. The only figure I would consider buying is maybe a Capcom styled wolverine if Marvel could secure the rights. And next year is not only the 50th anniversary of Wolvierine, but also the 30th anniversary of Children of the Atom.
3) the most obvious reason I need this wave to come out is because that Mark Bagley inspired Scarlet Spider has me foaming at the mouth. I just wish we also had the option for the torn hoodie (with the hood torn off as well) as long as its just an overlay.
So Apparently both this wave and the void wave have been spotted in Hong Kong and the UK. hopefully that means that we are just a couple weeks out from seeing these figures arrive at US retailers.
So Apparently both this wave and the void wave have been spotted in Hong Kong and the UK. hopefully that means that we are just a couple weeks out from seeing these figures arrive at US retailers.
The Void BAF wave shipped for me yesterday from BBTS, about a week after I remember seeing in-hand reviews starting to show up on YouTube. The retro Spidey wave in-hand reviews are beginning to hit now so that makes me think these will be pretty close behind even though they had an anticipated release date of May (Void was February, I believe).
@stephenwdavis yeah I said as much in the void wave discussion. We are mere days or hours away from seeing the spidey retro wave ship. And I think they'll arrive fast enough for some of the figures to act as a spoiler on some folks FOTY lists by a whisker
I got the entire Chasm/Tarantula/Elektra wave, and this Tombstone/Jack wave does indeed look even better. So I fully anticipate picking up every single one. Hallows Eve is a great design, so despite her being unknown, I'm sure she'll catch some eyes on the shelves. Plus, female villains are popular. (Or so I would assume based on what I see from Disney.)
Not sure what the original date was for this wave was but Pulse is currently showing a ship date of March 18th.
Cannot make it out soon enough. The Walamas around here put out a fresh case of the NWH wave. It really surprised me to see it in multiple stores. Hate when they do this BS. Was so expecting the retro wave instead.
But so far the cherry picks of NWH are flying off the pegs, and leaving MJ's and buck nekkid Sandman to keep the leftover Jes Drews and Tarantulas company.
And Walmart hasn't even gotten in the X Men 97 wave yet. Faaq.
@left-field LOL, the only thing my Walmart has is Black Panther Legacy wave. Those sold so poorly for them and have never been clearanced out that the only two waves that they've ordered since those came out were the Marvels movie wave and the Spidey retro card wave with The Rose in it. Nothing else in like 2.5 years..... It's been the same for DC Multiverse where they have Future State Batman and Metal Duke Thomas Batman still on the pegs and haven't ordered anything but their own exclusives since those figures... this is in a town of around 75,000 people.
I'm guessing this goes here, Pulse notified me a few mins ago that the Daredevil/Hydro-man 2-pack is shipping soon.
Yeah, I got the same email as well. Also Scarlet Spider and the other figures from that wave are charging next week. I wasn't expecting Daredevil/Hydro-Man to ship this soon.