I still need a Punisher. The only one I want is his holy grail 1st appearance.
OK...Β now that we have this retro wave in hand....Β Β what are the odds on choices for the next Spidey wave?Β Β Where can or will they go next?
Is there any chance we get a comic/cartoon based Madame Web after the movie face planted so hard?
I was looking over the old Toy Biz 5" line trying to figure out what else they could do that they haven't hit yet:
Chameleon (jumpsuit)
Wasp (insect style)
and a bunch of wacky Spider-Man variants
and while I'm here - we need a redo on the terrible Man-Wolf they did in the 6" line
From there, though,Β they'd really need to start mining the comics as there's still plenty of characters from the books that haven't had figuresΒ -Β Will o' the Wisp comes to mind... just sayin'.Β Β Β
So what's the next line up people want to see?Β Β Is it all just redos?Β Β
There are plenty of redos/upgrades I'm interested in getting, but still tons of new characters I'd rather have!
Rocket Racer
The Enforcers
Man Mountain Marko
Killer Shrike
And many more besides! And now that we have Assassin Spider-Man, my top Spidey variant want is Spider-Man India - the comic version first, but also the one from ATSV.
My perfect 6 figure retro wave would be ...
Chameleon (smoking jacket)
Spider Slayer (JJJ robot face)
The Big Man
Will O the Wisp
Freedom Foundation Spider-Man (just trying to think of one SM variant I'd actually buy)
painful exclusions: Stegron (needs a BAF), the Enforcers (needs a 3 pk), Overdrive (cut for a Spider-Man bc you have to)
Animated Chameleon
Swarm (because)
Madame Webb (old lady or I'll take a Dakota! The animated MJ is halfway there - her jeans look is way better than that half-assed attempt at her costume anyway)
Overdrive for every shelf that is one team member short
Tan pants MJ (because then I could use the existing one for other civilian looks!)
Lady Doc Ock
A Vulture re-release with full-paint or a unique sculpt - my Toy Biz one is still better (but wilting)
An official The Spot - I can paint Zero but I really don't WANT to!
I have a lot I want from Spider-Verse but I won't do that here. π But Spider-India is a necessity. π
Classic Boomerang would be nice. So would White Tiger, Hector Ayala.
We also need a Spidey that's been through it
Obviously,Β the Aforementioned Carrion,Β Vermin, Swarm and Stegron! But Also, the Owl and the Scarecrow! Kaine and Spidercide should definitely also happen!
OK...Β now that we have this retro wave in hand....Β Β what are the odds on choices for the next Spidey wave?Β Β Where can or will they go next?
Is there any chance we get a comic/cartoon based Madame Web after the movie face planted so hard?
I was looking over the old Toy Biz 5" line trying to figure out what else they could do that they haven't hit yet:
Chameleon (jumpsuit)
Wasp (insect style)
Doppleganger He actually has a figure
and a bunch of wacky Spider-Man variants
and while I'm here - we need a redo on the terrible Man-Wolf they did in the 6" line
From there, though,Β they'd really need to start mining the comics as there's still plenty of characters from the books that haven't had figuresΒ -Β Will o' the Wisp comes to mind... just sayin'.Β Β Β
So what's the next line up people want to see?Β Β Is it all just redos?Β Β
Well I feel this is loaded, because the choices for retro card have had absolutely no connection to the original 90s line... but here's what I see going forward as the most likely things getting made
Villain Wise
- The Spot (i'd prefer he come with 2 heads, full round spot on head with no eyes and one with the eyes)
- Animated Chameleon (this is more likely to come in a VHS 2 pack i think)
- Man-Wolf
- Kaine
- Classic SpiderSlayer with Jameson head
- Swarm
- Scarecrow
- Calypso
- Grizzly (if we ever get a baf wave again)
- Spidercide
- Will-O-The Wisp (wild card, but probable)
- Big Man
- Crime Master
- Animated Vulture (likely VHS)
- Animated Mysterio (Likely VHS)
- Animated Lizard (this would have to be a deluxe or VHS case to itself most likely)
- Animated Hobgoblin (VHS since previous attempt was carded)Β
- Classic Morbius (blue and red with Romita head) I don't think Morbius has ever been on a vintage card
- Cardiac
- Kindred
- Carrion
- Sin Eater
- Boomerang (classic)
- Vermin
Spider-People & Variants
- Deluxe Superior Spider-Man (with the red legs) - this figure is actually rumored for this year
- Future Foundation (white this time)
- Big Time Spider-man (red instead of green)
- Deluxe Spider-Hulk
- Deluxe Man-Spider (this would make a great baf if we ever get a spider-man baf wave again)
- Spider-Man 2211
- 1602 The Spider
- Lady Spider
- Wolf Spider
- Aaron Aikman
- Spider Knight
- Pavitr Prabhakar
- Al Apaec
- Spider-Man Unlimted
- Ghost Spider
- The Slingers
- Battle Ravaged Spider-Man
- Spider-Sense Spider-Man
- Half Transformed Symbiote Spider-Man
Wild Cards that I hope get made but far less secure about
- Madame Web (With chair, and alt heads for comic and cartoon)
- Aunt May (Comic)
- Harry Osborn (Comic)
- 90s Deep V cut Black Cat
- Manga Spider-Man
- The Enforcers
- The Punisher (Animated)
- The Gibbon
- Kangaroo
- Solo
- Foreigner
- Tinkerer
- Looter
- The Answer
- Gog
- Slyde
- Styx and Stone
- Black Tarantula
- Karn
- Ezekiel
- Shathra
- Overdrive
- Screwball
- Lightmaster
- Stegron
- Ringmaster
- Ringer
- Delilah
- Rocket Racer
- Burglar
- Ana The Hunter
I'm really hoping for a classic KaineΒ
And Sensational Spider-Man (IIRC the last time we got a ML of him was way back in the Ares BAF wave)
Animated Chameleon and Vulture are big wants of mine
For female characters a civilian MJ (only available previously in the TRU 2 pack) and Screwball would be good
Isn't that the Ben Riley spidey suit from the 90s? Wasn't that done on a retro card a few years ago? Would be nice to get it updated on the RYV buck
Oh yes my mistake, I totally forgot he was done in the Retro line!
Leave it to SpideyBoy to give me the comprehensive list -Β but it is fantastic.Β Β And I'm kicking myself for leaving Spot off of my original list -Β he had a 10" Toy Biz figure so he definitely should have been included.
But I'm down for all of that...
Something that I think Hasbro would be good to do - a head pack for various Goblins:
Green Goblin
- Norman Osborn insane/laughing head
- Harry OsbornΒ
- Bart Hamilton
- Roderick Kingsley
- Daniel Kingsley
- Jason Macendale (human and cyborg heads)
- Flash Thompson
- Ned Leeds (to recreate this scene)
I still hope for a classic comic accurate Hobgoblin and Green Goblin altogether. Their figures were half ass.
@thwippersnapper I modified my Retro Hobby into a "Classic" version by carefully trimming the cape off (the tattered parts) to a waist-length! It's not perfect of course,Β but it works lol!
Hopefully we can get a proper classic Hobgoblin. The Toybiz Spider-Man Classics Hobgoblin is still the best Hobgoblin we've gotten in six inch scale.Β