So I saw this and had to share. It is Carbon Scoring's Youtube channel, but the guy who created it is Toy.Blocks.
Talk about really going all out and making the "Bathtub" Fantasticar a show piece that is worthy of being made and a higher pricetag. Anyway:
I would buy this in a second.
I actually own this thing, and it's pretty great. We discussed it a bit in this thread:
One of my main complaints is the lights - they're independently battery powered, meaning you have to pull each light housing out and turn on the light, then reassemble to get them on - then pull it apart again to turn them off. Basically, this means those lights are never getting used. I bought some wired LEDs with a switch and installed it myself, so now I've got an easy way to switch them on or off to actually enjoy the feature. If he does a Fantasticar v1.1 redesign, that's an improvement that would be worth making.
The print lines on this thing don't really bother me, but given the high price tag to do this with 3D printing for a relatively simple design I am curious what someone could do with a more traditional figure-manufacturing process. I'm very happy to have this in the collection, but I could definitely see an official version coming along in the next few years at a lower price point and a few more bells and whistles.
Yeah... that is exactly the kind of thing I would pay Hasbro triple digits for (not HasLab money... but) It's not too big to be overwhelming to a display. It can be displayed off the ground so wouldn't have to eat up as much valuable shelf space - especially if there was a clever wall mounting option.
I honestly wouldn't need it to feature any electronics for my own purposes - and to bring costs down. But it's simple enough that it could be done well. I do hope this is the kind of thing Hasbro thinks about for it's new oversized Dragon Man/Sentinel sku.
The print lines on this thing don't really bother me, but given the high price tag to do this with 3D printing for a relatively simple design I am curious what someone could do with a more traditional figure-manufacturing process. I'm very happy to have this in the collection, but I could definitely see an official version coming along in the next few years at a lower price point and a few more bells and whistles.
The crappy 3D resin is the reason I didn't buy it, but I didn't realize how good that base is until I saw Carbon Scoring's interview a few days ago. I doubt Hasbro makes any base at all for their eventual version, and even if they do it's tough to see it being as good as that one is.
Yeah... that is exactly the kind of thing I would pay Hasbro triple digits for (not HasLab money... but) It's not too big to be overwhelming to a display. It can be displayed off the ground so wouldn't have to eat up as much valuable shelf space - especially if there was a clever wall mounting option.
I honestly wouldn't need it to feature any electronics for my own purposes - and to bring costs down. But it's simple enough that it could be done well. I do hope this is the kind of thing Hasbro thinks about for it's new oversized Dragon Man/Sentinel sku.
I have no business speculating on cost since I don't know anything, but the design is so simple - it really seems like they could do a killer job in the $150-200 range. NO clue if that's actually realistic, but it definitely seems like it would fit the preorder or smaller Haslab model.
The print lines on this thing don't really bother me, but given the high price tag to do this with 3D printing for a relatively simple design I am curious what someone could do with a more traditional figure-manufacturing process. I'm very happy to have this in the collection, but I could definitely see an official version coming along in the next few years at a lower price point and a few more bells and whistles.
The crappy 3D resin is the reason I didn't buy it, but I didn't realize how good that base is until I saw Carbon Scoring's interview a few days ago. I doubt Hasbro makes any base at all for their eventual version, and even if they do it's tough to see it being as good as that one is.
The base is impressive, and creates a dynamic way to display it that would be sorely missing if it wasn't included. I was skeptical at first and worried that such a solid chunk of white would be a visual distraction, but it blends in fairly well and there's no obvious better solution available.
Until the creator pointed it out in the video I didn't realize the base was four tornado-whirlwinds, and that each one lined up with rotor blades sculpted into the bottom of each of the four cars. So it isn't just a base--it's a visual depiction for how the Fantasti-Car flies. That's a REALLY nice touch.
From the Etsy listing I thought it was just a clear base, but it's much more than just that.
Very nicely done. But super out of my price range for a Fantastic Car. Hopefully Hasbro can do one as Panthercult suggested. I don't need all the bells and whistles. However that base is quite nice.
Another thing to note is that in addition to @h-bird praising it here the Etsy comments on the car are overwhelmingly positive. That alone has been tempting me to buy it for a few weeks now after I had ruled it out a few months ago due to my distaste for 3D printer resin. Some of the comments are positively glowing.
I think that it looks absolutely amazing, and I would eagerly buy one. But I absolutely cant justify that price. I wish I could, truly, because I understand and value the work the creator put into it.
There are many centerpiece compositions/prints from Toyblocks. It inspires me to make my own Fantasticar from mediums I’m familiar. Price seems fair for it. I’ve bought other 3D prints which gave me buyers remorse. Well maybe not that harsh. Some disappointment. This doesn’t look like it would disappoint.
This artist is really using their powers for good. A lot of talent. That Fantasticar is something that would be the centerpiece of an entire collection. I'd love one without the electronics. I'm priced out on its current available option.
I would hope Hasbro could push one of these out. If they can do a Vamp in Classified at its affordable format, they certainly could do it for the Fantasticar.
I would hope Hasbro could push one of these out. If they can do a Vamp in Classified at its affordable format, they certainly could do it for the Fantasticar.
I totally agree.
I want to be clear that I also agree about the beauty and craftsmanship of the printed version in this thread. It's amazing that people can do this level of fabrication in their home now.
But, for my personal collection needs the display stand, while wonderfully executed, still eats up a ton of shelf space I don't really have, so I would be more interested in a solution - and I may have to come up with it myself, I concede - where I can wall mount such a vehicle, so It can float above displayed figures on the shelf, maybe next to Galactus at his hip or thigh level.
Additionally I find that I end up having little use for the electronics included here - so while they are nifty and interesting once or twice - the reality is they add cost where I don't actually reap a ton of benefit, so I prefer they be left out so the cost can come down and I don't have to worry about any eventually battery corrosion issues either.
So, fingers crossed Hasbro decides to have a go at one of these around the time the FF movie comes out. Or, barring that, that 3-D printing progresses and gets a little cheaper and someone fabricates something similar with fewer bells and whistles at a slightly lower price point that is more palatable.