Style guides for characters do exist. But those tend to be for artwork to use on things like lunch boxes, stationary, clothing, etc. Color variances between versions of characters in Marvel Legends are intentional. They're referencing different eras and media. They certainly aren't mistakes.
This Secret Wars Cap figure is obviously supposed to capture the 80s Mattel one, flaws and all. The blue. The center stripe being white. Hell, I suppose him not coming with a regular shield is probably a cheeky homage to the Mattel figure not having a regular shield. They've managed to even capture and duplicate that childhood disappointment regarding the lack of a normal shield Cap.
While I like the blue on this Cap, I'm going to pass on him unless he's heavily marked down. Too many factors against him. It'll be interesting to see what the next Cap figure looks like. If those Capcom 2pks end up being legit, there could be a decent Cap in them.
Despite being a big comic Iron Man fan, this SW figure isn't screaming out to me. While getting pinless limbs for him is cool (as well as the roller skates), he's just too similar to the AI one. I much prefer gold to yellow for IM figures, so I'll be awaiting a pinless gold/red version of this armor. I was hoping we'd get this classic armor with some butterfly joints, but they're apparently still going to milk this mold for a while. So this is definitely a wait-for-discount figure.
Have they sent out Kang for anyone yet?
I mean, in another thread Norm posted pictures of his Kang on his chair and how he modified two old Kang figures to fit the alternate face plates. So, I'd say yes, at leas for one person.
With some heat and a screwdriver, I was able to pry out the original faces of the standard Kang, ground out some of the plastic, and popped the extra Council faces in. Glued in place, though it probably didn’t need it. Might as well make these permanent mods.
I don’t know what’s going on with my order of Kang and the Vulture set. I got them in about an hour after they went live. I actually tried for an hour before but was having the same issues as everyone else.
Then Hasbro asked me to update my payment method on Sunday, saying there was an issue with it. The card attached definitely doesn’t have any payment issues but I switched to another one just to be safe.
They still haven’t charged me yet, though, and there’s been no progress on the order. I even opened up a ticket a few days ago and haven’t heard anything.
Just take my money, Hasbro!
I got my Kang yesterday, and I agree that the chair is magnificent. Kang's three new faces, new weapons, and the effect piece are also pretty great as well. I don't really want to build a Kang army, but getting a second one feels better knowing both can be displayed at once without it breaking story.
@enigmaticclarity Yeah, I'm with you. I could see myself building a small group of Kangs, but as is I think I'm good with an angry Kang and a serene Kang. Serene Kang goes int he chair while "battle Kang" is going to fight other folks on the shelf.
I just want Kang with a cape, then I'll be a happy z-lister. 😉 😛 lol