I've seen some people here mention using polypropylene bags because they are safer for storing figures.
Can anyone recommend a good, affordable polypropylene bag option? I'm hoping for something that isn't too pricey, I'd much rather spend money on figures than on storage solutions. I'm assuming regular ziplock style bags are no good?
I'm running out of space again, so it's time to put a good chunk of the collection in storage and start a rotation.
My figures with white plastic such as Dazzler and Dagger started to yellow in normal ziplock bags. Per suggestions from a facebook group I now use the following:
No issues thus far and I've been using them for two years, and the white plastics on figures no longer yellow.
@darkxorn Thanks for the suggestion. As these are comic book sleeves, do you store multiple figures per bag? Or is that not recommended?
@marvellegendsman I usually store 1 figure per bag for organization but there are exceptions if it's a duplicate, I roll it up in a way that they are separated to avoid any paint rub, so you could do multiples. For BAF's or larger figures (where possible) I use two bags, one of it's upper body, and another on it's lower body and they overlap in the middle. They are around £15 for 100 bags and I bought 5 or 6 packs to transfer all my figures at once. I'd rather have made the investment to ensure they're all protected instead of seeing any further deterioration.
I invested in a bunch of these a year or so ago, at the suggestion of a fellow Fwoosher (EnigmaticClarity I think?). Primarily the 4x8, but a bunch of the other sizes to fit different size figures. I reorganized to keep every figure in a bag with all the accessories - I got tired of having a bunch of mystery hands and blast effects floating around.
Those bagged figures lived in a bunch of 5 qt (roughly shoebox-sized) storage boxes, but they're too small - I have dozens and dozens of the things. Per the discussion in the Iron Man retro thread, I'm planning to move to larger boxes - something like these 37 qt ones that were suggested. I'm building shelves for the closet in my office where I store everything, and currently trying to find/figure out the optimal box size for maximum safe and accessible storage for the relatively small space.
Is there any particular process that causes the yellowing with ziploc? I've been using those bags for years and just pulled Photon Captain Marvel out of storage and noticed a little dinginess on the lower torso. I've pulled SW troopers out of storage after years of storage and seen the same full on yellow on the harder plastic parts like torsos. After being stored bagged in a cardboard box worth no sun exposure and presumably no or minimal air exposure.My figures with white plastic such as Dazzler and Dagger started to yellow in normal ziplock bags. Per suggestions from a facebook group I now use the following:
No issues thus far and I've been using them for two years, and the white plastics on figures no longer yellow.
On a semi-related note has anyone here retrobrited their figure? If so was it successful? I've always heard that the plastic type used is what leads to yellowing. Certain plastics usually lacking a UV additive are just prone to yellowing. Like with GPS. It still exists. I have modern figures using gold plastic fall to pieces. Some plastics just need certain additives.
I’ve used the cheapest zip baggies from Grocery Outlet for years and haven’t had an issue with my figures deteriorating or yellowing. The biggest issues I have is when things like silver paint rubs off the accessories with JigsawX for example. The type of bag won’t make a difference.
I also don’t intend to keep these things in perpetuity. They’re garbage as soon as I die, anyway. If they melt or crumble in storage, then I wasn’t using or enjoying them in the first place. Besides, how else will I justify buying my 500th Iron Man?
I invested in a bunch of these a year or so ago, at the suggestion of a fellow Fwoosher (EnigmaticClarity I think?). Primarily the 4x8, but a bunch of the other sizes to fit different size figures. I reorganized to keep every figure in a bag with all the accessories - I got tired of having a bunch of mystery hands and blast effects floating around.
Those bagged figures lived in a bunch of 5 qt (roughly shoebox-sized) storage boxes, but they're too small - I have dozens and dozens of the things. Per the discussion in the Iron Man retro thread, I'm planning to move to larger boxes - something like these 37 qt ones that were suggested. I'm building shelves for the closet in my office where I store everything, and currently trying to find/figure out the optimal box size for maximum safe and accessible storage for the relatively small space.
Are you using the same brand as darkxorn, or something else? How much do yours cost?
That's exactly how I feel, Thwipster. These are just to keep my war demons in check. I don't drink or do drugs, I collect little plastic men! My family will be chucking them in the dumpster while I'm off to the crematorium. That silver paint is a mess though. I've used a paint pen for restoring the paint on a sword or some other accessory that rubbed all over other figures and accessories in the past. In fact this last summer I bought a DD, 80s hair Elektra and Bullseye set MIP and the sword paint shed all over that big, beautiful mane of hair on the alternate Elektra head while in it's egg roll bag. Total train wreck! I just acetone the old paint off and the paint pen goes on clean enough. Just found the messed up sword from the last classic Task Master in an accessory bag. Good thing another is on the way for me to buy (got the 3-pack already pre-ordered)!
So I just walked by a shelf right now and was fiddling with my Mattel Voltron figures. All were OK then go to pick up Hunk and completely yellow torso! Of all 5 just him. Sun free shelf, a little dusty but must be a different plastic than the other figures. I may give the retrobrite thing a go on a sacrificial clone trooper and if it works try it on hunk.
I invested in a bunch of these a year or so ago, at the suggestion of a fellow Fwoosher (EnigmaticClarity I think?). Primarily the 4x8, but a bunch of the other sizes to fit different size figures. I reorganized to keep every figure in a bag with all the accessories - I got tired of having a bunch of mystery hands and blast effects floating around.
Those bagged figures lived in a bunch of 5 qt (roughly shoebox-sized) storage boxes, but they're too small - I have dozens and dozens of the things. Per the discussion in the Iron Man retro thread, I'm planning to move to larger boxes - something like these 37 qt ones that were suggested. I'm building shelves for the closet in my office where I store everything, and currently trying to find/figure out the optimal box size for maximum safe and accessible storage for the relatively small space.
Are you using the same brand as darkxorn, or something else? How much do yours cost?
Whoops, I meant to include a link. https://www.clearbags.com/crystal-clear/bags/zipper
I just use standard clear plastic zip bags from Amazon.
Have been using them for years and I do not believe any of my white figures have yellowed...
But now I am worried 😐
They are all stored in organizing bins within a dresser well outside of any light sources.
@h-bird Thank you, I'm going to try these first as they are more appropriately sized for this application than the comic bags. They're pretty cheap, though they get you on the shipping. $10 is a pretty crazy price to pay to ship a bunch of plastic bags lol.
Time to say a temporary goodbye to most of my Black Series collection (especially those white clones and Storm Troopers). Hopefully they'll appreciate their new digs!
I've been using the Plymor brand polyethylene bags sold by Collector Warehouse on Amazon for nearly 10 years. Who knows if they're the best choice, so far I haven't noticed anything funky happening. They have tons of sizes and you get better prices the more you buy.
for sizes I go:
Females, slender figures, black series, 4"x 8"
Typical ML male or Classified, 5" x 8"
Bulky guys, wide cape wearers, MotU, 7" figures, usually 6"x9"
3.75 figures, 3" x 5"
Assorted smaller bags for accessories and cocaine. Usually there's enough room to slip the small bagged accessories in with the figure.
I started to upgrade the bags after a Poe Ghostal blog post. His provided links appear to be dead.
@h-bird Thank you, I'm going to try these first as they are more appropriately sized for this application than the comic bags. They're pretty cheap, though they get you on the shipping. $10 is a pretty crazy price to pay to ship a bunch of plastic bags lol.
Time to say a temporary goodbye to most of my Black Series collection (especially those white clones and Storm Troopers). Hopefully they'll appreciate their new digs!
They do pretty frequent sales as well, usually in the 10-20% off range and sometimes offering free shipping! I spent less than $100 on my first order and have yet to have to refresh - I think I bought like 500 of the 4x8" bags.
Trying to move the current storage discussion from another thread back here. Drawers that can be removed with lids were mentioned. These work well and can have the castors on or off. I think they might be modular, the shelves are seperate pieces, bu I can't confirm how hard it is to remove them or if you can without breaking them right now.
Amazon item B01LX6FV6H