I'm guessing it will be similar to the Haslab Sentinel, but half the height and no light effects.
I would not be stunned if they modified the Marvel Universe 15" Sentinel to become an X-Men Animated version - no lights, no electronics, remove the pauldrons, new head...
The footprints are pretty big - I suppose an animated larger Apocalypse could also be an option.
I would not be stunned if they modified the Marvel Universe 15" Sentinel to become an X-Men Animated version - no lights, no electronics, remove the pauldrons, new head...
The footprints are pretty big - I suppose an animated larger Apocalypse could also be an option.
Personally I can't see that ever happening. There would be major backlash re-using parts from a toy that old. Especially after Dragon Man is all-new tooling.
When Dan Yun posted about the Dragon Man solicit ending and asked for suggestions, I was surprised to see, amongst all the cool stuff, a few people piping up asking for Sentinels. After all, they've now been released in human size, big, bigger and enormous. Is there really any call for yet another size to add to the ranks?
Shows what I know...
If this is the next entry in this line, I'm struggling to think of anything more underwhelming to me.
Sad thing is, it'll probably sell like gangbusters and next time around, the same people will be crying out for a 10 and 3/4" Sentinel, because that scale is the one they really want.
I mean they are the most iconic X-Men army builder foes there are and so likely hard to satiate that need. Certainly the HasLab isn't really army buildable and the recent 2-pack versions don't scratch the imposing oversized itch - and the other versions are all years and years old at this point. So it makes some kind of sense.
I do hope though that they use this slot for more unique oversized character options moving forward. Living Monolith and Atlas - are big oversized wants... maybe Super Adaptoid and Mad Thinker pack? Red Ghost and Super Apes pack?
That Marvel Universe Sentinel has the terrible hip joints where you have to turn the ball around to control the angle that the legs can move out. If they re-use that ancient joint again I riot.
@tsi What are you talking about? They have the reveal right there in the picture. The next offering is a large concrete display base!!! $100!!!!
Seems pretty likely now, with all the hints, it will be an X-Men 97 Sentinel. Just a question of size, but judging by those "footprints" it should be big.
@panthercult I would love an Atlas.
What do people think of the long discussed (among us the fans) of a, say, 12" mold being used for Giant Man, Atlas, Goliath (Josten, Foster, etc) and others?
Would you be upset with this oversized model using the same mold for multiple characters? Just changing the necessary bits to fit the character? As long as it is a quality mold and not just a larger version of the standard ML buck.
Or does this need to be a case of each character has to get it's own tooling each time?
Would you expect a cheaper price if they did reuse molds?
The X-Men 97 Sentinel was huge, bigger than the Haslab Sentinel is next to 6" Legends figures. Cyclops appears to be half the height of the Sentinel's shin in the pic below.
But I'm guessing they do one anyway that's less than half of the height they were in the show.
I think there's a lot of sensible reuse among the various Giant-Men.
Creating a ~12" base body which can then be reused for multiple oversized characters makes sense to me. I wouldn't be opposed to this idea at all. They'd likely have to space them out and have different oversized characters between some releases so we don't get tall-guy overload. Classic Giant-Man (even though the Haslab is shipping soon), Goliath (blue/yellow Pym), Goliath (Clint Barton), Black Goliath, Goliath (Josten), Atlas, Tower (Shi'ar Imperial Guard), Living Monolith, etc. Plenty of options.
A ~12" Sentinel makes sense as a future (or apparently next) oversized preorder figure, ala Dragon Man. A $100 super-poseable oversized Sentinel is more ideal for army building than the Haslab. The Haslab isn't still being made either, so there's no competition for dollars. While the human-sized, arcade Sentinels did well, they don't really fill that classic niche of Sentinels being oversized.
What do people think of the long discussed (among us the fans) of a, say, 12" mold being used for Giant Man, Atlas, Goliath (Josten, Foster, etc) and others?
Would you be upset with this oversized model using the same mold for multiple characters?
I'd feel cheated if they charged $100 for a re-use. I don't know if it's implicit in the plan of oversized figures, but I assume the not-quite-a-HasLab buying plan is for those big characters with unique sculpts that won't see much if any re-use.
So while an 11-12" model is much needed in the line, it's something that can survive as a deluxe release and still earn back its investment.
I don't care if they reuse as long as the reuse makes sense, no different form having various bucks for the regular sized figures. I think it would work for the Giant Man, Goliath, Atlas figures listed.
I do think that 12" is possibly too short now that we have Hulks and Odins and Hulk Busters and Juggernauts measuring at 8" to 9". I'd like closer to a 15" height for the base body - that will still look "small" next to a Galactus while looking "big" next to the rest of the line.
The X-Men 97 Sentinel was huge, bigger than the Haslab Sentinel is next to 6" Legends figures.
Yeah, they scaled huge in the show. A repaint/update/revision of the HasLab would match the show scale best, but that seems highly unlikely.
I hope the colors are not as "cartoony" as the video game release 2-pack Sentinels, because they could nail the X-Men 97 look and have it be pretty close to the Days of Future Past (comic) look as well, especially at about 15". The Giant Battle version - despite being marketed as a DoFP - never quite matched the artwork due to the pauldrons and the triangle chest piece (should be more oval), and the head could be bigger. I would be happy to get something that would pass as the Byrne style Sentinels.
When Dan Yun posted about the Dragon Man solicit ending and asked for suggestions, I was surprised to see, amongst all the cool stuff, a few people piping up asking for Sentinels. After all, they've now been released in human size, big, bigger and enormous. Is there really any call for yet another size to add to the ranks?