Classic versions of both, please. 🙂
Weasel isn’t a big priority for me. I wouldn’t complain if he were made, but I don’t especially need him.
Mesmero, classic costume, oh heck yeah!
Classic Mesmero all the way. Others are a little too Brainiac
Probably don't need Human Fly or Weasel, Mesmero would be nice to add to be sure, and classic has a cool look so should be on the list to be made at some point I would think.
Not interested in Weasel but yes to classic Mesmero. Also yes to Chemistro! I could go for several different versions.
Day #655 - Quark, plus 1st/early appearance Ms. Marvel (Carol) & Dark Ms. Marvel (Karla, archive Day #11)
C'mon - where is she already? 1st/early Carol/Karla is such a no brainer. I'd buy 2 to display both. 1st Carol was all over the booth art at SDCC and her film is coming out soon. It would be nice if early Carol follows suit of Star-Lord and Ant-Man and gets a release very, very soon.
Quark is a pass, but Classic costume Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers is a BIG YES!! And while I'm not personally invested in assembling the Dark Avengers, she should absolutely come with a Dark Ms. Marvel/Karla Sofen head pack-in.
I'd get Quark out of nostalgia for the old toy more than any comic appearances. Big yes to classic/dark Ms. Marvel.
Classic Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel is a definite yes, as is Dark Ms. Marvel!
I'd be really tempted to get Dark Ms Marvel. I'm strictly MCU but I don't know how many of the Dark Avengers are going to show up on screen. Even when they do, how many are going to be the versions I want? Bullseye was on the Netflix show and I won't be surprised to see him again, but ever in a Hawkeye costume? I will be shocked. So I do have Ares that I painted his armor to look more metally. And if Karla appears in the MCU, I don't know that she'll be dressed in a Carol costume.
That said, I'd really consider getting a figure of this to maybe make my own custom MCU Dark Ms Marvel since it may be the closest the movies ever get to that classic Carol suit. New head and add scarf:
Quark is a yes, and earlier 1st app Carol for those who want her. 🙂
No to Quark, yes to FA Carol.
OK… got some catch up today from the weekend and then all the forum nonsense… so here we go:
651 - New Mutants & Demon Bear:
This is like a whole wave plus a BAF but I would absolutely LOVE to get it. Give me training suit Rahne and a full wolf (I’ll repaint a damn Timber if I have to though), Dani, Xian, Bobby in training suit and in full Sunspot mode; and training suit Cannonball that is compatible with the blasting lower half we already have. Make the Demon Bear a BAF - heck, use Ursa Major with a new head and new hands and if you have to. But this is a big, big yes from me.
652 – Mad Dog:
Not gonna lie, this is not a character that means much to me and I don’t much care if he gets made as a Legends figure at all. It looks like the version in the first picture would be SUPER easy to make on a clean base body, some clawed hands from a Sabretooth and a Batman head.
archive 8 – Princess Python:
A resounding yes, please from me. I love the Serpent Society, I love the Circus of Crime. I need Princess Python since she goes with both. It’s not a complicated figure to do, basic female body, a new head and an accessory snake. Please give her ‘a me, Hasbro!
653 – Human Fly:
I would have sworn we already did this guy, but I guess not. This is not a character I care about AT ALL so don’t need him in my collection. But I recognize he would be pretty easy to make from existing parts and tug on some nostalgia strings for oldsters like me – so there’s at least a chance he gets made. If he does I’m sure I’ll buy him, but I don’t really want or need him.
archive 9 - Chemistro:
This one is another big yes from me. I only need one of the versions and I prefer the red costume to the green – but if it’s Archie or Calvin I’m good either way. I would happily add this guy to my shelf though.
654 - Weasel:
I mean… no? I’m a guy who has historically said I’m all in on X related characters but this one is a stretch and I just don’t see a need for it. The non-costumed version is just a dude.. and the costumed versions are…. Well unnecessary for me.
archive 10 - Mesmero:
Enormous thumbs up for this one. Mesmero was the villain in the very first comic I ever read so he holds an outsized place in my heart. I love the character design and want him in figure form in the worst way. He’s on my list of must haves.
655 – Quark:
OMG, this one cracks me up. Such a minor character in the scheme of things, but he got a figure in the Toy Biz X-Force line so that escalates him to must have status. He doesn’t seem particularly complicated to put together with a new head and a couple of overlays… so I’m hoping he gets released eventually.
archive 11 - Ms. Marvel (Danvers and Sofen):
Short answer is yes. Love Carol’s first solo book and that costume is classic – though I prefer the version with the belly covered. I’m not sure one figure with two heads to represent the two different ladies really works since I think Karla is physically bigger than Carol. But if they released the figure with two heads, I’d buy two to display both ways.
Post mini vacation catching up:
Prester John would be a yes. I had the Marvel Two-in-One comic as a kid.
Ancient One maybe on sale.
USO Cap, Star-spangled Singers, and Nitro are all a pass.
Giant Man Raz Malhorta and Moon Girl pass
Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy would be fun. Probably would pick them up.
New Mutants and Demon Bear are a pass.
Mad-Dog pass
Princess Python Yes bring on more Serpent Society please.
Human Fly and Chemistro pass
Weasel and Mesmero pass
Quark and Dark Ms. Marvel pass
!st App Ms. Marvel definite purchase
Yes to classic Mesmero.
Ms Marvel's original costume/Karla Sofen Ms Marvel is so long overdue. I can't believe we haven't gotten that already.
I don't know anything about Quark, but he'd go nicely with Mojo and Longshot, so I'd take him.