Yes to Princess Python! She needs her snake, too.
Enthusiastic yes to both! Princess Python is more essential (and where is Ringmaster?!? Let's get that Circus of Crime going please) but as a longtime classic Defenders fan I'd love to get Mad-Dog in his '80s Batman/Sabretooth supervillain look.
Don't know Mad Dog. Yes to Princess Python.
Yes to Mad Dog as long as it’s his original costumed appearance.
But an enthusiastic and vociferous YES to Princess Python. The Serpent Society and all its members are VERY much desired.
Time to hop back into this thread, glad to see it came back.
Mad Dog - I would consider him in his were-dog(?) look. Though I don't know the character.
Princess Python is a HELL YEAH!!!! Any and all Serpent Society members please.
Unfamiliar with Mad-Dog so I'm likely to pass on him, but I would ABSOLUTELY love to see Princess Python.
We all have to agree to find a good bendy python toy for Princess Python's pet should she ever be released.
I’d be in for Human Fly if he came with a motorcycle. On his own…? Pass.
Chemistro would be a “Yes” for sure, especially in the outfit he wore on Avengers: EMH.
All-in for Human Fly - there's a doc in the works, would be great timing. No need for a motorcycle though - he did all sorts of stunts, motorcycles were only used in a fraction of them.
Probably not on either. But whoa, this forum just got spammed big time!
I want both