I'm a Cap guy, but I don't do MCU, so it would depend on the likeness to Evans. If it is comic book Steve Rogers, I'd buy it. As for Nitro, HECK YES. Long overdue for the ML treatment (not to mention very little new tooling needed).
Nitro would be a good wave filler.
Huge thumbs down on the throw back MCU Captain America... of all the movie figures I don't want, I don't want that one the most - that may be a slight exaggeration, but would definitely skip that without a second thought.
Nitro is a huge yes for me. Super easy figure to do - needs very little tooling at all.
Yes to Nitro
Hot take I’m sure, but I think the USO Cap costume is significantly less dorky than his first Avengers film look. I’d buy one.
Nitro is a must.
Let's see - Cyttorak, Prester John and Nitro - don't think I need any of these. I was looking over my Legends shelves and have too many C and D listers already that are just sort of there already. But happy if others hope to get them.
Ancient One - sure, with Clea and the Mindless Ones on the way, he'd fit in nicely with a small Dr Strange display. Only would need comic Wong at that point...
Colan Dracula - I never read the horror books, and still mostly like the ToyBiz versions as the wash effects work well for the characters, so would consider but don't need it. Modern is a meh.
USO Cap - not sure they could pull off that look in plastic, it works in the film due to the obviously ill-fitting and cheap outfit, but I think in practice would just look like a knock-off Cap.
Sure, for both
I'd definitely buy Raz, DD & both "Moon People".
I broke down and bought the Target exclusive Jurassic World red T-Rex as my stand-in for DD and have the SDCC 3.75" Moon Boy riding him.
I'd pass on all three.
Who? I seriously have no idea who that version of Giant Man is. But if they wanted to do a large modern Giant Man costume and include this as an extra head I wouldn't complain, I guess. Not exactly champing at the bit, for this guy though.
As for Devil Dinosaur, YES - Immediately. I want him NOW. Hoping he's the next $200 price point HasLab and comes with both Moon Boy AND Moon Girl. Let's GO!
No interest in any of them, but it'd be easy enough for Hasbro to make Raz using the old SDCC Exclusive modern costume Giant-Man body with a new head.
Devil Dinosaur and companions, yes.
Don’t know that version of Giant Man, but I think Pym also wore that costume (actually he even had a figure, right?) so looks like a good way to do two heads with the release.
I love classic Kirby monster stuff, so Devil and Moon Boy would be enthusiastic insta-buys. No knock to Moon Girl, but I’m more about prehistoric adventures with Devil than dinosaur-in-the-modern-world stuff, so she’s not much of a priority for me.
Prester John would be a yes.
Yes to both comic and MCU Ancient One.
Nitro is a must-have! He started the Marvel Civil War! Classic powerhouse villain who has fought everybody.
Yes to Devil Dinosaur.