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One A Day: Day #1164 - Muse, plus Donald Pierce

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Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Posted by: @detectivehoag

Posted by: @basil-elks

Should the name actually Ultima Wordman, or is it Woman?

The character’s given name is actually “Ultima Wordman”.  Named by her father, who’s a key component in her stories.


Oh ok, wasn't sure if it was an accidental typo, or not. 🙂 Just checking. 😀


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I'm baaaaccckkkk...

Day #1164 - Muse, plus Donald Pierce (Archive Day #436A)


So, an alteration has been made to One A Day entries: I won't be posting 500 pictures a day anymore. More like maybe between 2-5 per character, depending on significant alternate costumes.

Case in point:

-A character like Stingray who really only has one standout costume - at the very least he'll get 2 pictures of his standard costume. That's it. If there is an alternate universe costume like when Morgan le Fay redesigned everyone, I might post that costume, but probably not.

-Many characters have very distinctive instantly recognizable costumes, while other costumes may have a different color belt or a slightly adorned leotard. I'll be focusing on the more recognizable costumes that are more likely to get made into a figure.

-I'll definitely be more frugal and post more pictures when it comes to characters with a lot of costumes, like Storm, Scarlet Witch and Wasp, but I still won't be posting their entire costume history.

That's where you come in.

From this point on I ask all of you to please post the pictures of the costumes/specific artist versions of costumes you do want in figure form if I didn't.

The reason for this switch? It's just too much. This recent downtime showed me that I've been spending a little too much time on this thread trying to be thorough and clever, and missing some fun time with my family. So, I'm pulling back a little bit.





Donald Pierce


Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1161

Both comic versions would be good. 😀 Oh, and welcome back, @Beamish.

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Posts: 831

I'd 100% buy both of these with no hesitation. 

Welcome back, @Beamish! Thank you to @DetectiveHoag for keeping things going in the interim!

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