I'd buy both, but of the two I'd much rather have Chaos King. I really enjoyed Chaos War.
I'd be okay with Impala in a BAF wave or box set.
I'd get both, I'd really like Impala. 😀
Definite Yes to Impala
pass on Chaos King.
I'd get Impala in a build a car wave along with Mercedes and Alexas 😉
Pass on Chaos King.
I’m inclined to pass on both today. But if Impala came in a BaF wave I wouldn’t say no.
I would like to see Impala, but only because I want to see how the ML team would pull off her javelins on her back. Also because she is sort of Serpent Society adjacent with the Femizons and B.A.D. Girls Inc.
Chaos King/ Amatsu-Mikaboshi would be a pass. Well a maybe on sale/clearance for the Amatsu-Mikaboshi look.
Yes to Hybrid to get a Rom opponent.
Yes to Kane, especially the more heavily robotic looking costumes.
Yes to Iron Heart 3.0. It’s a great looking armor.
Definitely yes to Jack of Hearts!
Yes to Lionheart. She would complete the Avengers Disassembled team.
Yes to Chaos King/Amatsu Mikaboshi.
I don't think Chief Examiner would be anything other than a traffic cone with arms. So I'd pass.
Albert and Elsie Dee would be fun!
I'd buy them all but Albert would be the priority. It's actually kind of shocking that Hasbro hasn't already done him as a version of Wolverine to plug into a wave.
I’ll pass on Chief Examiner.
Albert and Elsie would be a yes. Frankly, I’m surprised we haven’t gotten them yet.
The Chief Examiner would be a maybe on sale/clearance.
No interest in Albert $ Elsie Dee.
I'd get them all. 😀 Classic version of them all. 90s versions of Elsie Dee, and Albert, for sure.