Yes to Hybrid, especially now that we have ROM!
I'm good with the RiRi we have but I wouldn't necessarily say no to a different version. It would depend on the figure.
Absolutely YES to Jack Of Hearts, of course.
Yes to Lionheart too. She was the final new Avengers recruit before Disassembled and I love short-lived members of classic teams. They really represent a specific era on the shelf and give you a sense of the history of the team, especially before EVERYONE was an Avenger or X-Man. Bring on Mimic, Triathlon, Stacy-X, and Gilgamesh!
A hearty “Yes” to Jack of Hearts, Lionheart, and Coldheart.
pass on the rest.
Oh, and I’d like to insert Alpha Flight’s
Yes please!!
As for today's picks.
Pass on Ironheart.
Yes to Jack of Hearts and Lionheart.
Pass on the other hearts.
I'm good on Ironheart, the comic one we have is pretty great.
Yes to Jack of Hearts and Lionheart
A non-transformed Thad Ross would be cool to get. 😀
I'm going to pass on Ross. And truthfully, with the availability of "The General" figure coming up from Fresh Monkey Fiction's Monster Force (who comes with a remarkably Ross-looking head) he's available if I'd really want one.
I'm probably good with Red Hulk as my Ross, but I'd probably buy a Thunderbolt Ross that came with an alternate Glenn Talbot head as well.
I would have said that the dark haired head that comes with that Fresh Monkey Fiction Operation Monster Force The General figure could reasonably be Talbot if it had the mustache. I can't bring myself to pay $37 for what I consider to be a knockoff, anyway. BBTS would likely have to do a 50% off sale on it before I'd buy it, although I've found myself considering it several times.
A classic Ross from the first few pictures would be welcome.
Don't really need anymore Red Hulk variants or MCU looks.
I'm good with my Red Hulk as Ross as well.
No real interest in a regular human Ross.
I’d be okay if Hasbro wanted to give us a “Thunderbolt” Ross. Not sure if whether I’d prefer a dress uniform or military fatigues version, as both have an appeal.
Don’t really need another Red Hulk version.
I bought the Operation Mon Force one to have one of those figures in my collection and that one has a place to go. My Hulk / Defenders shelf.
@derrabbi same here.
I originally thought he was shipping spring 2024. Then, when it got to be early summer and he still wasn't being shipped, I noticed it actually read 2025 and thus proceeded to cry out to the heavens.
But, I'm definitely game for a ML version proper.
Like others have said I bought the Operation Monster Force General figure to use as my General Ross because I think its unlikely Hasbro will make us one. But I definitely wanted the figure in my collection.
I would definitely take a ML General Ross but now I gotta look into this Operation Monster Force figure…