Even though I have very fond memories of that issue of Rom featuring the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants - one of Rogue's first comic appearances - I don't particularly care about Hybrid and am not bothered if we never get a figure.
Kane is one I do need in my Legends collection though. He actually got TWO figures in the Toy Biz 5 inch line - that's a lot for somebody who wasn't a member of one of the core X-teams - and more than many official members of X-Force (poor Boom Boom) ever got. So yes we need him in Legends form please
This honestly wasn't the Hybrid that I was expecting but I'd buy it, a big heck yeah to Garrison Kane though! I'd love to replace my kitbash.
I’d take Hybrid, I’d take Kane if I could have him with shoulder guns and hand cannons though.
Too many to name that I wanted, since I was "offline". But I want all, except for the MCU stuff, and some variants.
Yes to Jack of Hearts. Pass on the rest. Can I pitch Starfox (aka Eros, aka the Knave of Hearts) here too?
I feel like we've got some Iron Heart figures so I don't know how much more Iron Heart I actually need, but I'm sure we'll eventually get another one so hopefully it will be new and different.
As for the other "Hearts"
Huge yes to Jack of Hearts and Lionheart - pass on the other two.
Yep, I'd buy them all. I'm fine with the Ironheart we already have but I'm sure that I'd buy the look that is more unique to her and looks less like Tony's suit.
I've got a comic Riri Williams already, and don't need another.
Full-throated and enthusiastic "YES!" to Jack of Hearts.
I'd also take Lionheart just due to her Captain Britain connection. I'd stand her with my Excalibur line-up I have on display.
A hearty “Yes” to Jack of Hearts, Lionheart, and Coldheart.
pass on the rest.
Oh, and I’d like to insert Alpha Flight’s
I'd get them all, I have a good Ironheart, but the 3.0 costume looks good, too. 🙂
Ironheart's Champions looks plus Jack and Lion for me please!
BIG YES to Jack of Hearts!
I'm not really looking to get a Lionheart figure. But if I saw her in a BAF wave, I'd probably pick her up. I'm partial to characters who looks are based on countries I like.
Pass on the rest of the heart characters.
Hybrid is a cool looking monster, and Rom needs some rogues, so yes to him.
Kane I'd take in his classic look.
Pass on another Iron Heart...I'm happy with the Riri we have in the line.
Jack of Hearts is a HUGE yes, and I REALLY hope we get him soon!!!