Neither of these are pressing wants for me, but if they made them, I’d pick them up.
Pass on both today
I wouldn't say no to them in a box set or BAF wave.
i'd pick them up if I wanted the baf from a wave they were in. Otherwise neither Stratosfire or Sunturion are a big want for me.
Can't say I remember Mysterium... was he the Squadron Supreme universe version of Dr. Strange? If so that's kind of interesting... Nth Man and the other look are a pass though.
Kwannon is one of those that gives me a headache... I sort of like the idea of her as Jim Lee's ninja assassin and Betsy as the purple haired british lady we had pre-Jim Lee, so if ultimately they could separate the two and leave them that way I'd take it. If the Revanche figure could give us something that was a departure from what we already have as Psylocke, I'm sure I'd pick it up.
Stratosfire is not a character I'm dying to get a figure of, but I won't lie, if they made the figure I'd buy it. It's a decent enough look.
Sunturion on the other hand is an Iron Man villain I do want in my Legends collection and would love for Hasbro to get to some day.
I’d be in for both today, but they’re pretty low on the list.
Stratosfire and Sunturion are right in my wheelhouse for Iron Man reading. Hell I have the issue with Sunturion (pictured Iron Man #143) right across from me right now.
So Sunturion is an easy yes. Stratosfire is a not really a want per se, but her look is good enough, plus her connection to Sunturion, which means a yes for me.
In keeping with the Squadron’s Justice League parallel, Mysterium is a Phantom Stranger equivalent. Functionally within the Squadron’s universe he’s the heir to a Sorcerer Supreme, succeeding Prof. Imam.
A more detailed explanation can be found here:
within the Squadron’s universe he’s the heir to a Sorcerer Supreme, succeeding Prof. Imam.
So, while I get the Squadron Supreme were analogs of the Justice League, and thus Mysterium is a direct analog of Phantom Stranger - him being the universe's sorcerer supreme makes him more or less their universe's answer to Dr. Strange. Which makes me interested. But before we got him I'd like to get a few more of the classic Squadron Supreme members - classic Power Princess - with the cowl, not the direct Wonder Woman clone; Whizzer, Black Archer, Skylark, Amphibian...
I’d pick up a Sunturion, it’s a pretty cool look.
Kwannon is one of those that gives me a headache... I sort of like the idea of her as Jim Lee's ninja assassin and Betsy as the purple haired british lady we had pre-Jim Lee, so if ultimately they could separate the two and leave them that way I'd take it. If the Revanche figure could give us something that was a departure from what we already have as Psylocke, I'm sure I'd pick it up.
I'm not sure if you're caught up on the comics, but this is basically where we are now.
I was reading after the Hickman relaunch on Krakoa and knew they had moved in that direction with Betsy as Captain Britain and Kwannon existing and trying to figure out her place in things... but I drifted away and was afraid the temptation would be too strong to bring Psylocke back to where those younger than me found her - in her Jim Lee ass floss, asian for no reason persona.
So... I'll be honest, I might consider buying an MCU Cassandra Nova and just using her as my comic display Cassandra Nova since I don't have much faith they'll make the comic version. The MCU character seems more likely to get a figure, frankly.
And I definitely want a Shard figure in my collection. She is yet another of those characters I have in my toy biz 5 inch collection that Legends has decided to ignore. But Bishop needs his sister guys...
Double passes today.