Pass on Mysterium.
Would probably pick up Kwannon if the look was good. There are so many, not sure what would be a definitive version.
Yes to Kwannon
I'd buy both, but Kwannon would be the one that I'd want most of the two. I've been using the black hair version of Psylocke as a stand-in for her to this point.
A hearty Yes to Mysterium. Any Squadron Supreme character is eagerly welcome.
This, eagerly.
Kwannon is a big ol’ pass from me.
Would take Kwannon as Psylcke; preferably Ultimate. However if there are any other Psylockes Hasbro would be doing, my top pick is Sai.
Yes to Revanche and I wouldn't mind the modern purple/blue masked Kwannon outfit
I didn't realize Marvel Rivals was using Sai. I thought it was Kwannon to simplify the canon.
I'd take Kwannon in her current look from the Wong/Carratu solo series. There's something very '90s about the jumpsuit, pouches, and jacket, but I love it anyway. The book is good, too. Black Widow body with a new upper torso and we're good to go.
I'm a pass on both today.
Don't know Mysterium and Kwannon is not a big priority for me.
I'd be a pass on Avengers Academy, Mysterium and Kwannon.
I'd be a pass on Stratosfire (don't remember her), but would pick up a Sunturion.
I'd buy them all, but none are a priority.
Big miss not going Dr. Bong today, Beamish.
Yes to both, with more emphasis on Sunturion.